Social The All New/Past Due ONE WORD thread vs keep it simple

^ lol :)

Stressed.... I keep telling myself the day is in my hands... I have the power to make it good or bad. After all it's just a day. Nothing particularly bad about it. It's all in my head after all...
Worthy and redeemed.

A sermon really helped me. The pastor was saying how people think God will only approve of them if they perform perfectly, not true. God approves us now, faults and all:

"One of the worst mistakes you can make is to go through life being against yourself. Turn off that negative recording. Start thinking about what is RIGHT with you! You're a work in progress. Put your foot down and say 'I'm done being against myself!' You're not defective, God calls you a MASTERPIECE! God approves you. Start approving yourself. The enemy wants you to go through life feeling wrong about yourself, don't fall into that trap. You have enough to overcome in life as it is, don't go around against yourself. Quit taking inventory of everything you don't like about yourself. Start acknowledging the GOOD! Feel good about who you are. You may not be where you want to be, but you're on the way! God is still molding you. It's not going to change overnight. In the meantime, be at peace and love yourself. Feel good about yourself right where you are."

This took a weight off of my shoulders. <3
Feeling in my head today, not sure where it's coming from.

I confronted the man who raped my mother at ten and now he is dead. Every time I see Donald Trump, I think of him. A sad, pathetic man who spent his life trying to prop himself up and I knocked that fucker down - not fun but it had to be done, as everyone else felt intimidated by him. Good luck on your way man; we turn to shit (someof us aknowledge it and some of us think we are superior) - glad I helped you realise that you were very little but shit all along, while you were conscious. ;)
I'm sorry for that Asclepius. I also see Trump exactly as you describe him. And I believe he has done it as well. :\