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The Benzodiazepine Thread Version 5

Great for anxiety. 2.5mg tab was enough for me one day a while back.

Memory is what bothers me with constant use too.

check out benzobuddies:

"(6) It's been months since I took my last benzo dose and I still feel terrible! Maybe it's not withdrawal. Maybe I'm just sick?

It can be all too easy to get discouraged during withdrawal. Withdrawal is not over with just because you have taken your last dose. Your body needs time to put things right again. The further you move away from your last dose, the closer you get to feeling well again. Given time your symptoms will begin to lessen in intensity, and you will begin to have what are known in benzo circles as "windows". These are periods of time where you will feel very much like your old self. These windows can come and go, but they are a sure sign of good things to come!"

Benzo withdrawal is the source of a myriad of symptoms
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Hey all
I've been prescribed benzos (valium/diazepam and Mogodon/Alodorm) to help manage my Bipolar Disorder for years. All sleep deprivation and anxiety are my biggest triggers I use them only when needed and it means I don't need to take any antidepressents, sodium valproate or any of those awful anti-psychotics (Olanzapine, Serquol just to name a few!).
Any way this never bothered me until a friend told me that some new research has come out linking long term benzo use with the development of Alzheimers disease..?
Is anyone else aware of this? Because if there is any truth to it then I'd really like to know!!
If you know anymore about potential damage caused by long term benzo use please can you share it here?
That would be greatly appreciated
MG xxx
It's been known for a while that heavy, long term benzo use has a negative impact on the brain, although the specifics of what the effect is and how permanent it is are still being debated. You say you use them only when needed, how often is that? If you take them a few times a week in fairly low doses (5 - 10mg), I wouldn't worry, but if you take them daily, especially in higher doses, you might want to look into stepping it down a bit.
Thanks Crankinit
Nah I don't need to take them daily (even though the script says I'm meant to). I usually just take the Mogodon (5mg tablets maybe 1 or 2) if I really can't sleep and the valium if I'm real stressed out/anxious, although I'd probably take 4 or 5 at a time (5mg tablets). Hope that answers yr question. Also I only get one script a month max, and thankfully have never experienced any withdrawals without them :)
30 whats? Alprazolam? Hell no. 30mg of alpraz, geez that's a heafty pill....

Diaz? Would say yes, I would think.....

Again, too busy to check...
It's been known for a while that heavy, long term benzo use has a negative impact on the brain, although the specifics of what the effect is and how permanent it is are still being debated. You say you use them only when needed, how often is that? If you take them a few times a week in fairly low doses (5 - 10mg), I wouldn't worry, but if you take them daily, especially in higher doses, you might want to look into stepping it down a bit.

Possible cancer, ohh... almost remember... dementia... short term memory loss??? I think.
Thanks Crankinit
Nah I don't need to take them daily (even though the script says I'm meant to). I usually just take the Mogodon (5mg tablets maybe 1 or 2) if I really can't sleep and the valium if I'm real stressed out/anxious, although I'd probably take 4 or 5 at a time (5mg tablets). Hope that answers yr question. Also I only get one script a month max, and thankfully have never experienced any withdrawals without them :)

I wouldn't worry about it too much then.

30 whats? Alprazolam? Hell no. 30mg of alpraz, geez that's a heafty pill....

Diaz? Would say yes, I would think.....

Again, too busy to check...

Think he meant temazepam, and I'm pretty sure we don't have a 30mg variety, but it's one of the few benzos I haven't tried.

Anyone tried aplraz blotters

Has me a bit sketch that they're often 1.2-1.3mg or 2.5-2.7 etc.

You could always just dissolve it in alcohol like alpraz powder.
Gday only discovered benzos not that long ago about 10 months ago just dimazapan/tramazapan/zanex! And bout a month ago i was given seraqual had a quick look on the net to make sure i was would wake up after taking it! Just wanted a few opions on seraqual and is it part of the benzo family
Gday only discovered benzos not that long ago about 10 months ago just dimazapan/tramazapan/zanex! And bout a month ago i was given seraqual had a quick look on the net to make sure i was would wake up after taking it! Just wanted a few opions on seraqual and is it part of the benzo family

No, seroquel is an anti-psychotic, although it's widely prescribed off label for sleep (which is pretty horrible, considering how potent a drug it is and the side effects it can induce). It has zero recreational value, just zombifies you and knocks you out.
No, seroquel is an anti-psychotic, although it's widely prescribed off label for sleep (which is pretty horrible, considering how potent a drug it is and the side effects it can induce). It has zero recreational value, just zombifies you and knocks you out.

I'll second that, it's great for sleepies but nothing else.
ok cool but when i take dimazapan/tramazapan/zanex its only after a big nite/weekend and need to sleep! the seroqual keep me asleep alot longer sometimes to long is this 1 of the side affects you mean Crankinit or what else should i worried about
ok cool but when i take dimazapan/tramazapan/zanex its only after a big nite/weekend and need to sleep! the seroqual keep me asleep alot longer sometimes to long is this 1 of the side affects you mean Crankinit or what else should i worried about

Yeah it's a very long lasting medication (12 - 16 hours iirc), especially compared to the others you mention (xanax is 2 - 3 hours, Diazepam is 4 - 5, Temazepam I've never taken, so I'm not sure).

If you're just taking it to sleep after a big night and with a reasonable dose, you should be fine, just don't mix it with the benzos (and don't mix them with eachother). Pick one sleep med at a time - mixing downers is how people OD. Most of the scarier side effects are in people who take it daily/nightly, and in high doses.
cheers crankinit that helps heaps as i normally always have 100mg seroquel and a mix of those benzos so ill stick to the one thats suits how long i need to sleep for going of your timeline
Quentiapine aka seroquel... False positive drug screening: Examples of specific medications with false-positive reports are listed in Table 1 and included brompheniramine,[6,7] bupropion,[8,9] chlorpromazine,[10,11] clomipramine,[10] dextromethorphan,[12–14] diphenhydramine,[11,15] doxylamine,[16] ibuprofen,[14] naproxen,[4] promethazine,[17] quetiapine,[5,18,19] quinolones[1,3] (ofloxacin[20] and gatifloxacin[21]), ranitidine,[22,23] sertraline,[24,25] thioridazine,[10] trazodone,[26] venlafaxine,[27–29] verapamil,[2] and a nonprescription nasal inhaler.[30]

American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
Commonly Prescribed Medications and Potential False-positive Urine Drug Screens
Nancy C. Brahm, Lynn L. Yeager, Mark D. Fox, Kevin C. Farmer, Tony A. PalmerDisclosures
Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2010;67(16):1344-1350.

Risks: metabolic side-effects, tardive dyskinesia and sudden cardiac death.

General over view: stay away from Quentipine if at all possible. Small doses taken infrequently should not be to much of an issue but a medication/drug I'd avoid.
...Temazepam I've never taken, so I'm not sure).

Man I find temazepam so heavy and sleepy. I remember when i was eating 2mg alpraz bars like skittles i'd still only need 30 - 40mg of temaz and i'd be out like a light. I'm surprised it's one of the few you haven't tried it seems the most prescribed here.