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The 2015/2016 NFL Thread v. yfw da jest win da superb owl

^ yeah, i wonder.

the patriots have a great offence but when brady gets hurried or sacked, it all falls apart fast. bad o-line plus killer denver pass rush = brady getting hit about 25 times in the afc game...

panthers o-line has been great and i think that the panthers offence is more versatile and they'll find a way to adapt. the panthers played some pretty good defences this year and look what happened:

seattle they won 27-23
green bay they won 37-29
washington they won 44-16
atlanta they won 38-0
atlanta they lost 13-20
seattle they won 31-24
arizona they won 49-15

arizona's defense is legit. and they dismantled them.

fucking lol @ $20,000 payout on a $100 bet for the browns. still not a very safe bet.

that's ridiculous imo. the next team with least chance of winning the superbowl is the 49ers at $7,500. Browns should actually improve next year getting josh gordon back (although chance he could fuck up again), getting rid of manziel, some defensive pieces, worthy new coach, #2 pick in the draft. now all that said, no way theyre gonna win the superbowl, but they shouldnt be that massive of an underdog when compared to the other shitty teams. i actually really like the sound of their offense if it's mccown throwing to gordon and barnidge.

and betting on any team to win the superbowl is a shitty bet unless it's your fav team :)
^ yeah, i wonder.

the patriots have a great offence but when brady gets hurried or sacked, it all falls apart fast. bad o-line plus killer denver pass rush = brady getting hit about 25 times in the afc game...

panthers o-line has been great and i think that the panthers offence is more versatile and they'll find a way to adapt. the panthers played some pretty good defences this year and look what happened:

seattle they won 27-23
green bay they won 37-29
washington they won 44-16
atlanta they won 38-0
atlanta they lost 13-20
seattle they won 31-24
arizona they won 49-15

arizona's defense is legit. and they dismantled them.


falcons a good defense? idk where they ended up stat wise, but their defense played pretty bad. the entire nfc south had by far the easiest schedule this year, and falcons even got to play 6 backup QBs lol. and last in the league in sacks with 19. (JJ Watt got 17.5)

i really dont know how they managed to shut down panthers offense. falcons were able to get pressure on cam newton and they couldnt get up the field all game.

i did see some improvement with dan quinn as coach but we really cant be a good defense until we get a pass rush. falcons CB robert alford was terrible last year then dan quinn comes this year and alford played great. kinda like Byron Maxwell seahawks #2 CB who got a big contract to go to the eagles and now he plays like shit.
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i really dont know how this superbowl is gonna go. It's gonna be whoever plays their kinda game. high scoring will go to panthers and low scoring it's gonna go to broncos. denver has been in so many low scoring tight games that they seem to win every single time. imo their defense when healthy is the best of all time. I almost feel like wade phillips should win coach of the year as a d coordinator.
Lol this is dumb the fix is clearly in

How is that not a catch by cotchery?
congrats to Jammin and Jah! winning a SB is truly one of the best feels in the world

I was rooting for Manning, and it seems like out of all my co-workers and IRL friends I was the only one that took Broncos, and having them more than cover. we saw how capable their D has been all Playoffs long... they have perhaps the best Front 7 in the past decade. and their corners/safeties are also nearly perfect

perhaps I was rooting the most for a defensive player to win SB MVP. I didn't check the post-game report, but didn't Von Miller win SB MVP? that alone makes me ecstatic! you never see that anymore

crazy to think how my Pittsburgh Steelers gave the Broncos their toughest game all post-season long (solely because we were winning 3 and 1/2 quarters). I hate playing the shoulda/coulda game, but if only the Cincinasti Bungles didn't merk half of our Pro Bowlers in the Wild-Card round... :|
Lol this is dumb the fix is clearly in

How is that not a catch by cotchery?

That was the first horrific call of the night. I understand getting it wrong on the field, but how the fuck do you still get it wrong after going back and looking? Coach had to burn both his challenges way too early on that play and the fumble/incomplete pass call that was also obvious. That really kind of set the tone for the game overall.

That being said, we had plenty of opportunities to get back in the game. Denvers defense was just too good, and they seemed to be more comfortable in the spotlight.

What pisses me off is not so much losing the super bowl but the inevitable onslaught of media commentary on the Panthers. How the 17-2 season was a fluke, how Cam didn't deserve mvp, how he choked then sulked on the sideline, etc. All bullshit of course, but whatever. All the bandwagon fans will go on back to their normal lives now. At least thats a small consolation.

But congrats to all the decent broncos fans.
I am glad manning won. I am also glad I I ended up not betting on the game.
I think saying they got smashed is a little bit of an exaggeration. It was a close game pretty much the entire way through. The panthers defense showed up. Its just denvers was better. Peyton manning had one of the worst performances of any winning qb at a superbowl. They definitely deserved to win but its not like it was a master class or anything.

