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Heroin Tapering off heroin?

The only way to feel better if you're withdrawing now is to go back on it, try using smaller doses everyday and be determined.. I believe even Heroin should be tapered then substituted using a different substance to help the severity of the detoxing process.. Often Suboxone is used for opioid addictions and helps. If you don't have access to it or don't want to see an addition specialist it may be harder but you can still do it, it's about determination. Benzodiazepines don't necessarily mix well with strong opiods because of respiratory issues but ok while spaced out, it may take high doses of Benzos to help alleviate the symptoms if that's the only thing you have..
Good luck!
Guys... I'm so sorry. I failed. I failed myself and all of you who said you were following me. I failed the one who said I inspired them. I fucking failed after 108 hours.
I just snorted some more and then threw it all out. If I'm still alive come morning I'm fresh out. Maybe that'll help. I'm so sorry guys.
Your not a failure, it's no surprise that you used. You have to remember that the majority of us are also addicted to something. When we kept saying throw it out and you wouldn't we all knew you would use again. Now that the shit is gone you have a legit chance to kick this shit.

Remember, you didn't fail. You only fail when you decide to stop trying. So now that you got that one last use out of your system it's time to buckle in and take this ride to the finish.

Your not a failure, it's no surprise that you used. You have to remember that the majority of us are also addicted to something. When we kept saying throw it out and you wouldn't we all knew you would use again. Now that the shit is gone you have a legit chance to kick this shit.

Remember, you didn't fail. You only fail when you decide to stop trying. So now that you got that one last use out of your system it's time to buckle in and take this ride to the finish.

That actually helps a lot, thanks. Up until now I've been laying in bed, still unable to sleep, feeling terrible about myself. At one point I told all of my friends that were helping me through this goodbye as they were all somewhat pissed off I relapsed (if that's the right word), and I was seriously contemplating suicide and ending it here.
They have a right to be pissed off so don't be to hard on them. They are emotionally invested in your recovery but unless they have been addicted to something they wouldn't really understand. Don't have hard feelings towards them is all I'm sayin cause you will need them.

Are you ready! Day 1 baby, let's get it going. Hold your head up and stay strong!
They have a right to be pissed off so don't be to hard on them. They are emotionally invested in your recovery but unless they have been addicted to something they wouldn't really understand. Don't have hard feelings towards them is all I'm sayin cause you will need them.

Are you ready! Day 1 baby, let's get it going. Hold your head up and stay strong!
Did this really throw me all the way back to day 1 of withdrawals, or just day 1 of being clean? Because holy shit I'm not looking forward to this if I'm back at day 1 of w/d...

And it's hard, but I don't hold it against my friends. It just sucks that they all stopped talking and left in probably one of the moments I needed them the most. I felt terrible, and I literally tried to OD but ended up just passing out.
Yeah you didn't fail SS, you succeeded in staying off for 108hrs!!! That's monumental and possibly the longest break you've had since your first purchase of H. You are still moving in the right direction, you're well aware of the magnitude of this addiction but you have support around you here @ Blue light and irl as it were.

Understand that only those that have gone through what you are going through to be the ones that will even have the ability to express unconditional support. Your friends that haven't had this experience and are supporting you in getting clean will likely struggle with relapses especially if it's "only been a few days". From the outside looking in it seems ludicrous even borderline retarded to use again considering how much the drug has fucked with your life and how determined you sounded when you began your attempt to kick.

Drug addiction is hard on everyone. It's made so much worse because the drugs or the procurement of them is illegal. No regulations on the street drugs with regards to quality. Dangerous environments' (Hoods) full of Dangerous people (Hoodlums) doing Dangerous things (Gangster shit), all bad for the users health.

Then because of the risks' I've just outlined the user feels forced or obligated to tell soul destroying amounts of lies that you must do without blinking an eye while looking into the recipient of your lies eyes whilst both parties know that they know that each other knows they are lying and all with a smile and a sweaty uneasy handshake.

So all or some of this craziness influences how non users view an addicted user, one view is that drugs are supposed to serve a purpose for the user that doesn't involve the complete destruction of their lives and the lives of others around them.

Keep up the good work SS, and you haven't put yourself back on day one of WD by using before trashing your gear, so don't be so hard on yourself man. Let's do round 2!!
Relapse is part of recovery-it happens. Don't beat yourself up about it. You threw away your remain heroin-that's a huge step forward!
Yeah you didn't fail SS, you succeeded in staying off for 108hrs!!! That's monumental and possibly the longest break you've had since your first purchase of H. You are still moving in the right direction, you're well aware of the magnitude of this addiction but you have support around you here @ Blue light and irl as it were.

Understand that only those that have gone through what you are going through to be the ones that will even have the ability to express unconditional support. Your friends that haven't had this experience and are supporting you in getting clean will likely struggle with relapses especially if it's "only been a few days". From the outside looking in it seems ludicrous even borderline retarded to use again considering how much the drug has fucked with your life and how determined you sounded when you began your attempt to kick.

Drug addiction is hard on everyone. It's made so much worse because the drugs or the procurement of them is illegal. No regulations on the street drugs with regards to quality. Dangerous environments' (Hoods) full of Dangerous people (Hoodlums) doing Dangerous things (Gangster shit), all bad for the users health.

Then because of the risks' I've just outlined the user feels forced or obligated to tell soul destroying amounts of lies that you must do without blinking an eye while looking into the recipient of your lies eyes whilst both parties know that they know that each other knows they are lying and all with a smile and a sweaty uneasy handshake.

