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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread v. 19

hi i have to go in for a one week jail sentence and have been on suboxone for a little less than a year. started at 8mg dropping 2mg every 2 months til i hit 2 mg and have been at that dose for about 5/6 months. my question is if i take like 20mg right before i go in will that hold me over for the majority of the week because of suboxones long half life? any answers would be greatly appreciated as i go in in 5 and want to know if i should do that and what to expect as far as w/d. tjhe only symptom i cant handle is rls...is that a bad wd symptom of suboxone? thank you!
Regarding 20 mg and your jail sentence...

I just recently turned myself in on a warrant and expected to stay awhile, so I did a quick detox the week before. I took only 2mg on a sunday. I had almost no symptoms of withdrawal for 4 days. This was after only taking two milligrams.I didn't have the NASTY symptoms for almost a full week. That said, in my experience you dont need to take such a hefty dose. Whenever I've taken higher doses I actually experience more of the negative effects of the naloxone... like headache, sweating, etc.honestly i think 20mg would be overkill. If you arent comfortable taking your normal 2mg (that was also my typical daily dose) maybe take 4 or 6mg before going in. Due to its half life etc... I really think that for the most part you should be fine. Ill be curious to hear more from other posters.
Weening off with Suboxone

So I have been slowly weening myself off pills/heroin using morphine pills that were given to me. I got myself down to 30mg in the morning and 30mg at night. Now I have gotten a couple 8mg suboxone cause I was told they work good for finishing weening yourself off.

So my question is how should I split the two of them up and how far apart should I split the dose.

I really need to make this work cause I cant get time off work to go to detox and if I don't get off these opiates my fiance is gonna call off the wedding and I also want to be clean for myself. This isnt the life I want anymore.
Try only take 30mg a day for a couple days even though 60mg is an easy transition for going to suboxone. Wait at least 24 hours after your last morphine, or even longer if you can then take 1/8th of a pill and redose another 1/8th an hour or two later until you feel good. 1/4 pill should be enough for the first couple days, wait 24 hours between doses and if you are comfortable on 1 or 2mg try take even a little less the next day and repeat until you run out of suboxone, maybe skip a day for the last few doses of you feel like it but it should be a relatively easy process if done correct
Take your last morphine on a Friday of you have weekends off and by Monday you should be fine, time it so your last suboxone dose is a Thursday night and you will probably have a shit week at work but it will get better fast
Does anyone have any experience with the single high-dose bupe method (single dose of 16mg-32mg and no more bupe) as opposed to a daily slow taper with lower doses?

I'm specifically referring to this: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11476266

Rapid heroin detoxification using a single high dose of buprenorphine.

"To test the effect of 32 mg of buprenorphine on the withdrawal process from heroin, 10 street-heroin using subjects were given 32 mg of sublingual buprenorphine, following heroin abstinence of 24 hours. Withdrawal symptoms were monitored during the first few hours, and followed for six days after buprenorphine administration, after which naltrexone (50 mg) was introduced to prevent future heroin use. Nine subjects completed detoxification with negligible withdrawal symptoms and a smooth transition to naltrexone. One subject was excluded from the study due to methadone ingestion prior to experiment. These results strongly suggest that painless detoxification from heroin can be obtained by a single high dose of buprenorphine"

Also, what is the best induction method - one single dose or say 2mg-4mg at a time every hour? I've heard it is still possible that one could feel quite sick even after the bupe kicks in, is this accurate?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
If you're taking 60mg of morphine orally, I would really be careful with how you dose the suboxone. Start with no more then 2mg, or you might raise your tolerance.
This is my first time ever posting on here, but I've read many threads over the past several years.

Not sure if this belongs here but I'm going to just jump right into it:

My Suboxone was stolen after coming home to my door wide open. Called the cops (really hated doing that, they always make me uncomfortable), but I did this prior before even entering because of a recent assault that happened a couple weeks before that. Upon realizing my medication was stolen the same cop from the assault said he'd investigate, make a report. I had only 2 sub's left that I carry on me and 25 stolen out of 35 a month script (tapered down so far to 1.25)....
Contacted my doctors offixe next explaining what had happened, professionally and calm as I had freaked. I try so hard to remain optimistic anyways and the relationship between my doctor and I had always been well. No dirty urines. He always filled a day or two early when I travelled etcetera. No call ins, no counts... No negatives. So I was confident it would be sorted out and perhaps he'd just see me and give me my next month's worth instead of replacing what was missing...
However, after doing some research I understood there are many protocols that come into play.
After a game of phone tag before the office closed for the weekend, I decided to leave another voicemail on his private line.. I stated the police had told me I should contact him ( they seemed confident because of what happened that my doctor would be able to help. ). Kept it short and sweet. He calls back stating to come in Monday with police report because he 'didn't know if the office replaces stolen meds even with a police report'. Now.. Part of this optimism was because I swear, around Christmas, I recalled being in for my bimonthly appointment (I get two scripts at a time), I overheard him helping this couple who had gone through the same mess. To be frank, they were quite obviously lying. I could tell, but I never judged. Their business is their business. So I was shocked to find out TUESDAY right as I'm leaving to go travel to see him (couldn't make it Monday because lo and behold my phone disconnects, can't reach driver, explained this via voicemail again and that I'd be in Tuesday), his nurse calls stating they can't refill it, but they can help with clonidine, blah blah that whole thing... And that my appointment was x/xx.

