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Television series that you rewatch/want to rewatch

What 23

Jan 7, 2013
I have been wanting to watch Lost, again, though I have seen it maybe 3 times already (I kind of forget). I tend to find new stuff in it when I watch again, and it feels somewhat new. I also think it's something to do with the tropical island...

Do you have any series that you like to watch again? What reasons, if there are any that you can share?
There aren't too many that I've actually liked enough to watch over again. Although...

Breaking Bad: I've seen every episode at least twice.

Supernatural: Same.

Quantum Leap: I loved the show when I was younger. A lot of the episodes don't hold up for adult me, but it's a good series with a great premise. I know I've seen every episode 2-3 times each.

The Simpsons: Just kidding. I doubt even Max Power has sat through every episode of The Simpsons. But I do acknowledge that it has a high replay value.
from the top of my head i've entirely rewatched:
Twin Peaks
Monkey Magic (japanese version)
The Adventures of English (documentary miniseries)
Cowboy Bebop (three times)

I'm currently 60% through a second viewing of The Wire, started revisiting the high definition Star Trek TNG, and will probably go through all the ST series.

can't think of others right now.
the reason is i simply love these shows
Damn it. I forgot about Star Trek: The Next Generation. It's one of those rare shows that got better and better as it went along.
Not many, but a couple I have and can recall -

The Wire
It's always sunny

oh yeah and the trailer park boys. (thanks RobotRipping for the reminder).
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Oh how on earth can I forget...
The young ones
I have been wanting to watch Lost, again, though I have seen it maybe 3 times already (I kind of forget). I tend to find new stuff in it when I watch again, and it feels somewhat new. I also think it's something to do with the tropical island...

Do you have any series that you like to watch again? What reasons, if there are any that you can share?

God, lost is so terrible. I am so sad to hear that you enjoy it, hopefully you can seek out some form of therapy and come to the realization that it was a complete piece of shit. I hope you get better.

1. The Wire - no reason necessary.
2. Breaking Bad - again no reason necessary.
3. Curb Your Enthusiasm Seasons 3 and on (first 2 sucked IMO)
4. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia; because it's fucking hilarious
5. Peep Show; also hilarious and worth watching over again at least once
6. Trailer Park Boys; i've watched the whole series 3 times and it's fucking hilarious, has some issues in the first few seasons but at it's core, is/was a great fucking tv show.
7. Arrested Development; there are so many things you miss the first time through the series so you have to go back and watch it to get even more laughs.
8. Louie; i'll watch it again one day when the series is over
9. Breaking Bad
10. The Wire

ah supernatural is awful lol. I'd put battlestar gallactica (newer one) on that list but it's honestly just too much to watch over again, i can't handle the ship and the old man hanging on to life for 4 seasons again. I'll never forget it though. I'd also add maybe the first 10 seasons of South Park before they began to fuck it up completely but since they fucked it up, it doesn't make the list.

i think those 10 listed (and BSG) are the best TV shows of the last decade by far. If you can honestly say something is better, then i'll have to watch it but i don't think there's anything else that is even close.

i can understand that people like older series like quantum leap and such but it sucks that some of it gets so dated after all this time. I hope no one mentions twilight zone lol. Please feel free to argue with my list....i'd love to have a new show to watch that is on the same level as Breaking Bad or The Wire or as funny as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or Peep Show. I'll kill myself when Breaking Bad ends.
Sanford and Son

La Tremenda Corte (radio show from Cuba in the 1940s and 50s, replayed every day on Miami radio)
I have to say the first season of the wire is perfect, watched it in a few days.

X-files - I haven't seen the last 2 seasons so maybe I probably should.
Millenium if I can find it
I was hoping to avoid criticism of others' choices. Meant to (or was going to) put that but didn't want to imply that it was expected. I liked Lost. It hit certain unconscious, and symbolic themes for me. Plus Jack was 23 (Not to mention it being elsewhere) :), and Kate was hot, and it was non stop Hawaii, more or less. I don't really feel I need to justify it, but anyways.

BSG (new) is another one. Forgot that. And Star Trek... I like Voyager, and Enterprise where some don't. TNG is great too. Those have been rewatched, but I lost my place last time through TNG. I kind of intentionally left some out, to keep the OP simple... But BSG is definitely one that's rewatchable. That ones twice for me. Started 3 with a friend but haven't continued because it was too fresh.

Stargate. SG-1 and Atlantis, but those watches were all slightly incomplete.
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but damn compare Lost to BSG and you must know where i'm coming from lol BSG had so much symbolic meaning and i bet you could find plenty of references to 23 in there lol. You must justify it for my sake. I actually watched plenty of Lost with my girlfriend, completed predicted the ending, that was the only good thing about it. Different strokes for different folks yeah i know...
The Simpsons: Just kidding. I doubt even Max Power has sat through every episode of The Simpsons. But I do acknowledge that it has a high replay value.

I've seen every episode :p

I never put it on intentionally but I can still watch friends without being completely bored (seen every episode multiple times for multiple reasons) *waits for the abuse*
I go through cycles of what I re-watch, but they are, admittedly, very long cycles.

It all began with a Christmas gift of a boxed set of the first 3 seasons of Family Guy. I don't watch that anymore, though.

If Seinfeld is on, I will always change the channel to that. No questions asked.

And, my #1 love, what I fall asleep to every night, 30 Rock. No show has ever made me laugh more. It.is.perfection.

(I also DVR and rewatch Good Eats, but that's more for educational purposes)
Nikita, 30 rock, criminal minds, revenge, american horror story, community, breaking bad.
I've rewatched Simpsons, Seinfeld, and Frasier to the point where I should by all rights be completely disgusted with myself. Father Ted is getting up there for me too. I don't have it in me to rewatch Oz or The Wire. I'd like to rewatch Band of Brothers or The Pillars of The Earth but it's so much time, blah