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Benzos The Benzodiazepine MEGA THREAD - Direct Benzo Questions Here

that's because benzos aren't completely interchangeable. you may experience some discomfort switching from xanax to valium as they affect the gaba receptors in different ways, even if slightly. This is why some people and Drs recommend switching over slowly when changing benzos ie. 3mg xanax 60mg valium at first and keep upping one and lowering the other until you are switched.

non-addictive? not really, valerian root? hardly effective though. Kava kava maybe. There's also phenibut but it's addictive, kratom as well but addictive again. Gabapentin worked okay for me for anxiety but it's also addictive. Some of these substances are less addictive than benzos and some have worse withdrawals.

It depends on what you're looking for. I was reading some studies on etizolam and it sounds very promising as an anxiolytic. I've been taking it for a few weeks and it works quite well as an anxiolytic and hypnotic. I was reading it was less likely to produce a harsh withdrawal and had less cognitive defects. As well it shows a reverse tolerance after 2-4 weeks where the same dose becomes more effective and even acts as an anti-depressant. I can't remember where i was reading this but i'm sure i can dig up the studies if anyone is interested. There's also been a reliable source posted on BL somewhere stating that benzos in particular can maintain their efficacy for the long term if not abused. I imagine the same would apply to etizolam and other gabaergics.

Yeah I know enough about benzos..more than the doc that prescribes me and other docs i've talked to about them.
Valerian, tried..Kava bought it but it wasn't legit so never bothered trying anywhere else for it..figured i'd just keep getting ripped off. Phenibut worked slightly but only in higher doses & ended up throwing up the crap after a few hours or so because of the large amount i took i'm guessing. Etizolam ordered twice from different places but didn't have much effect, need large dose with etiz..
i find 1mg of etiz to be about the same as 10mg of diazepam, maybe slightly less sedating though. It's actually quite potent and strong by my standards, though i can run through 250mg really quick if i end up abusing it. I hear the kava needs to be really fresh, same with valerian to have a real effect. I've found very little that really helps my anxiety other than opiates/benzos, kratom in particular works well for social anxiety. Of all things a low dose benzo + kratom is the most productive and effective treatment IME, in terms of medication anyway. I think dealing with the underlying issues and leading a healthy lifestyle are also just as important.

to poster above, i find clonazepam to help my productivity as well, it's really not a whole lot different than phenazepam, except that phenazepam will put you in a black out easier and you have to be super careful that it doesn't build up in your system over a bunch of days. I would black out after a few days of using it because of this, so definitely do not redose with it and keep in mind the monstrous half life it has.
I caution you against using kratom. It works as opiates do, and is perhaps a little more benign, but opiates are not accepted by psychiatry. The only sure-fire way to get prescribed an opiate/oid (of course), but i'll just say "ates" from now on) for psychiatric use is to already have an opiate addiction. Its a lot more safe (generally) to have a psychiatrist monitor your meds than to self-medicate (which is what you would have to do if you go the kratom-route for the reason just elaborated). Self-medication is the route to addiction and failure by-and-large. Notwithstanding the large monetary cost that using kratom will incur.

Until opiates find their way back to psychiatry, your best bet is seeing a professional. Benzodiazepines aren't given out so freely as one might think (and outside of America only rarely). Hell, just say you want an SSRI; there should be no problem with that seeing as they're very "light" substances with a usually profound effect which lasts (though the first few weeks might be the "best").
^thanks robo! i still havent redosed but i do feel it pretty solid, like its not going anywhere, just sitting. i eyeballed my dose, just got the poweder off my thumb and finger from opening it. i would guess 1-2mg at most. next time im going to try a little higher of a dose, but i will take your advice and not redose tonight, or even in the next day or two. i DO feel the productive feeling i was hoping for. valium just makes me lazy. thanks mate! - aphex
shit man dont eyeball your doses lol. 1-2mg is smaller than you would think. I blacked out for weeks from doing something similar. Dissolve your p-pam in alcohol or proplyene glycol and dose it out in liquid. That is the only safe way to do it, and even then you can end up blacking out for long periods of time.