I remain calm and she asks if I'm feeling discomfort. Well, my family member has subutex they are "over-prescribed" lets just say, and was able to give me enough to get by, I'll be honest. The remaining two I told them I had, which I did over the weekend, are "gone" in my doctors eyes. I'm not about to tell them someone's helping me illegally because I don't want to be judged, especially when I'm already feeling punished for telling the truth..I feel punished for being robbed. I've harassed the officers and to no avail.. No one seems to care. I tell the nurse I have a massive tooth ache, I couldn't really talk because I was in pain and had no ride at the moment to the pharmacy... So to just fill the withdrawal stuff in the a.m.

Now, I'm nervous when I see him he's gonna be like "oh! You've been 10 days you don't need sub anymore".. That assault I mentioned at the beginning? Community care was involved (lower form of dhs) to ensure my son and I were safe. My son was not involved, but they are returning to make sure the guy isn't threatening our lives and what not. When I first started this sub program dhs was involved...it was a false report and in the middle of it all my doctor before this one dropped all his patients. so dhs was like " you can't be unsupervised with your child withdrawing, and if you don't find a new doctor you're fucked".

1. I'm scared when Community Care visits a few days after my next script is due they are going to threaten the same thing if my doctor doesn't continue my recovery treatment (which has bettered my life in a million ways, a better mom, no longer suicidal from stress).
2. I'm scared my doctor isn't going to continue giving me treatment, and worse... not believe me when I've had a red flag put specifically at my pharmacy because two years ago this girl over heard me filling a script so she went back trying to be my sister! Basically I've done everything I could to ensure this robbery wouldn't happen!
3. I'm wondering if I should have any sub in my urine at my next visit, and if not should I fake withdrawal? Is that better than admitting I'm illegally getting through with the help of a family member? Because the latter seems so risky... Or CAN I have sub in my urine after 10 days of "none"???

I've thought about saying I found one... But I feel that's highly unlikely.. So then I thought about saying " the last two strips I had I cut up into small pieces and spit each dose out into separate paper cups and then held the leftover saliva under my tongue on my worst days???

I need to know most importantly if anyone agrees that he could end my recovery and refuse another script because I went without for 10 days... And even then is that legal? To have my recovery, my life, my SON stolen from me because my meds were?

The landlord has also never fixed the extremely card able door I have ....nor replaced the dead bolt so I could have a key. I have one key that's pointless! And my town has a bad reputation. I truely do not associate with many people and nobody knows I'm on sub really other than family, TRUSTED family.

My health is not the best anyways , always nearly fainting.. Poor circulation from prior IV use. And I'm mentally unstable. Truely not in any position to handle losing all that I've worked for. Here's a list of my progress:
Sons father left me, I went insane. Just got over it all last year and now have my own apartment. The town helps me pay half my rent, my family pays for the other. I'm working on getting into low income housing so I can work again. My sons father and I have an amazing friendship and share equal custody, I also refused child support (please no comments...I just don't agree with it nor enjoy seeing good fathers too broke to buy their children birthday presents). I have maintained a secure and happy life for my son.. (Aside from the assault, which was unpredicted and due to the guys intoxication and my inability to ignore men who speak condescending towards women. Thankfully my son was at dads and this didn't take place at home anyways... but the dude does know where I live.)

Please help...
Hi, I was on Suboxone 7 months after 4 years in opiates to manage chronic pain (oxy, fentanyl, morphine..), and the first 2 months I was good but later I had weird side effects like strong headaches, dizzines, numbness, even depersonalization.

I am (or was) habitual consumer of weed since 6 years ago. The question is when I started had weird side effects from Suboxone, I started to have trouble after smoke pot, strong headaches that kick me off, like a high pressure in my head, very unbearable. Somebody had experimented this problem smoking weed on Suboxone? I was tapering since a few months, from low doses (6 miligrams), and the last week I jumped since 0'5mg, now this is my day 5 without suboxone (the withdrawal symptoms really sucks, btw), but today I smoked a joint and 20 minutes later while smoking, this intense headache again, a high pression in my brain and hot inside my head, a weird and awful sensation.

