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Television series that you rewatch/want to rewatch

ru'paul's drag race


Lol I'm obsessed with that show. I airways watch reruns.

I shit when a friend posted a link on facebook saying they're replaying the first season. I've never seen it and have wanted to since I first got into the show towards the end of season four.
I never put it on intentionally but I can still watch friends without being completely bored (seen every episode multiple times for multiple reasons) *waits for the abuse*

I've seen every episode of Friends, Frasier, and Seinfeld. All of them are shown daily so I'll frequently re-watch episodes if nothing else is on or if I want something on in the background that I'm familiar with. These are all comfort shows for me, particularly Frasier. Frasier also has the best TV times for me. There are repeats from 8:30am-11:00am every weekday morning, so that gives me something I could put on when I wake up. On a different channel there are daily repeats from 3:00am-5:00am, which is a sweet time because there often isn't anything better on then.

I rewatch King of the Hill as well because of this same reason. It has repeats on from 5am-6am on Cartoon Network, so if I happen to be awake during those hours I have something to watch, especially since there's rarely anything on aside from infomercials after 5am.

Other shows:

The Wire and Breaking Bad because they are just fun to go through. Even when you know what's going to happen there is still so much to every show that it's easy to pick up on things that you may have missed or foreshadowing that wouldn't have been picked up on an initial view. I've already seen every episode of each show 2-3 times, if not more, but I would still rewatch them both.

Mad Men - Gotta love Don Draper and crew. Hopefully the last season lives up to the first 6.

The Sopranos - Fun to rewatch and go through again, though I've never actually seen season 6. :( :\

Arrested Development - same reasons as other shows, but because of hilarity and it's incredible depth.

The Simpsons - the first 10 seasons were hilarious. It takes me back to growing up, but the show is still funny to me as an adult. Because of the frequent daily viewings I had growing up I still quote it quite often. I'm tickled pink whenever someone actually picks up on a reference. My senior quote in my high school year book was "I wash myself with a rag on a stick" =D :p

30 Rock - Similar reasons, plus there's repeats on daily. Still haven't seen the last season though.

The Office - Same as 30 Rock, but I still haven't seen the last few episodes of the last season. I don't know if I'd watch the repeats of Season 8 and 9. They really seemed to go downhill there.
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the sopranos.
i dont know whether i saw every single episode years ago (mainly the first couple of series). i was lucky enough to get the full boxset recently as a bday gift, so im gonna set some time aside to watch from start to finish.
Simpsons is the only TV show I've watched constantly. I'm watching dexter now, and mad men.
Wire is awesome; it's unvarnished and realistic, making garbage like csi etc look tacky in comparison.
Generation kill, by the producers of the wire; dialogue and acting just as naturalistic real.
I was a Lost addict when it ran. Couldn't wait for it to show each week. I have since watched it again. IMO... the writers definately wrote themselves into a corner not knowing how to end it or even continue to the next episode. Very good ending tho... original I might add. I've since have watched Rescue Me and think it is one of the best!
God, lost is so terrible. I am so sad to hear that you enjoy it, hopefully you can seek out some form of therapy and come to the realization that it was a complete piece of shit. I hope you get better. (Both I and my Psychiatrist concur 110% about the rampant and utterly undeserved and unearned cult status of "Lost"
d love to have a new show to watch that is on the same level as Breaking Bad or The Wire or as funny as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or Peep Show. I'll kill myself when Breaking Bad ends.

IMHO "Parks and Recreation" is WAYYYYYYYY more profesionally crafted than IASIP - and consequently it's just outrageously hilarious by way its technical brilliance and never reverts to gross humour or lowest common denominator stuff like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia often does.

It's sitcom of the very highest calibre and IMHO approaches the brilliance of Arrested Development. Give it a try mate and I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

There's also an obscure 2-season Brit comedy called "Twenty Twelve". Even if you hate the over-hyped bullshit that surrounds every single fucking Games (in fact, ESPECIALLY if that sums up your Olympic opinion!) I highly recommend checking it out. Very dry, no-laughter track-addded. comedy for the more intellectual comedy afficionado!
Northern Exposure
Moonlighting (first two seasons)
Twin Peaks
Night Stalker
Twilight Zone
"The Comeback"- only watched the full season once but Lisa Kudrow and the whole show was hilarious, still can't believe HBO shitcanned that after one season
Would also like to rewatch "The Equalizer", for its time it was a badass show, all about a mysterious old dude who'd find people who'd gotten fucked over and then go out and get revenge for them
im currently re-watching The Shield. just finished re-watching The Wire. The Shield is shot so well! Great cinematography. Breaking Bad before Breaking Bad
I really miss that show "Ahh! Real monsters!" I didn't have cable tv so I ended up seeing like 20-30 episodes scattered throughout my life hahahaha