And yeah, I was shocked when cam didnt try to recover the ball. I think his first instinct was to not risk injury, but in the fourth quarter of the superbowl , what do you have to lose?
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This article gave me a raging hard on.

The Carolina Panthers’ star QB has come under fire for walking out of a press
conference. It’s yet another frustrating example of the double standards applied to
black sports stars.

For an entire week, Carolina Panthers star Cam Newton, the league MVP, the most
physically gifted quarterback in the history of professional football, was pestered with
questions about his blackness—from the lopsided level of criticism he receives for it (e.g.
why his innocuous endzone dances are on the receiving end of more media vitriol than,
say, Ben Roethlisberger’s numerous sexual assault allegations), to the stigma placed on
mobile black QBs.

“It’s not an issue,” Newton told a particularly implacable reporter of the mobile black QB
stereotype. “It’s an issue for you.”

Given that Russell Wilson, a black QB with live legs, had won it all three years prior, this
line of questioning was purely meant to provoke a reaction from Newton—to instigate a
rant on race; to feed the tired Any Given Sunday narrative of “Steamin’” Willie Beamen
vs. Jack “Cap” Rooney, the arrogant black stud pitted against the noble, grizzled white vet.
He didn’t take the bait, instead turning the question back on the media for perpetuating
these racially charged plot lines.

After his team lost the Super Bowl to the Peyton Manning led Denver Broncos, with
Newton delivering his worst performance of the season, the 26 year old once again found
himself in the media’s crosshairs. After being asked the same question over and over
again about his perceived lack of preparedness, a visibly dejected Newton walked out of
the postgame presser. And the press and public had a field day, with everyone from racist
expros to Brat Packers condemning him for it, while in the same breath lauding Manning
as a paragon of integrity. Fox Sports, the trolliest of the trollhards, even labeled Newton
“The Donald Trump of the NFL.”

While Newton expressed his understandable frustration at the biggest disappointment of
his professional career, Manning the Virtuous, who’s never met a product plug he didn’t
want to plunge directly into his anus, celebrated his careercapping victory by a)
embracing Papa John’s founder John Schnatter, and b) shilling for Budweiser by giddily
proclaiming, “I’m going to drink a lot of Budweiser tonight, Tracy, I promise you that.”
For the record, Manning owns a stake in two AnheuserBusch distributors in his home
state of Louisiana, as well as 21 Papa Johns pizzerias in Colorado. So, during the most
ecstatic moment of his career, Manning took it upon himself to plug his businesses.
If that weren’t enough, Manning, for whatever reason, chose to blow off his team’s fourhour
Super Bowl victory party at the Santa Clara Marriott, featuring a performance by Flo
Rida. Cam Newton blew off the media; Peyton Manning blew off his teammates and Flo
Rida. But all the criticism post Super Bowl 50 has been directed at Newton.

Then again, it’s been that way his entire career—and Manning’s.
There is one giant blemish on Newton’s record: the laptop incident. In 2008, while a
sophomore at the University of Florida, he stole a fellow student’s laptop. The charges
were dropped after he completed a pre trial intervention program, but, facing expulsion,
he was forced to transfer first to Blinn College—a community college in Brenham, Texas—
and then Auburn. He paid a heavy toll for his mistake, a crime born of educational
necessity, with the media both excoriating him for it and ridiculing the details. Yet
Newton’s legion of detractors still invoke #laptopgate every so often, plastering his
mugshot across social media.

Ever since that unfortunate incident, Newton’s been a stalwart citizen, handing out game
balls to overthemoon kids in the stands and flashing that big, everpresent smile. The
guy is so damn positive he was seen smiling after flipping his truck a halfdozen times in a
freak auto accident in 2014. Newton broke his back in two places yet it took him just 12
days to fully recover.

And if you want to talk double standards, when Newton was drafted No. 1 overall by the
Carolina Panthers, team owner Jerry Richardson demanded that his star rookie remain
cleancut—no growing his hair out or getting tattoos. But weeks earlier, the Panthers
signed the white tight end Jeremy Shockey, who had long blond hair and arms covered in

Peyton Manning never needed to steal a laptop, of course. He’s the son of NFL
quarterback Archie Manning, and has led a pretty blessed life. While he was at the
University of Tennessee, however, Manning was accused of sexually harassing a team
trainer, Jamie Ann Naughright.

According to an excerpt from the university’s investigative report, Naughright was
treating Manning’s foot when he began “asking me several personal questions” including
if she “hang(s) out with people she works with.” When she didn’t entertain them, he
allegedly exposed himself to her. “It was the gluteus maximus, the rectum, the testicles
and the area in between the testicles. And all that was on my face when I pushed him
up,” Naughright later said in a court deposition. “To get leverage, I took my head out to
push him up and off.”