I got this tip from a different forum but there are these things in grocery stores made by clubhouse. Mint and peppermint extract, come in small bottles which contain ethanol and proplyene glycol which are perfect if you can't get everclear, don't want to use ISO and can't get propylene glycol. I have some etizolam sitting in it right now and it works.
Lol i hear ya man, im really trying to make a solution. i gotta run to the grocery store sometime today anyhow, ill ask if they carry those. probably be on the isle with the baked goods if they have them. i just want to mix up 100mg at a time, make small batches. i only plan on using it like 1x or 2x a week at most. thanks for the advice!
Xanax is stronger than valium but I'm not sure it's as nice recreationally. More just made for getting a good sleep after stimulants.

From what I've tried diazepam is the best one for chilling on. Temazepam is not bad either. Few of either and a couple of beers is pretty great ;)
Anyone had Lyrica? It's not a benzo but people say it's good for anxiety. Is it anything like a benzo?
Here's the major info that worked for me and I'm a HEAVY user of the 2 mg bars. The only option I had in desperation was to get the Xanax 2 mg time released. Like I said I'm a HEAVY user so I tried first chewing it (not recommended). But then I came across a post that talked about parachuting (read about it it's earlier in this forum). As for that I parachuted 8 or 9 2mg Xanax xr and NOTHING happened. But then I read another post that said to use 'simply grapefruit juice' 20 min be for u parachute. I did this and took 3 parachutes at a time (remember 2ml Xanax xr). After and hour this hit me like a regular Xanax but took less. I was having to eat 10 to 15 2 ml bars every half hr to knock me on my ass. But this parachuting and grapefruit juice 20 min before helped. Thanks everyone !!!
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I prefer the IR over anything. Although going through a month script in a time span of 4 days the first time i ever was introduced to xanax was a horrible idea. Benzo withdrawal i something no one should ever have to go through. Scary ass shit.
please help ,I am 20 yrs on benzos,and I am 58yrs old.
I am on 4mgs ativan and 5mgs valium.And in trouble.
I know about the benzo groups and ashton,but I think i am in tolerance withdrawl.
I recently stopped lyrica and gabapentin.
I want off benzos but fear I will not get there due to long term use.
I at least need to cross to a loger acting one.Ativan is causing hyperventilation and so many problems.
ashotn gives you a crossover that takes 7weeks or so ,I think i need it faster than that.
do I need to be hospitalized to do this/
or can I cross faster?
I am in a lot of trouble and my dr just doesnt even know.
a 3yr lyrica use kept my tolerance in check but now I am off those.and dont want back on.
any ideas? how to cross faster to avoid the interdose anxiety of ativan and dont want to increase the ativan.
Please please give me some ideas.
thank you
please help ,I am 20 yrs on benzos,and I am 58yrs old.
I am on 4mgs ativan and 5mgs valium.And in trouble.
I know about the benzo groups and ashton,but I think i am in tolerance withdrawl.
I recently stopped lyrica and gabapentin.
I want off benzos but fear I will not get there due to long term use.
I at least need to cross to a loger acting one.Ativan is causing hyperventilation and so many problems.
ashotn gives you a crossover that takes 7weeks or so ,I think i need it faster than that.
do I need to be hospitalized to do this/
or can I cross faster?
I am in a lot of trouble and my dr just doesnt even know.
a 3yr lyrica use kept my tolerance in check but now I am off those.and dont want back on.
any ideas? how to cross faster to avoid the interdose anxiety of ativan and dont want to increase the ativan.
Please please give me some ideas.
thank you

First off, if you recently quit Gabapentin/Lyrica, then you are likely already experiencing withdrawal from those drugs. I would strongly suggest that you wait until you have finished your withdrawal of Lyrica before beginning your benzo taper. I would NOT recommend trying a faster taper because of your 20 years of tolerance. It will likely be a very bad experience if you try to speed it up; if anything you may consider an even slower taper.

The good news is that your dose isn't too high, so you should be able to withdrawal with minimal discomfort if you go slow enough.

