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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread v. 19

New to subs and strips

I'm trying subutex dr the first time, I've been a bit of an opiate user for many years. At the moment I'm needing a fix but I'm shooting a subutex pill. How long after I've done the pill will I need to wait untill I can feel the effects of a morpheen pill again??
Anyone had exp with iv gummies? Iv researched a shit ton and everything is speculation from everyone at this point,anyone actually have exp with iv'ing them consistently? If so what's your opinions??
Anyone had exp with iv gummies? Iv researched a shit ton and everything is speculation from everyone at this point,anyone actually have exp with iv'ing them consistently? If so what's your opinions??

To be honest it sounds like a very horrible idea. But if you really are set on trying it. The best advice would be to find out all the inactive ingredients that are in it besides the buprenorphine, and naloxone.

Even with strips, if you dont have micron filters you have to use like 4 cottons and filter like four times, I could only imagine the trouble you would have to go through to prep the shot. Id suggets dilute 100% completely in water and just filter alot alot alot of times lol, there gummies that can not be good for your veins......
Herion addict about to start suboxone

So after 4 years of sobriety I fell off the wagon for about 5 months. Now I'm ready to stop and get on with using the suboxone. My questions are i absolutely hate the Taste of it. It makes me gag. I've heard using a mint on top ur tongue and the strip under the tongue works but is that for people trying to get high? Or people who are using it for actual detox I've also heard u can plug them. Not my first idea but again is that to just get loaded or will it work for detoxing off of heroin as well. Thanks in advanced.
Stacysmithva, I'd say try not taking it for a couple days. On day two if you feel any symptoms of withdrawal take a couple mg, wait as long ad you can .. Couple days, then take 1 mg. Wait as long as you can and gauge how you're feeling. Hopefully you will not experience wd symptoms.

That said, as aforementioned, suboxone is extraordinarily potent and works best as a short term maintenance or detox drug (or as prescribed for pain). A recreational dose for a non opioid tolerant person ranges from extremely low (MCG or .25mg to 1mg+/- of course). 4mg is excessive. Tread carefully!

thank you. I went three days without any wd symptoms but then screwed up again and took some for a buzz :( sigh. I'm starting all over today. since I've now gone 3 days in between I'm hoping there won't be any withdrawal symptoms
need help with how to fake a suboxone dose? fear of precipitated withdrawal

Hi everyone, this is a weird question but I need help. My parents think ice been kicking heroin the last 20 hours but I've been using still, at the 24 hour point there going to make me take a dose under the Tongue. if they don't watch me it will be no problem I just won't take it but if the do insist to watch we me put it under my tongue, what can I do to fake if,,? Any ideas? I willl defiantly go intI precipitated withdrawals if I take the dose under The Tongue directly.... Someone please help with any ideas. Please and thank you very Much blue light :)
Wow to the above lol.

This is why you should quit heroin brother, it sounds like you have family members that care about you. Id just be honest with them and apologize and just wait another 18-24hrs.

Belive me i know what your going through I am a 5 year former H addict. But with the amazing help of buprenorphine maintenance I have been clean since I started, buprenorphine is very strong and longlasting and very helpful at getting people off H.
Hi everyone, this is a weird question but I need help. My parents think ice been kicking heroin the last 20 hours but I've been using still, at the 24 hour point there going to make me take a dose under the Tongue. if they don't watch me it will be no problem I just won't take it but if the do insist to watch we me put it under my tongue, what can I do to fake if,,? Any ideas? I willl defiantly go intI precipitated withdrawals if I take the dose under The Tongue directly.... Someone please help with any ideas. Please and thank you very Much blue light :)

You're into extreme sports and weird shit like people who walk on fire /crushed glass / sit on spiked carpets?
is it possible to use subs for a few weeks to hide methadone withdrawals, but not get hooked on the sub? im hoping I can use sub to hide the worst part of methadone withdrawal and then taper after a week or so and perhaps try iboga TA, or ayahuasca to get me over the final hump-

was on subs back in 2011 until 2014, went from taking 8mg under the tongue to getting kicked out of the clinic for using marijuana, so was buying off the street and that combined with being broke, I started IV'ing it around early 2013 to help more last longer, ended up just jacking up my tolerance and making my body need more, and more often, Long story short, I got in a methadone clinic that opened in my town, started at 30, went up to 85 due to a few relapses with D, but settled at 55mg, but after getting tired of daily dosing by 9am, and finding that MXE really helped my anxiety/depression but also made my body metabolize methadone was quicker than normal, I asked to be dropped from 55 to 30 in a months time, and made an appt with a sub doctor-

