Sugar-03/02/02-Millennium Ballroom-Dayville, CT

all you kids at the afterparty, you know who you are!!! (can't remember all your BL names) i had a fuckin blast chillin with you kids. hopefully i'll be able to do that more in the future.....but with no money and no car, its hard for me to get around!!
it was great meetin all of you guys. i had fun.
and the party, eh. that is all.
p.s. paul johnson didn't show up either?
I felt a real bizarre vibe at the party, coulda been just me, but it was really uncomfortable inside. The only set I really paid much attention to was Odi.. I was up front/center for just about his entire set then was able to talk to him afterwards, definitely a cool guy, threw down a hot set in my opinion. I also caugh some of Snafu's set with the live percuissionist, very chill house set, I was feelin it. I left the party at 2 am or so with the crew, which leads us to...
"what the fuck.. i was at the beach!!"
"OH SHIT!.. there's some water drippin from the ceiling.. nah you all think i'm crazy, look on my shirt"
great times. big ups to all you cats at the festivities following the party, yall are some of the most amazing people i've ever met, and it was awesome to chill with you all, even if i was kinda hurtin for a good portion of the time, heh. all in all Sugar wasn't that great, but the people I chilled with made the night very worth while. :D
ummm yeah so okay, im awake now that nite was good i suppose. I seriously would have been on the lookout for bluelighters but i just was not having the greatest time at the party... it was so amateurish, as if half these peoples never been to good parties before.
there were lots of ups and down, ODI in particular was awesome except for when he played that bumpin and grindin shit that really pissed me off.....
but on the drive home we almost died which was cool -
for those who dont know me i was the little asian kid with spiky hair, glasses,... red visor, blue and red striped shirt, and illig octopus pants...
Let me know where you all will be partying - so i can come find you muthaf*3$@rs.
Don't you just hate it when you go to a party and the DJ or DJs you want to see don't show. That sucked bad. I was really bored at this party. A few things about this party were cool. Let's see what they were:
A)Hangin out wit' the crew
B)Hearing Jeff's (From Volume not True) sex stories.
C)Teddy surprising me with an unexpected gift (thanks again, man)
D)A friend of mine showing me her newly pierced nipples.(Made me thirsty ;) )
Besides that, the party pretty much sucked my nuts. I danced for like 2 seconds if that.
That was my first and last time at that venue. Shit, what happened to my hiatus from parties? haha. I only really went to this party for what was to come afterwards. I saw some people there that I had a feeling were BLers but I don't like going up to people saying "hey dude, aren't you a Bluelighter?" Just not my thing. If they come up to me, that's just fine.
What came after the party definitely made up for my boring time at the actual party.
Great meeting GTI Kid (Mike) and his boy Dan. Cool Cats. KayDub (Kev) and Sarah were very cool shits as well. My main concern was making sure everyone was ok and having a good time. A few people seemed to pass out pretty early. I know I had a good time, cuz I went to the beach and got a tan all in one night. One of my fav parts of the after "party" had something to do with Christina's stomach. ;)
It was really good seeing all of you guys again. Hope what I came with helped you guys out in any way. And if you think I am psycho in any way, that's ok, just consider it a good thing not a bad thing. When we checked out, I almost punched the motel attendant. Few people know why. Either way, I had a blast. See you guys when I see ya.
we all have to chill outside of a party type thing. okay? okay. maybe make a uconn trip and visit up kevin and sarah and that way we can see shawn too. either that or something different. i dunno.
nah christina, you're all good. i'll give you rides whenever you need em. you're too awesome to just let stay there due to no ride. you have no choice in the matter now.
[ 04 March 2002: Message edited by: AngelicK ]
This party sucked SO bad, I feel really bad dignifying it with a response....
The sound system and vibe in the Main room was pure shit!
Placed stayed nearly empty for most of the time I was there...
I'm not gonna even get into Misstress Barbara not being able to make it....
Most of my time was spent in the second room with GTi Kid, KayDub and Glowbug. The sound system in there was well as the DJs. Snafu and the live percussionist were awesome... I was really diggin' Paulinate's set though...
Nice seeing Droppie5, Spiderman, and my man Kart again. See you guys at CD2K2 if you go...
For the first time in my life of partying, I left a party at 2:15am.(!) Thank God too... the afterparty we had was INSANE!!!!!!!
Shout-outs to the afterparty crew keepin' it real:
GTi Kid/Mike: (Energizer!!!'ve got some smooth moves yo! Salutes another househead...)
PopStar/Mike: You're a mad chill guy...
Coldshot/Kev: Glad I finally met you. You're cool people!
TopRocka/Dave: "Dave, you alright? You look like shit..." lol
KayDub/Kev: Never poke me again when I'm having a "drool" moment..(how */me gives you middle finger head-skratch...
Jamal: "What the FUCK?!! I was at da beach!!!! (from the book: Jamal's Signiture Classics, Vol I) LOL!
Glowbug/Sarah: Very pretty, (no wonder you had all those guys hittin' on you..hehe) dances well, but bangs on doors like a police officer....LOL
Bdreligrrl/Katie: You're like the chillest girl I know! Period!!
