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The 3-FPM Discussion Thread V2. Fumes of Fiend Fuel

Good meth leaves no residue lol. If by residue you mean the burnt shit or bits which won't run I would imagine it's probably at least not very good for you, but I don't know much about this drug. FUBAR or Sprout will know I'm sure.
I think he means the recondensation you get in the stem of an ice pipe which is definitely very smokable. This happens with all meth in my experience the better the meth the more recondensation you get in the stem.
yea sorry to reitorrate, i didn't mean the residue left on the foil, but the vapour that recondensates.. So even though the recondensated crystals go a funky brown colour and taste kinda off when you run it on foil. If u wana get high, then it's worth it, or even more worth it as some meth smokers say?
I tend to vape 250-300mgs in a space of a few minutes. For a feeling of blissfully, brain emptying, slightly orgasmic, hurt me more. Feelings (I've just stuck half gram on some foil me hope to get it vaped up within a matter of minutes.) I'll update straight away. It's also been my 3rd day without sleep and feel pretty great to be honest.

i haven't once though that the recondensate left inside the tooter is very good either, and I've become quite a dab hand at vapouring this substance, but that might be just a characteristic of 3-FPM

just trawling the Internet like you do, and I come across the disorder I know and practise daily, and have put up with it for such a

long time. It's called Obessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and very recent research shows that people with OCD all have enhanced dopamine amounts and better nueronal pathways to release larger amounts of dopamine, than that of people without the condition. So my question was to try and gain some extra knowledge on this, as well as, if it could indeed produce these intense rushes I get from vaping it like I do.

I've also had Trichotillomania start from a young age of around 13, and remember having very bald patches. I still have this condition, however I am able to keep it to the areas of the body and out of site. Such as my upper torso, but one place I just cannot help to get that satisfaction of finding that just one great hair always happens to be on my facia hair.


cloudstrife, we aint spoken before but man.. your usage of this substance is quite worrying, even the biggest 3f degenerates here wouldnt vape that much THAT quickly, afaik sprout uses 50.. yes 50 not 500mg at once, i feel you're fucking yourself up majorly here, multi day benders without food n sleep are only gunna end in misery, please be safe dude!
Thank you so much with regards to my usage. Such a high level of empathy toward others, as well as without any sort of gaining something from the affected party shows a great and highly developed sense of understanding that many Human's on this planet just aren't capable to understand. Thanks again.

i finished the 500mg. It's no better than 250, so I'll stick to that amount, just less often.

Thank you so much with regards to my usage. Such a high level of empathy toward others, as well as without any sort of gaining something from the affected party shows a great and highly developed sense of understanding that many Human's on this planet just aren't capable to understand. Thanks again.

i finished the 500mg. It's no better than 250, so I'll stick to that amount, just less often.


nice to meet you Matt, I'm Chris, I really do worry bout the fellow posters here, i've been here like 5 yrs now n lost a lot of ppl I would consider friends and dread to think it will happen again, so when I see someone whose usage is beyond the norm I will call them out on it, The last thing I wanna see is you joining the shrine :|

god forbid! just reign it in dude, enjoy by all means but don't do days on end without any food, it's only gunna end badly <3
BCF's right fella'.
Take it from me, it bites you on the arse just as much as any other stim, it just does it in a rather insidious way.
It's unique in both effect profile and the after effects, IME the first few days without when you expect to feel shite are smooth sailing. It's about a week in that it hits, complete anhedonic lethargy with clear cognitive disturbance: short-term memory is just fucked, like majorly fucked, for a fortnight or so.
I don't really know how far its impact on my emotional state can be extended to others, on account of being legit fucking mental/BP1/Schizoaffective, but my moods were highly erratic and I couldn't read a newspaper without crying for a while.
Watch yourself, Sir Strife, EADD needs you! <3
wow, I'm glad I read those responses.. I've always been a silent lurker on here, because, well i've never had drug problem on an RC, until 3-fpm
I've been vaping this for about 2 months straight, and my tolerence is up on saturn. perhaps not to the extent of cloudstrife's, but i'll puff through 6g's in a week.
it doesn't even get me high like it used to, unless i'm huffi and puffin on it for hours .. it's obvious to me now how high my tolerence is now, so i'm not really sure why i didn't increased each dose accordingly no wonder it wasn't having an effect anymore! ..
I'm about ready to get it out of my life, because of the lack of effects, i don't see the point, however i'm now tempted up my dose to actually meet my requirements, chuck on 300mg and puff that up and actually get a hit.

