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Suggestions for post-roll nausea?


Jan 4, 2009
I way overdid it on Saturday night. I know...I know...

Anyway, today I am dealing with severe nausea and dizziness.

Any suggestions from the BL crew?

Every time I am upright I feel like I am going to vomit.

Yes, the product had been tested by Energy Control and was 80% MDMA with no other noted contaminants. Of course, there could be something undetected in there, but test results said MDMA only.
I’ve never heard of anyone getting something like that really. Did you have anything else with it?

Zofran is my go to. Next would be promethazine, then an OTC like nauzene, then ginger
Unfortunately, @Swim15 this has been common with the products I have had access to. Feel fine the day after I roll, then I am super nauseous with indigestion and dizziness for 2-3 days after that. No afterglow, no blue Tuesday, just physically sick. I did not take anything else with it. Don't know if it is me or the product. My friends have had the same side-effect, so I have suspected something with the product. We talked about it somewhere in the "What is Wrong with the MDMA Available Today?" thread. There were quite a few people who had noticed it with the "meh" products.

I have a prescription for Zofran due to getting migraines with nausea. Is that safe to take on an MDMA comedown though? Doesn't it impact the serotonin system?
Is that a normal reaction for you...or, rather, have you experienced it in the past? It seems strange as all hell.

2-3 days after is almost not a direct effect of whatever you took, no? If it's physical symptoms only, anyway.
That's your brain telling you to stop, you've been doing way too much, you have to wait between rolls. Re-dosing sometimes could make the comedown worse. Maybe you aren't used to that specific dosage, you have to know your weight/height, in order to know how much should you take, there's an online calculator that tells you this. But even so, you have to eat something before you roll. When you're done, take some melatonin, pop ur benzos ( xanax/weed) but weed usually does the trick and you're safe to rest.
Unfortunately, @Swim15 this has been common with the products I have had access to. Feel fine the day after I roll, then I am super nauseous with indigestion and dizziness for 2-3 days after that. No afterglow, no blue Tuesday, just physically sick. I did not take anything else with it. Don't know if it is me or the product. My friends have had the same side-effect, so I have suspected something with the product. We talked about it somewhere in the "What is Wrong with the MDMA Available Today?" thread. There were quite a few people who had noticed it with the "meh" products.

I have a prescription for Zofran due to getting migraines with nausea. Is that safe to take on an MDMA comedown though? Doesn't it impact the serotonin system?

Interesting. Not surprised I guess, need to stop in that thread some more.

As far as zofran goes, I’m gonna leave that up to you but I think it should be fine. It’s a 5HT3 antagonist but I don’t see this being a problem taken after the roll...and now it’s been 48 hours so I would think it’s definitely okay. I wouldn’t hesitate at least.
@Shady's Fox I definitely went over my personal preferred dose, and perhaps it is a dose issue. However, I have been rolling for a very long time and am pretty familiar with myself and my responses. This weird "indigestion/nausea" issue is associated with newer product. Never had this issue before, even when I overdid it.

It has been 3.5 months since my last roll.

With the products I have access to, if I followed the recommendations of that calculator, I would not roll at all. They are not fully active at 120 mg.

These are the kind of issues we talk about at length in the other thread. Why would lab tested product not produce typical effects at the right dose and cause odd side effects? But, that is a conversation for the other thread.

@SunriseChampion It is a normal response with "some" products. A friend of mine has the same problem with the same products. All lab tested and reagent tested as MDMA. Go figure.

I suspect there is some small percentage of contaminant that is ok in small doses but starts causing problems once a certain amount is reached. Maybe even something simple like acetone.

In any case, it sucks. I will be laid up today and tomorrow for sure. Not depressed, just sick.
Try drinking some ginger beer and just lying down and getting rest. I never been physically sick after rolling but my comedowns have been harsh from eating 200-300 mg on the regular with brain zaps. Maybe a small dose of benzo if you have access to them aswell to ease the comedown. Though edibles would work well i believe.
Yeah, seems like it could be a contaminant then that doesn't agree with you guys.

That sucks. Hope you feel better quick-quick. :)
I ended up taking a lot of magnesium, and I feel significantly better now. Maybe an electrolyte imbalance? I'd be interested in knowing if the origin for the symptoms is neurological or more physiological. Would I get the same issues if I used a different ROA? Is it irritation of the stomach/intestinal lining or something more systemic?
You could try snorting the mdma but i don't think it changes the stomach issues present. I have had large rushs where everybody was snorting big amounts of mdma and people still threw up. But for side effects maybe i never felt these things since after a binge i always drunk electroyte drinks the next morning to deal with hangovers from the alcohol mixed in and sweating so much. Maybe you could try that after a next roll in the morning or before going to sleep to replenish as you sweat alot on mdma so i always re-hydrated with electrolyte drinks here. Since the magnesium helped it was probably just a imbalance.
I’d guess either effects on cortisol/electrolytes or simply too much 5HT agonism since the type 3 receptor is implicated in nausea.