AngelicK/Kristen: Yo, You are fuckin' HARDCORE!! I can't hang... lol Luv ya girrl!!
Jungle_gurlChristina: I don't think you ever stopped smiling at the afterparty....hehe It was mad cool meeting you.
Also big ups to the non BLrs at the afterparty:
Dan (You are da MAN when it comes to rollin' fat joints)... you are MAD chill!
Ryan Always see you at the Asylum.....nice chillin' witcha. You're kewl!
Thanx to all you guys who pulled me through my "moment" when I heard the awful news that Misstress Barbara wasn't coming. hehe
I really WAS gonna go home! It it weren't for all you AMAZING peeps, my night would've no doubt been ruined.
We MUST do this again!!
[ 04 March 2002: Message edited by: Speekah Phreekah ]
haha okay, now i cant stop laughing about the beach thing. i love it. hahaha. not only have i been in that situation before, but i think that jamal sayin it was more classic than anything ive ever heard.
Teddy, just ask everyone how many times did i say "have you seen teddy?" during the party. I really thought you left. heheh. If I was going to parties, I would definitely take Christina every time she wanted to go since i live like only 10 mins from her. kristen, that sounds like a really good idea about the UCONN thing. Even if it isn't UCONN, we all still need to hang out more often.
[ 04 March 2002: Message edited by: MrJaMaL ]
AH.....almost forgot...
Gotta give a special shout out to ghetto phabulous Drunk Ass Annie!!
She was very entertaining to watch..... LOL
^^^ LOL!!!! Yeah Teddy, thanks for the reminder... she truly redefinied Ghetto Fabulous for me last night. Well, at least the Ghetto part... :\
Oh, and YES everyone we need to chill more often, and if there's no party ticket fee involved, I KNOW everyone's down. :) We'll figure something out, now that Jamal has returned from the beach. :D
Peace ~Katie
"i can't hang.. i just can't hang".. lmao, that was some hilarious shit. you just looked so disappointed in yourself when you said it, but you're still the muthafuckin man and the smoothest cat alive, Teddy :)
hahaha thanks guys....i hate bein carless!!!
jamal, i totally forgot about the whole stomach thing. now that was HARDCORE lol
Whats up kid's finally got around to posting :)
This party obviously didn't go as planned with people canceling and all, but I had an awesome time dancing in the smaller room with Teddy and the rest of em. All that dancing honestly made my night worth it.
The afterparty was awesome, shout out to all the people that made it come together! We'll have to party it up again at Countdown!
I think KayDub (Kev) should throw a party at Uconn at his apartment :)
I bring the tables. Good times. :)
So I knew it wasn't going to be a good time for me when I got there and the elevator didn't work. They carried me up the stairs which wasn't too bad, but it wasn't a good sign.
The main room sucked the whole night, except for between 3:00 and 3:30 when I think it was one of the muck crew guys got up there and starting playing some tech-house, like what mistress barbara plays. He was good but only played for half an hour. I then went into the second room where they were playing mostly hardcore and I really liked that. Haven't heard it in a while so that was good and stayed in there the rest of the night. I was glad I ended up staying till the end, it almost made it worth it going there, but I don't think I'll be going back there ever.
Nice seeing those of you I saw, popstar, jamal, speekah, and kaydub.
i like the idea about kev's apt. i love volunteering ppl's services without them agreeing :)
oh and by the way - i got my pics back... HA! hit me up on aim if u wanna see.
[ 04 March 2002: Message edited by: AngelicK ]
Hey guys. So yeah, i decided to post even though I hardly ever do. Just a minor correction, the name is not Glowbug, but close enough :) I can't remember most of your BL names for the life of me, but dammit, I got everyone's real names besides Christina(sorry hun), half stuck in a hole, before I left! I have got to say you guys definately made the night awesome, even tho the party was kinda blah.
Teddy: youre awesome, youve got kick ass dance moves, definately had a fun time hangin out. Oh my Sh*t!!!
Jamal: just 2 words for you: thanK you!
Kristin: cool girl, we can only hope for a better set from odi in the future.
And to everyone...i am so so sorry about the whole knocking on the door thing...oops!
But yeah, we should all get together sometime. I like shawn's idea of havin a party at kevins place.
[ 05 March 2002: Message edited by: Glow Worm ]
I guess I should make an attempt at this...
There's not much I cna say about the party itself, except that the only thing the made it half-way enjoyable was chillin with old and new friends. :)
Now the afterparty was great. I just wish i hadn't been so tired. I was working on about 4-5 hrs of sleep over the previous few nights. I have never been so freaked out in my life, as when i thought the cops were at the door. My life would have been so fucked! At least it might have made me want to straighten certain aspects of my life out. :)
It was nice seeing all the old faces again. And I met some real cool new people. We definitely need to get together uner different circumstances again.
what's this i hear about people being seen doing "the toprocka"?!??!
ps - i'm not referring to toprocking, katie, so shaddup ;)
Who's mad late...i'm mad late... and save the greenlighter drama :p
Shout-outs to all the after party and old faces alike...I have never been to an after party that how do I put it.....Krazy...tight we have to do it again def, I would post names but we all already know who the LIVE kats are...Ryan out.