I took my last dose of 30mg friday the 24th, used for a few days until my sub appointment (wed 29th) she prescribed 24mg per day, started it thursday morning, but my legs and arms still hurt so I bought dope friday and used it friday night and saturday (did nothing other than make my legs/ankles not hurt) woke up this morning feeling icky and took 16mg under my tongue, still my legs and ankles are hurting but I dont wanna keep stuffing these things under my tongue if they are gonna be a setback in the longrun for my big picture

I havent come across any success stories but people usually only post their horror stories on these sort of sites so Im hoping someone can shed some light on if this is even possible.

is it possible to use subs for a few weeks to hide methadone withdrawals, but not get hooked on the sub? im hoping I can use sub to hide the worst part of methadone withdrawal and then taper after a week or so and perhaps try iboga TA, or ayahuasca to get me over the final hump-

was on subs back in 2011 until 2014, went from taking 8mg under the tongue to getting kicked out of the clinic for using marijuana, so was buying off the street and that combined with being broke, I started IV'ing it around early 2013 to help more last longer, ended up just jacking up my tolerance and making my body need more, and more often, Long story short, I got in a methadone clinic that opened in my town, started at 30, went up to 85 due to a few relapses with D, but settled at 55mg, but after getting tired of daily dosing by 9am, and finding that MXE really helped my anxiety/depression but also made my body metabolize methadone was quicker than normal, I asked to be dropped from 55 to 30 in a months time, and made an appt with a sub doctor-

I took my last dose of 30mg friday the 24th, used for a few days until my sub appointment (wed 29th) she prescribed 24mg per day, started it thursday morning, but my legs and arms still hurt so I bought dope friday and used it friday night and saturday (did nothing other than make my legs/ankles not hurt) woke up this morning feeling icky and took 16mg under my tongue, still my legs and ankles are hurting but I dont wanna keep stuffing these things under my tongue if they are gonna be a setback in the longrun for my big picture

I havent come across any success stories but people usually only post their horror stories on these sort of sites so Im hoping someone can shed some light on if this is even possible.


First off your taking wayyyy to high of a dose, you should honestly never need to exceed 8mgs daily.

Also with this being said the concept with buprenorphine (suboxone) LESS IS MORE is honestly true. Also from what you described above it sounds like you are taking the suboxone too soon possibly.

You must wait 24 hours with heroin sometimes 18hrs

But with methadone its a minimum of 36 hours before buprenorphine maintenance can be administered, nor matter in patient or out patient!

It really all boils down to a persons metabolism, this plays the biggest role in all of this.

So the above times range from up to down, depending who you are, how often you you use, what your DOC is. How do you use it, all of the following play a role too.

So my suggestion seeing I am also on buprenorphine maintenance is wait until your forsure sick! Do the COWS scale if you have to w/e. But make sure your sick, and need opiates.

Take only 4mg when you wake up via the alcohol method. (If you dont know the method, just ask I will , type it out) Use Highest Proof Alcohol.

I 100% Guarantee you will feel good in 20 mins, and then very well around 45-60mins :)

Then repeat same process before bed, well not that late I go to bed about 10 or 11 and take the other 4mg before around 6 after dinner.

works great I was down too only 4mgs a day, but some shitty stress came up amd im back at 8mgs daily, instead of usually going too the hood to cop good good boy packs, I hate it but man when I was shootin it, I was a mad man, so I am very grateful and thsnkful for buprenorphine maintenance.


anymore and its a waist, doctors lack sooooooo much knowledge about suboxone lmao. It only takes a 30 min video for them to get a buprenorphine license.

They dont relize shit also if you do that method you cut back and it works wonders :)

If you dont know the method just post back and ill type a 1.-w.e for you so you know it works good.

suboxone questions

Ok so I just made this account to post here 2 minutes ago....I have no,idea where or how to really post my questions,but here goes nothing..... I'm 24 years old I was an I.v. heroin user for about 6 years until about 2 years ago when I get locked up and did about 11 months when I got out I instantly went back to using for about 2 weeks and finally said i,don't want to,do this anymore and got onto suboxone which was about 11 months ago now....i am currently on 12 mg a day which I just recently myself started to split 2 times a day 8mg a.m. 4 p.m. because taking all at once wouldn't get me all the way through the day and night...for such a long time I took 2mg a.m. 2mg p.m. and then all a sudden it was like my body kicked into high gear and started processing it so,much faster and went from 4 mg a day to 12mg a day within 1 and half months and again now the 12 mg isn't cutting it for me...i,am prescribed through my primary care doctor but am,starting to think about coming off so I have 2 questions I gues does anybody know why all a sudden suboxone isn't working for me and 2 does anybody know good ways to ween off with absolute least withdrawal? Any help appreciated............
Im back on sub. It seems life in the heroin game is way too taxing and unpredictable ESP without a direct connect. The transition back was hell for some reason. Never been this hard. I really hope I can stay off the skag for a looooong while. Fuck that!!
Were all glad you give one fuck you think your doin' yourself a favor...preferably, these days

Hi...this is my first post and was curious as to if anyone has been put on suboxone by a doctor three months or more, after they have withdrawaled from their doc?
Anyone quitting using heroin, and gets on suboxone maintenance is a very smart person.