(but the fact that i'm ready to put it behind me, take bigger doses and starting to enjoy it again would be very counterproductive)
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haha bacofoil faraday cage

nobody stays awake continuously for 18days. unconcious periodic powernaps
tho theyll deny it
When I had the flu on top of a 3fpm 'comedown' the other week, I was waking up in the night absolutely drenched in sweat. I googled 'night sweats', and this appeared: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Endocarditis/Pages/Symptoms.aspx I had pretty much all the symptoms described. I was pretty sure I was going to die - but I haven't, yet...

Did it make you consider a healthier approach to life, even for a second? Shit like that usually puts me off for a week or two at least.
Did it make you consider a healthier approach to life, even for a second? Shit like that usually puts me off for a week or two at least.

Well, I didn't smoke any cigs for a week or take any drugs for a fortnight. The main lesson learned is 'never Google your symptoms' - it leads to hypochondria... ;)
I don't usually do it when high ever. Seems inevitable that would end in paranoia. Bit different if it's something you have sober for a couple of months.
I don't usually do it when high ever. Seems inevitable that would end in paranoia. Bit different if it's something you have sober for a couple of months.

Ah, despite how it looks I wasn't having a dig at you there Sid. I was just saying that self diagnosis from t'interwebz can be a bit worrying (though judging by my experience with some GPs, probably more accurate sometimes).
I didn't actually think you were as far as I'm concerned we're all good :) it's just at that back of my mind is why I mentioned it.

Googling stuff on stims is definitely a bad mood. One of mates was forever doing it for all sorts of psychosis related stuff, on the back of what I'd say initially was quite minor paranoid antics. Soon became a self fulfilling prophecy and the tiniest dose would send him doolalley. I've seen similar on here with folks when PV was legal.
Seriously kids, taking 3fpm WILL turn you into a degenerate pervert who fantasises about catching MILFs (molluscs i'd like to fuck) in your fishnets....
The only drug that springs to mind as made for the sake of being a safer alternative to a street drug is MXE, which according to wiki was actually invented for grey market distribution, with the specific goal of being less damaging to the urinary system than K is. In general though, the approach to RCs is to find whatever minimal modification to a current drug makes it able to skate past the current state of the law, with a secondary consideration to making sure it actually works. Indeed, most RCs are less effective than the street drugs they're knocking off, with the notable exception of the NBOMe's, although as a tangent, they are horribly less safe than LSD, which alongside weed is probably one of the safest drugs around in terms of therapeutic index.

I'd definitely side with consumer here, greed is the motivator, not any sort of utopian view towards creating safer drugs. I believe NZ did have a proposed law at some point to allow legalised NPS's after their safety was proved in a proper clinical trial, but IIRC that didn't make it through parliament.

In a similar vein: the Fluorophenylmorpholines do not, by all accounts so far, have a TI anything like Phenmetrazine did. The TI value of Phenmetrazine was one of the major reasons it was completely removed while Amphetamines remained on the market, even though they are demonstrably more toxic.
Interesting about MXE too. I never knew that but not being a fan of K i have not read much about it.

I'm chasing down the wiki references on that currently, since one of the citations points at Vice, and the other is a paywalled journal article. Looks like I don't have access from my uni, either : /
The recent analytical data has me thinking quite often about how each compound acts individually. Any carry-over from Amp SAR (we don't even have a recognised PM SAR.... ) would be intriguing as 2/3/4-F(M)A are vastly differing drugs with their own uses, drawbacks, target sites, releasing potential, dose and toxicity.
It really would explain oh so very much of the variability: the "clean" batches being analogous to 2-FA, the DA punching 3-FPM akin to 3-FA and the empathogenic, SERT-suggestive, slightly visual 4-FPM taking the place of 4-FA. A well rationed dose of the three homologues may be responsible for those mythical and Meth-like batches.