Archie intervened on his son’s behalf, and Peyton’s punishment was a twoweek athletic
dining hall ban and two weeks of 6 a.m. running sessions. Then, to add insult to injury,
Manning labeled her a “vulgar woman” in the book he cowrote with Archie, Manning: A
Father, His Sons, and a Football Legacy. Calling his actions “inappropriate,” he
nonetheless blamed it on, as our Robert Silverman put it, “the destruction of maleonly

“Never mind that women in the men’s locker room is one of the most misbegotten
concessions to equal rights ever made,” Manning wrote. “When Dad played, there was
still at least a tacit acknowledgment that women and men are two different sexes, with all
that implies, and a certain amount of decorum had to be maintained. Meaning when it
came to training rooms and shower stalls, the opposite sex was not allowed. Common
sense tells you why.”

Naughright filed a defamation suit against Manning in 2002 because of the book, and the
two settled for an undisclosed sum in 2003. But the incidents, which are far worse than
those of Newton, haven’t followed Manning in the same way. Part of this is the
proliferation of blogs and the Internet, but another part is racial—that white athletes can
scrub away these stains easier than their black counterparts.

In addition to the shameless salesmanship, the sexual assault allegation and smears, and
the post Super Bowl vanishing act, there’s the allegations made in the Al Jazeera
documentary The Dark Side: The Secret World of Sports Doping. Released in December,
the doc claims Manning took a human growth hormone prescribed by the Guyer Institute,
an Indianapolisbased antiaging clinic, that was shipped to his wife, Ashley. What’s
more, prior to the documentary’s release, Manning retained former White House press
secretary Ari Fleischer to deal with the blowback. According to The Washington Post,
Team Manning then sent two goons—one falsely claiming to be a police officer—to exGuyer
employee (and doc source) Charlie Sly’s house to grill him. The very next day, Sly
reportedly changed his tune and claimed he made it all up. The National Football League
has opened up an investigation into the claims.

Manning is quite the diva. There’s the ridiculous onfield histrionics—the incessant handwaving,
stomping, and audibling—along with the time he was caught fighting with his
offensive line, or throwing them under the bus following a tough 2006 playoff loss to the
Steelers. “I’m trying to be a good teammate here,” said Manning during the postgame
press conference. “Let’s just say we had some problems with protection.”

Really, when it comes to class, while Newton
may dab every now and then and walked out
of a single press conference, he at least had
the decency to greet Manning on the field
after the crushing loss and shake his hand—
which is more than can be said of Manning.

Yes, following his 2010 Super Bowl loss to the New Orleans Saints, Manning refused to so
much as shake the hand of opposing QB Drew Brees on the field—or any of the Saints for
that matter, even though it was his father’s old team—instead storming off the field and
into the tunnel. Say what you will about Newton’s presser, this exhibited far worse
sportsmanship. And was Manning ripped apart by the media? No, in fact they even went
as far as to defend him.

“Walking off the field without congratulating Drew Brees may go against our misguided
notion of what sportsmanship should be, but it wasn’t at all disrespectful or bitter,” wrote
Yahoo! Sports’ Chris Chase. “It shows how much Peyton Manning wanted to win the
game. And who can argue about that?”

Cam can.
Interesting article but I think it has more to do with his personality than cam being black. I think some just don't like his attitude or cockiness. Failed to give me a hard on. Kinda too panther propaganda-y for me.

Gotta admit, the budweiser plug and the papa john hug was a huge eyeroll. I respect the guy but damn. I know the super bowl is all about big money but lets keep people trying to sell me shit to the commercials. Im sure peyton isn't quite the corn-fed american hero he's made out to be either and I had never read any of that stuff about the harassment. If any of that HGH stuff turns into anything than well have another lance armstrong situation on our hands. Hopefully the peyton manning show is over for a while.

Early predictions for next year?

The NFC might be more of a wildcard next year but i think the AFC is most likely going to be the usual suspects: steelers, pats, broncos. I predict the browns will be terrible. Manziel goes to cowboys. Interested to see where some FAs end up. Broncos have a bunch.

Sad the season is over, i can't really get into other sports as much. Week 1 panthers broncos rematch. prolly whoop the panthers again. =D
broncos D is extremely fun to watch for me and seeing them smash the panthers was icing on the cake.

I thought the game was pretty exciting. There were what? 5 or 6 turnovers? And a sack/strip/TD. There may not have been a ton of offensive fireworks but I can appreciate a killer defense shutting down a high-powered offense in a game like that. Newton's stats were horrible. He just didn't have any room to breathe. The only recent defense I can compare Denver's to is Seattle's a few years ago when they won a ring, and I think Denver's is more entertaining to watch than that one. The Seahawks had more of a "we're not letting you CATCH the ball" excellent coverage D. Denver has more of a "we're not letting you THROW the ball" swarming D.

Early predictions for next year?

Buffalo Bills Superbowl 51 Champions.