So all or some of this craziness influences how non users view an addicted user, one view is that drugs are supposed to serve a purpose for the user that doesn't involve the complete destruction of their lives and the lives of others around them.

Keep up the good work SS, and you haven't put yourself back on day one of WD by using before trashing your gear, so don't be so hard on yourself man. Let's do round 2!!
That's a huge relief that I'm not back at day 1 if WD. I see what you're saying, I must look truely pathetic to my friends to not even be able to stay away from this stuff for even a week. To me it has felt so much longer, though. The unfortunate reality is bluelight can't offer me the instant support I need sometimes, and possibly without friends to provide that support for round 2 I don't know if I'll make it or even want to make it at some point.

Relapse is part of recovery-it happens. Don't beat yourself up about it. You threw away your remain heroin-that's a huge step forward!
This is true, I'm definitely going that helps. I still have to clean my pipe of all its heroin residue but I'll do that later (it's only 6am, still not getting sleep even after using :()
Did this really throw me all the way back to day 1 of withdrawals, or just day 1 of being clean? Because holy shit I'm not looking forward to this if I'm back at day 1 of w/d...

And it's hard, but I don't hold it against my friends. It just sucks that they all stopped talking and left in probably one of the moments I needed them the most. I felt terrible, and I literally tried to OD but ended up just passing out.

SS I know I am going to be relying heavily on my antidepressants when I take on my own opiate WD, I'm an anxious person now and I experience suicide inducing panic attacks so I'll be having a fairly non stop conversation with a room full of Pam's so - Diazepam, Oxazepam, Temazepam..those are the only three ladies I can easily get but I have full respect for them but my preference is Oxpam 1st because it makes me feel perfectly normal with an associated pleasant shine (I have officially found high level recreational value in the benzodiazepines - oh no no no) then Diapam - my favourite "like" in her personality is her stamina, waking up with her draped over you the morning after is bliss but it's not a drugged feeling but rather the absence of anxiety and then there's Temzpam - the ol' cliché with her - She's great for sleep....but any of them can help.....and I've just realised my selfish ass digression in this thread............KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK SS, You should be proud of what you can and have achieved my friend, take care
Your friends will come back around, don't worry to much about that. It's time for you to insert some positive energy back in your life even if you feel like shit and don't hardly want to move. You're a very intelligent person so maybe start a small project. I can't remember what you said you used to do but maybe time to get back in to that. You need to distract yourself and occupy your mind with thoughts that YOU are in control of.

Are you ready to move forward? Remember the old saying, idle hands do the devils work. There is nothing at all wrong with you, you're just bored.
1st day of the rest of your life hopefully right? I relapsed when I first got clean too SS it is extremely common so try not to make urself feel any worse than u already do...as for the friends....I had a core group who were "besties" lol n I had everyone else I did biz w/ but still considered them friends albeit not my real real ones...when I was using no one was hitting me up not even my core group only ppl who needed something. True friends came back around but only when they saw I wasn't killing myself anymore...I can't blame them really...if I wasn't doin dope I most certainly wouldn't want to hang w/ someone who is ...I think it's somewhat natural. Sorry you broke man I was super close a couple days ago. Wish you the best n will b checkin in here periodically. Keep ur head up mate.
Hey ss the definition of failure is lack of attempt so you aren't a failure, your are a human being with capabilities and potential and I always try to word my sentences carefully so, just keep trying. Having the desire alone to quit is such a big accomplishment, so just hold on to that for now, keep posting bono
Yup have you thought about what you gonna do when urge hits again? Maybe suboxone short term? I don't want to be negative for you because you are Trying!!! Keep going a second at a time!
I believe anyone who went over 100 hrs without using but had dope in the house to be an amazing success.

I would have caved in at 12 hours. I know you don't feel this way, but we are all very impressed, and hopeful (in the "we know you can do it sense") that you will succeed.

10 hrs, that's great. You know you can do 100+, go for more this time - think permanent!
Yup have you thought about what you gonna do when urge hits again? Maybe suboxone short term? I don't want to be negative for you because you are Trying!!! Keep going a second at a time!
I haven't. I don't have any more dope laying around anyway so I don't know how much of an issue it'll be. I'm just curious how far this will set me back in withdrawals, because I'm out of physical withdrawal, or was, and its the immense depression that got to me. I honestly didn't plan on waking up this morning after using so much dope.

I believe anyone who went over 100 hrs without using but had dope in the house to be an amazing success.

I would have caved in at 12 hours. I know you don't feel this way, but we are all very impressed, and hopeful (in the "we know you can do it sense") that you will succeed.

10 hrs, that's great. You know you can do 100+, go for more this time - think permanent!
Permanent isn't exactly a happy thought, but neither is using again. :(
Hey SS, so glad you made it right back to BL! Yeah. a "real" addict knows better than to judge you for the slip. 108 hours clean are great, man, and you can build on that foundation to start again. 10 hours clean you wrote a little while ago... awesome! I am at 20 hours clean myself, and it is so hard not to take a pill and feel all better.
But, we both know the empty promises that drugs make, and then never delivers. They are such a waste of my time!
Glad you got up today, I know that despair, depression, it is really really tough but don't beat yourself up too much than you already have, it will lighten up, give yourself some time every minute that passes is another step in right direction bono