Here are some things that helped me reduce my daily dose with relative ease:
1) Take your time with the taper! If you notice that you are experiencing a bad rebound, then take more Ativan. You want to push yourself a little, but you don't want to hurt yourself!
2) Let the loved ones in your life know what you will be going through and ask for support.
3) Exercise and diet. Now more then ever, you will feel these things!
4) Lysine & magnesium (chelate) supplements will help relax your body and ease the anxiety a bit. These are all natural and not dangerous.
5) Try to reduce the dose you need the least first. So if you use Ativan for nighttime anxiety/sleep, then lower the day time dose first. If you use Ativan for social anxiety primarily, then decrease your night dose first.
6) During the withdrawal try to create a very safe and unstimulating environment in your life. You don't want to shock your system with unnecessary stress during this process. This is particularly important for the days you decrease your dose. Don't try to stick to a strict taper if life throws you a curve ball! Choose to reduce your dose on the days when you have fewer responsibilities (weekend?).
7) DON'T DRINK!!! Drinking really will make it all worse!

Good luck!!!
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I don't consider myself to be s benzo user of a high tolerance - i take between 10 & 30mg of Temazepam (not every night) & when taking Diazepam often take between 5 & 20mg, 30 at a time maximum & i have a rule to never exceed 40mg of Diazepam in a day.

With that said i was surprised today when having an an endoscopy that 5mg of i.v Midazolam felt like virtually nothing at all. I literally felt nothing come over me after the Doc shot me with the 5mg.

However once i got home i felt pretty knackered & thought i'd have a lye down & was nicely asleep for 2 hours | ) So i guess its a decent hypnotic but i experienced none of the purported amnesia.
Hey I'm a huge benzo fan for the last 7 years. Usually the 1mg hocky sticks or. 5 footballs. At one point I was taking. 5 a day until my long time connect flaked out on me. Now I have been on this forced taper from hell and down to only. 25 a day. Feeling horrible already and wild emotional psycotic thoughts. Not to mention night terrors. Its amazing how such a small dosage can cause these symptoms but I was taking very consitant for many years I guess it builds up in system. I was wondering if anyone has tried using suboxone to help with xan withdrawl? I really looking for a reliable xan connect to be honest and put these horrors behind me so I can work again. No sourcing allowed
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Can't ask for sources on here man. In addition, IMO it wouldn't be a great idea to order shit like that online either. Also, I'm not aware if subs would help with benzo wds but maybe someone else could give you a more accurate explanation.
Woh is this a fed website why so uber anal and tight ass mods? Go figure a website rejoicing in slamming every drug possible but no soucing, look out for sourcerers and scary peoples source codes. If you mention a website how is that sourcing? This is a forum right. Fucouttahere
Woh is this a fed website why so uber anal and tight ass mods? Go figure a website rejoicing in slamming every drug possible but no soucing, look out for sourcerers and scary peoples source codes. If you mention a website how is that sourcing? This is a forum right. Fucouttahere

Thanks for your valued contributions so far. Yes the Feds are watching and have admitted to watching listening and recording since the patriot act. As clearly stated in the Bluelight user agreement, this forum is frequented by law enforcement. There is no sourcing of any kind and is a bannable offense, we are here to reduce harm, not help people get high, get drugs, meet dealers, etc.

That attitude of yours about mods in general will get you nowhere. I would have been happy to help explain to you why the rules are the way they are, but bridges burn when you blame the staff for your not knowing the rules.
You guys are too paranoid. The gov dont give a crap about low level adicts trying to score personal stash. Hell they dont care even if you sell as long as you stay under a certain level. I've been doing this for 25 years so have more experience than most. What bridge did I burn exactly and why are you soo sensative? Cant even imagine the drug combo it takes to get someone interested in modding a websites content blow by blow every day. Do your thing but dont forget that free speech is stronger than any drug you slamming.

modnote: Attention feds, I tried to tell 'em!
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You guys are too paranoid. The gov dont give a crap about low level adicts trying to score personal stash. Hell they dont care even if you sell as long as you stay under a certain level. I've been doing this for 25 years so have more experience than most. What bridge did I burn exactly and why are you soo sensative? Cant even imagine the drug combo it takes to get someone interested in modding a websites content blow by blow every day. Do your thing but dont forget that free speech is stronger than any drug you slamming.

You're wrong.. the government most certainly cares about drug user and dealers at all levels, testified by the fact our jails and prisons are filled with small/first time offenders. Members of this site have been raided before and arrested... so it's up to everyone personally what they post and how they do or don't incriminate themselves.

If we allowed sourcing here, the site would get shut down in a minute. That's not paranoia. That's a fact.

And the only time we edit anybodies post is when they blatantly break the rules, like you did. We don't have many rules... but the ones we do have are there for a reason and were born out of a lot of discussion and thought.