With that being said you can ask any former addict (including myself 5yearH addict)

Being on suboxone maintenance, instead of heroin my life has significantly improved. My health is a lot better. Im working on my mental health because people that IV H have issues, so I see a counselor and a psychiatrist, along with my doctor. This all keeps me stable and I have yet to realize, ive act2 been in the hood offered H and turned it down.... Both my wife and I were SHOCKED we have never went to the hood and not bought H, it felt good, it really feels good having money in your pocket, NOT the dope mans pocket. Im done preachin im out, peace yall
Ok so I just made this account to post here 2 minutes ago....I have no,idea where or how to really post my questions,but here goes nothing..... I'm 24 years old I was an I.v. heroin user for about 6 years until about 2 years ago when I get locked up and did about 11 months when I got out I instantly went back to using for about 2 weeks and finally said i,don't want to,do this anymore and got onto suboxone which was about 11 months ago now....i am currently on 12 mg a day which I just recently myself started to split 2 times a day 8mg a.m. 4 p.m. because taking all at once wouldn't get me all the way through the day and night...for such a long time I took 2mg a.m. 2mg p.m. and then all a sudden it was like my body kicked into high gear and started processing it so,much faster and went from 4 mg a day to 12mg a day within 1 and half months and again now the 12 mg isn't cutting it for me...i,am prescribed through my primary care doctor but am,starting to think about coming off so I have 2 questions I gues does anybody know why all a sudden suboxone isn't working for me and 2 does anybody know good ways to ween off with absolute least withdrawal? Any help appreciated............

if youre already having withdrawals a bit then just taper a bit faster. if you have a monthly script set yourself up for a 2 week type detox but make it so you can at least TRY to get minimal withdrawals.

bye bye

its not going to be easy now matter how you play it; I've done it many times myself. but you say you are already feeling WD's to a certain degree, so just speed it up if possible and not even go a full 2 week period, just bang it out in a week if you dont care.


withdrawals are happening no matter how you look at it here, so be ready.
and yea, bupe has always been my #1 when coming off dope, or wanting to get off dope. I've tried methadone twice and it never did a thing for me; the urge was still there and I'd still use ON TOP of the methadone and get high, or at least I told myself that. either way, the urge never left and I could always taste it, ya know!?

suboxone (bupe) kills that urge and even the VERY FEW times I did slip and used, I would get NOTHING from it and regret the entire thing. bupe works great for me; I understand its not for everybody, but for me its surly #1. I do not have time to go to a clinic daily and be a zombie w/ the rest while waiting in line -- ALL SET! been there, done that. pain in the ass! instead I do it all at home and on my own time; I always try to stay ahead of what my Dr. scripted me; right now I am scripted 16MG/day but I will usually only take 8MG and sometimes 12MG if I am having a "rough" day.

I am in no rush to get off bupe because last time I rushed I ended up relapsing and going on a 2 year run, so surly NOT looking to do something like that again, ya know!? all set! you forget how GOOD life is while on suboxone and not having to deal w/ the daily life of a dope fiend! sure, I am still an addict who needs a drug daily to get by, but I also need food daily to get by, so whats the difference, ya know!? so many people get caught up w/ the "a drug, is a drug, is a drug". well, if this drug is STOPPING YOU from wasting big $$, time and life, then stick w/ this drug because it actually helps and it puts YOU in charge of all.
Hi...this is my first post and was curious as to if anyone has been put on suboxone by a doctor three months or more, after they have withdrawaled from their doc?

welcome to bluelight. i'm going to move your thread.

anonymous -> other drugs (suboxone megathread)
I agree suboxone is a life saver. Until a couple weeks ago I hadn't messed up at all (minus once or twice last year) since taking sub. If I take it as I should, and make good choices, avoiding certain people, it really helps me to live a normal life.

I WANT to be free from Chemical addiction of all forms, in time I'll get off sub, too. I'm just afraid.... I know how that detox is. I'm strong and can take pain but fuuuuck.