Here’s the other thing - we know very, very little really when it comes to all the receptor subtypes and agonist/antagonist effects. We’re seeing that with a lot of new drugs and implications we really never knew about as far as medicine goes.

It isn’t as cut and dry as ‘mdma just releases some serotonin’ and contaminants or isomer ratios are bound to have an effect.

I believe I’ve got some good MDMA but not quite sure after reading that thread a while back. Would love to get my hands on some confirmed magic MDMA at least once to compare but hard to do obviously. I’ve speculated to myself for a while that it’s dude to the ratio of 5HT to DA release based on some ambiguous factors I’ve observed but hard to tell.

I need to go back andcatch up and this is off topic but does anyone report differences in energy levels and/or sex drive, sexual function with magic vs meh MDMA?
As far as cortisol is concerned, I have known high cortisol levels documented through testing. So, that could be a factor.

does anyone report differences in energy levels and/or sex drive, sexual function with magic vs meh MDMA?

Yes. Definitely. It has been discussed at length in the other thread.

For me personally, "magic" MDMA produces unbelievable sex. There is a strong sex drive, and the sex can go on forever. The "Meh" product just does not hit the same way. Does not put me in the same physical/sexual space. Way less energy and drive. I'm female, so, I am not talking about erection, but general arousal. It is an obvious difference between the two products. Also related, with magic stuff I just want to touch, touch, touch my hair, my skin, other people's hair and skin, clothes, wallpaper, bedsheets, blankets, pets...you name it. Texture is enhanced because touch is enhanced and I want to rub everything. Not so with the "meh" product. I don't want to touch or rub anything because nothing FEELS any different.

As for energy levels in general, pretty much everyone in the other thread who has noted this phenomenon agrees that magic product creates a more energetic experience and the meh product almost immobilizes you. Also, magic is more talkative and the meh product makes you not want to talk.

5HT to DA release based on some ambiguous factors I’ve observed but hard to tell.
Funny you mention that, because there is a study that went into detail regarding inhibition of monoamine transporters due to certain synthesis byproducts: https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.1124/jpet.105.084426

One of the byproducts suppressed MDMA release. "The potency of 13 in its inhibitory action on MDMA induced release was in agreement with its potency in uptake inhibition experiments: 13 suppressed MDMA-induced release mediated by the SERT more potently than NET-mediated release, whereas MDMA-induced release mediated by the DAT was only weakly inhibited in concentrations up to 100 uM" (p. 350).
For anyone interested in how this developed...

I continued to have nausea and dizziness yesterday and today. Electrolytes helped on both days. I would say Tuesday was about 75% better than Monday, but then today (Wednesday) I felt a bit worse than Tuesday. When this happens, I cannot tolerate caffeine either. Usually I drink one coffee in the morning, but the coffee makes the symptoms worse.

This specific pattern of comedown has happened before, almost like clockwork. Does not happen with every product, only some of them.
Yeah I find electrolytes alleviate most of my nausea but I also take a buccal tablet called buccastem it’s prochloperazine and it’s a great anti nausea medication.
I don't use MDMA. J.K. Rowling :p

Cyclizine. Works well for me. It's technically a prescription-only anti-histamine but it's strong enough that it's usually reserved for nausea in chemotherapy patients (you can also get it by malingering vertigo).
@indigoaura Thanks for that response. I’ll go back and read some.

That lines up a lot with my suspicions and, correct me if I’m misinterpreting - I just glanced quickly, but I had guessed that it’s likely due to an imbalance of release with magic MDMA having more dopamine release (probably just in ratio to 5HT) which explains less energy, the sedating effect which I have experienced, and sex not being as good. That info seems to line up.

Now that you say that, there were a couple of my first rolls that I remember being talkative as absolute fuck, had endless energy, and wanted to touch my girlfriend non stop. The sex was also out of this world. Not so with the product I’ve had more recently.

Not sure how much something like oxytocin may come int play, it’s likely not as simple as just 5HT and DA but sounds like it could primarily be those two.

Anyways, I’ll run over to that thread when I get a minute
@Swim15 That article is pretty dense reading, but I think for that specific impurity, it is blocking the serotonin transporter before MDMA has the chance to fully release serotonin. The impurity has a greater affinity for the transporter than the MDMA, so it binds there. As a result, there is a whole cascade of MDMA effects than do not occur.

There is other research that supports the concept as well. It is well documented that drugs with a higher binding affinity than MDMA will block the effects of MDMA. The question is whether this could occur with impurities in very small amounts that are not commonly detected through GCMS analysis. Unfortunately, due to the legality of MDMA, there are not a lot of scientists studying what may interfere with the subjective, pleasurable effects of the drug.

"Now that you say that, there were a couple of my first rolls that I remember being talkative as absolute fuck, had endless energy, and wanted to touch my girlfriend non stop. The sex was also out of this world. Not so with the product I’ve had more recently."

For me, it was more than just the first few, it was the first 6 years. Then, an abrupt change in supply resulted in an abrupt change in product, and I have never experienced those initially noted effects again. (...and please, before someone comes on and says it was meth, take note that those early pills were tested through GCMS as MDMA).