Any advice or experience will be grateful.
I appologize if im not posting in the right place. Sadly i cant seem to find a way to start a new thread on mpbile or desktop version. I must really be blinf...Ugh so originally was looking for help with a suboxone taper, except i went back to using. At this point im finally ready to quit. Ive been taking extremely small doses of subs for like 4 days now. Every morning i feel a tiny bit crappy, prolly isnt as bad as i trick myself into believing. Anyways, am i just prolonging the inevitable by taking the subs? Should I just man up and stop the suboxone? I WILL NOT go on maintenence. I dont care what anyone says..l get that it can help my brain recover, but Im (hopefully at least 1000% ready to quit) Im done going to ghetto everyday for a fix. Wondering when im going to get arrested, or robbed/shot. Anyways, this last run was thankfully short. 3 to 4 months, half bundle or less a day. I know i won't magically be cured so i plan on networking, going to meeting, playing music again, exercising.

Anyways, back to my original question...am i just proloning everything, or has the few days ive used the subs helped? Should i stop taking them? I literally have not taken any more than 3 to 4 mg in the span of 4 days now.

Any info would be greatly appreciated
IV use of suboxone

I've used suboxone the IV way for bout 3yrs now, well for bout a yr now even tho I'm in the vein it will burn, I'll check & blood is flowing fine dark blood, but for some reason it Burns like he'll... Can anyone tell me why
I appologize if im not posting in the right place. Sadly i cant seem to find a way to start a new thread on mpbile or desktop version. I must really be blinf...Ugh so originally was looking for help with a suboxone taper, except i went back to using. At this point im finally ready to quit. Ive been taking extremely small doses of subs for like 4 days now. Every morning i feel a tiny bit crappy, prolly isnt as bad as i trick myself into believing. Anyways, am i just prolonging the inevitable by taking the subs? Should I just man up and stop the suboxone? I WILL NOT go on maintenence. I dont care what anyone says..l get that it can help my brain recover, but Im (hopefully at least 1000% ready to quit) Im done going to ghetto everyday for a fix. Wondering when im going to get arrested, or robbed/shot. Anyways, this last run was thankfully short. 3 to 4 months, half bundle or less a day. I know i won't magically be cured so i plan on networking, going to meeting, playing music again, exercising.

Anyways, back to my original question...am i just proloning everything, or has the few days ive used the subs helped? Should i stop taking them? I literally have not taken any more than 3 to 4 mg in the span of 4 days now.

Any info would be greatly appreciated
From what I've read doing a lot of research on bupe, taking small doses technically prolongs everything but it makes it much more manageable and less likely for a relapse out of desparation. Also, although it is an opiate,because it's a partial agonist,it's allowing your brain to heal in a way that full agonists have been super destructive. The low dose is like tapering to very low levels of your previous opiate, yet safer and better for WDs because the half life is so long that it makes the ride much smoother on a low dose than a low dose of a fast acting opiate would be. Your better off with this choice IMO.
Does anyone have any experience with the single high-dose bupe method (single dose of 16mg-32mg and no more bupe) as opposed to a daily slow taper with lower doses?

I'm specifically referring to this: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11476266

Rapid heroin detoxification using a single high dose of buprenorphine.

"To test the effect of 32 mg of buprenorphine on the withdrawal process from heroin, 10 street-heroin using subjects were given 32 mg of sublingual buprenorphine, following heroin abstinence of 24 hours. Withdrawal symptoms were monitored during the first few hours, and followed for six days after buprenorphine administration, after which naltrexone (50 mg) was introduced to prevent future heroin use. Nine subjects completed detoxification with negligible withdrawal symptoms and a smooth transition to naltrexone. One subject was excluded from the study due to methadone ingestion prior to experiment. These results strongly suggest that painless detoxification from heroin can be obtained by a single high dose of buprenorphine"

Also, what is the best induction method - one single dose or say 2mg-4mg at a time every hour? I've heard it is still possible that one could feel quite sick even after the bupe kicks in, is this accurate?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have personal experience with high doses of sub,yet I have witnessed others who have been on high doses and can give you the perspective of what I saw. They were all IV heroin users and they had attempted to use a standard 8mg/day sub, yet each of them still had WDs and strong cravings. When their doctors bumped their doses up to the max levels, they quit relapsing, quit having withdrawals, and seemed to quit craving their DOC. I know that with subs they say less is better but obviously we are all very different and some people depending on their habit,brain chemistry, and metabolism, need high doses of bupe to combat the disease. Hope this helped a little!
I hope it's not pilled Suboxone because shooting those is retarded (because of the inactives, even the best filters in the world won't take em out, try filtering lime and lemon juice literally.

