TDS pets thread with added ooomph!

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^Seconded! *Melts* =D<3

@ Spork: Azrael that was Gargamel's Cat from the Smurfs wasn't it!?! :D Ah, she's a cutieeee! <3
@ Spork: Azrael that was Gargamel's Cat from the Smurfs wasn't it!?! :D Ah, she's a cutieeee! <3

yesssss! i have a huuuuge smurf obsession so i couldn't help but name her after gargamel's kitty. she's not as evil though (most of the time anyway ;)) i rarely use her real name. azi and azibear are most common, followed by a slew of other disgustingly adorable pet nicknames. :)

glu that pic is so adorable. :) <3

My little bundle of love is getting so big. <3 He's so cute with his tiny collar. I just MELTTTTT. <3 <3 <3
Oh my god hayzz he is perfect!! <3 I want to meet himmm!!!!
I pity the foo'!
If he could fly on a plane with me to Sydney I would totally bring him (But pugs aren't allowed because of their breathing). He loves outside trips! But hates his lead... He chews it rofl.
Well I will just have to come down to Melbourne to meet him one day ;)
Maybe try one of those chain-leads? You can get really light-weight ones for tiny dogs :)
my kitten, who i got while detoxing, disappeared the friday before last. it friggin' kills me. i love that cat so much. i have put up flyers, reported her missing with all local shelters and agencies, put an ad on craigslist, asked around...nothing. i don't know what to do. :(
Aww mate, so sorry to hear that :(
You've done all that you can do for now. Just know that sometimes kitties go missing for weeks or even MONTHS and then just turn up again out of the blue. They are very resiliant creatures so hopefully she is just fine and will come home soon. Don't lose hope just yet. Fingers and toes crossed for you! <3
Well I will just have to come down to Melbourne to meet him one day ;)
Maybe try one of those chain-leads? You can get really light-weight ones for tiny dogs :)

Yes, I welcome you down here :D

He'll learn to adjust to the lead lol. He's just spoiled and doesn't like being restrained. I've babied him far too much!
The M on his forehead gives away his name......

I somehow rescued a purebred Maine Coon 2wk-ish old kitten from the rat infested shed, and in the midst of the Sun Belt no less....



^ <3Snowy!<3 lol Awesomel Pic Darksidesam =D<3

@Ixchellian-OMG He is gorgeous, love his coat, lucky you found him...the kitten pic is kinda hard to look at without melting TBH<3

Okay heres snowy as pictured above Singing..

Another stupid thing he does is, if i spin a computer chair in a circle he grabs onto the seat with hes mouth and tries to pull it out of the room.. First time he ever did it , it was one of the funniest things ive ever seen Lolololololol
when they started coexisting was a miracle....the black cat is mine, the other one is my roommates. For some reason, my cat is completely uninterested in the female cat. He refuses to have sex with her when she's in heat, so she escapes out the front door to get some from strays. I think he's gay.

^lol She must be really frustrated...Thats a cute pic btw :)

@Darksidesam: again, that vid is so hilarious and cute...apparently they howl at sirens as this reminds them of the howl of a distant canine-so, in essence, its to communicate regarding territory, apparently. ;)

...You should take one of him with the chair, he sounds like a cool pet. Am so jealous. ;)
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That is a delightfully evil photo Ix; I love it!

darksidedsam-- snowy sounds like an absolute gem. You're both so fortunate to know each other.
Mayhem the Cat considers this conundrum of a conundrum.......


"I cant haz funny beeg green crawlinz cheezburgerz??"
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