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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Tell us about the last film you watched, mate!


another one on IFC onDemand, heard good things about it. it had a very minimalist, low budget feel, not that that's a bad thing. i did enjoy it but i also didn't think it was that good as some reviews said. some parts of the story felt out of place and very "forced". regardless it was entertaining and i guess a clever story about revenge. id recommend it.

Southland Tales. It's by the same dude who did Donnie Darko. I am the one person in the world who thought Donnie Darko was a bit overrated, but I FUCKING LOVE Southland Tales. I am obsessed with it!! I really just want to keep watching it over and over again to get new stuff out of it.
enter the void, 3 times in 24 hours. one of a kind movie, definitely top 5 on the all time personal favorites. gonna wait to watch it again once the dvd drops with extra footage so i don't play it out too quick
Order of Chaos.

I am 75% sure it was an allegory for 9/11 and the US's response/retaliation. Lame. But the two lead actors were great. Alright, alright.

I'm new here to F&T, so i know, "stfu," but ugh, why do you guys post the cover art? makes the thread so sloppy.

District 13 (2004)

French made action film, and when I watched with the English audio dubs (assuming action > audio) I realized that was a mistake, but not a major one. The English audio dubs aren't horrible, but they do distract you from the film. Not that the film is a masterwork that requires full attention - it is an action flick, first and foremost - and on that bill, it delivers pretty well. We have two main characters that are, to me, unknowns....but tey do their roles well, very well.

The storyline is a futuristic ghetto full of gangs, and the national gov't has walled it in. Someone decides to incite a war in order to justify blowing the place to dust and developing the land. Most of the film is about our two main characters (friends, but one is a cop on the outside, one is a guy on the inside of the ghetto) doing chase and fight scenes. The payoff is when the president is about to blow up the place for misguided reasons, and a 'superstud' from each gang has been recruited by our two friends to get into the presidential palace to stop it and break up the corrupt group behind this. There's a little more sotry in terms of framing one of our leads, but tbh, it gets weak devlopment which is a LOT more than the interesting characters pulled together from the gangs (who get a one line introduction, and about 10 seconds each in fight scenes at best :\ ).

So, bottom line. Action = YES (think Jackie Chan type athletic moves and choreography). Story = Meh. Characters = Meh. Filming = decent. Overall, if you are an action film junkie (ie, if you actually watched Transporter 2 or 3) you'll do well with this one.

**EDIT - HA! in finding the img for this post, I realized it was produced by the same guys who did the Transporter...lol. Fitting.
Derp - read the title and release date, and thought it was perhaps a blacksplotation film. WRONG!


Dirty Ho (1979) (original title Lan tou He)

Actually, once I got past my disappointment about it NOT being blacksploitation, I tried to make the best of it. VERY, Very, very kung-fu theater type stuff - the hand work in several sequences is superb. There is a story, but god help me in understanding what it was 8). Still, for anyone that likes the old chop suey flicks, this is a good watch - probably one of the better ones of it's age.

Quite a moving & depressing film :(

"moving and depressing" translates into "deeply tragic yet indescribably exhilarating" in maria speak ;) I love love love depressing movies. I wanna see this!

Ok last few movies I watched were all on cable...so lets see...I saw the first Species [lol...loved it when it first came out, but on hindsight, its just plain awful]...

Then I was so happy to catch UP on the Disney channel [why do I love this cartoon SOO much! Just hearing "Married Life is enough to make my eyes well up no matter what part of the movie it is!! It's both so happy and sad at the same time. Does anybody else feel the same way for this song?


Then I watched

and I was once again impressed with the incredible range Al Pacino portrays in all his movies...he plays the super nice, sensitive, thoughtful short order cook as WELL as he played the wisecrackin , paranoid and violent Tony Montana. Incidentally, I couldn't help comparing the dynamic of Al and Michelle here and in Scarface [another fave]. Michelle's Frankie was such a sullen bore though..I was wondering what the hell Johnny saw in her.

i just saw the social network. it was good but not great. i thought jesse eisenberg did a great job playing mark zucherberg and that the soundtrack was awesome.

Great show about a Dutch Jew working as a Spy for a Dutch Resistance group against the Nazis in Holland.

Then I was so happy to catch UP on the Disney channel [why do I love this cartoon SOO much! Just hearing "Married Life is enough to make my eyes well up no matter what part of the movie it is!! It's both so happy and sad at the same time. Does anybody else feel the same way for this song?

Yip!! :) Am such a wet blanket- fogged up my 3D glasses the first time I saw this in the Cinema!! The Music Score is gorgeous! Dunno why I'm more liable to cry at Animations barely ever at Acted Movies with the Exception of the 'Elephant Man'-which my b/f found very Amusing at the time-then I punched him, and he got the message!;)%)
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I watched Julie and Julia last night.

It was good. Not something I'd tell people, oh you should see this- but the acting was good.........
I don't know there was something about it that held it back from being GREAT.
I love cooking, but maybe it was just that the story wasn't all that intriguing to me??
Made in U.S.A, by Jean-luc Godard, starring the beautiful and captivating Anna Karina.

My second viewing. An extremely aesthetically pleasing film.

Havn't seen any Argentinian films before so was curious to see this. It was good; slow, gritty and realistic with alot of heart.

Trailer:Lions Den
I just watched Pirate Radio.

I really liked it.
I'd give it like an 8/10.
It was funny and had some pretty good music........