You should be fine otherwise, 75mg Tramadol ain't shit, it's like if you had a few 60mg codeines.
Also agreed with this. Tramadol is so weak I personally wouldn't even wait before dosing subs just due to how weak the tram is and I highly doubt it would precipitate any kind of WDs but I am NOT a doc and this is my personal opinion so use your own judgment.
Hi, I was on Suboxone 7 months after 4 years in opiates to manage chronic pain (oxy, fentanyl, morphine..), and the first 2 months I was good but later I had weird side effects like strong headaches, dizzines, numbness, even depersonalization.

I am (or was) habitual consumer of weed since 6 years ago. The question is when I started had weird side effects from Suboxone, I started to have trouble after smoke pot, strong headaches that kick me off, like a high pressure in my head, very unbearable. Somebody had experimented this problem smoking weed on Suboxone? I was tapering since a few months, from low doses (6 miligrams), and the last week I jumped since 0'5mg, now this is my day 5 without suboxone (the withdrawal symptoms really sucks, btw), but today I smoked a joint and 20 minutes later while smoking, this intense headache again, a high pression in my brain and hot inside my head, a weird and awful sensation.

Any advice or experience will be grateful.
Is your sub doc okay with the weed? Just wondering because weed is a controlled substance here in AL and all the sub docs test for it and apparently it stays in your system for up to 30 days which would be really hard to pass a drug test even if you get a 30 day script. As far as your symptoms go, are you smoking it too close to the time you dose your sub? Since smoking can alter the blood vessels in your mouth it could be that smoking anything will do that as well, causing your sub to not absorb and therefore you may be getting the headaches from lack of sub. Otherwise it sounds like a weird reaction and I'm sorry!
Yup I just did my homework, I write stuff down and on Jan 10 I had cut down to 2mg, and I wrote about a blow up I had. It's gotta be low dose!! I remember feeling like I wanted to go to top of a mountain and scream, or leave, I felt like I was gonna explode, so there I have it. And I been craving bad too, since. I am at 4mg now and staying at this cause I guess that is my stable spot.
Okay I'm glad to have come across this post. I started subs 2 weeks ago,and due to my previous habit of up to 500mg oxy/day IV route, he wanted to start me off on 8mg (doesn't write higher than that unless H user),but I insisted on the lowest possible and talked him into 2mg/day because I'm gonna have to get clean in a short time due to good old drug court sometime in near months. Well since starting subs I've been a total bitch, horrible mood and have actually broken things during my mental breakdowns. Been almost suicidal at times. I admit I haven't even been taking the 2mg and have tried taking 1mg or less a day. Seems like there's a trend here as far as 2mg doses or lower causing massive mood changes. He offered to up to 4mg because of my cravings but that will just prolong the tapering process which I really don't want to deal with!
when I IVed my suboxone it didn't usually "burn like hell." do you regularly rotate through a wide range of injection sites? if not that could be part of it.
I IV zubsolv now and have no problems. occaaasionally the very tail end of a shot will burn verrry slightly, but nothing major at all.
btw zubsolv is WAY better to IV IME, maybe you should ask your doctor about switching to that?
3 years IV Suboxone - how are your veins after all this time? Do you filter using a micron filter? Pills or strips? I notice the 4mg strips have more Lime flavour than the 8mg ones that's for sure. That shit would burn for sure.
I've been reading stuff about Suboxone IV use and have a husband that is an IV drug user. I have read in this thread that people are shooting up Suboxone. My husband tried it in order to quit shooting up dilaudid. It didn't give him the high he wanted. He still has some boxes left but wants to try shooting up dilaudid extended release which I understand can be fatal. I know he will do it despite what I say. My question is can he get high from shooting Suboxone. That sounds a bit safer than shooting up ex. release dilaudid capsules. I am so worried he will OD and most nights stay up just watching over him. Any help is greatly appreciated
I've been reading stuff about Suboxone IV use and have a husband that is an IV drug user. I have read in this thread that people are shooting up Suboxone. My husband tried it in order to quit shooting up dilaudid. It didn't give him the high he wanted. He still has some boxes left but wants to try shooting up dilaudid extended release which I understand can be fatal. I know he will do it despite what I say. My question is can he get high from shooting Suboxone. That sounds a bit safer than shooting up ex. release dilaudid capsules. I am so worried he will OD and most nights stay up just watching over him. Any help is greatly appreciated

if you have a notable opiate tolerance you won't get high of suboxone at all, even IVing it.
if he wants to shoot dilaudid why not just the standard IR ones like he was before?? why switch to XR? indeed it can be dangerous, slightly more or less so depending on the manufacturer/type of pill. are the dilaudid XRs in capsule or tablet form? I don't have much experience w/ the XR formula but it's my understanding the capsule formulation is much safer to IV.