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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v2; 2010

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Thanks for replies, i usually take about 2-4mg clonaz before i shoot H, so i can say i have a tolerance with both H and benzos.

I felt kinda nervous about taking benzos with bupe cuz i don't know much about the bupe and that was the main reason of the Q.

Ps:It will be my first time taking bupe.
Ok, so today I saw the doctor and got on suboxone 8mg 2x a day, and I'm wondering if I would get a rush from IVing it. Also if I go through the many pages in this thread, will I come across the right way to do it? I've heard it needs tons of filtering but does that mean I draw it into a rig, filtering it, and then squirt it back out and repeat? I'm a little confused. Or, is it really not even worth doing since the only reason I would shoot it would be to get a rush... and the naloxone, whats up with that? Does it really send you into WD because I've read mixed reviews...
1 mg is still holding me just fine.....i may however start to take 0.5mg in the am and the other half before bed.....i have been waking up with nausea, and my colon about to burst for the past week.....

i highly doubt your colon is going to 'burst'

i shit once every 7-9 days while on subutex

Thanks for replies, i usually take about 2-4mg clonaz before i shoot H, so i can say i have a tolerance with both H and benzos.

I felt kinda nervous about taking benzos with bupe cuz i don't know much about the bupe and that was the main reason of the Q.

Ps:It will be my first time taking bupe.

there have been many reports of fatalities due to using suboxone/subutex while on benzos. this is the main reason why many rehabs test for benzos before they dispense bupe. take it at your own risk.
Thanks for replies, i usually take about 2-4mg clonaz before i shoot H, so i can say i have a tolerance with both H and benzos.

if you're used to taking benzos w/ h, then i don't think the risks would be much different w/ sub. obviously be careful, since you're not used to that specific combo, and those types of combinations are what usually leads to fatalities and such
i highly doubt your colon is going to 'burst'

i shit once every 7-9 days while on subutex

there have been many reports of fatalities due to using suboxone/subutex while on benzos. this is the main reason why many rehabs test for benzos before they dispense bupe. take it at your own risk.

Yea, I just got on 8mg twice a day of suboxone today and I'm really happy about getting clean. No more getting sick and worrying over finding a ride to the hood and scheming on how to get money to support my habit anymore. But my doctor did test me for benzos (one among many other things) and he said that I should esp take it easy on those because it was dangerous to take the two together. Be safe, that's all any of us on this site want I believe...
Yea, I just got on 8mg twice a day of suboxone today and I'm really happy about getting clean. No more getting sick and worrying over finding a ride to the hood and scheming on how to get money to support my habit anymore. But my doctor did test me for benzos (one among many other things) and he said that I should esp take it easy on those because it was dangerous to take the two together. Be safe, that's all any of us on this site want I believe...

If you take medicinal doses of benzos (i.e. 0.5mg alprazolam/day, or equivalent); you are going to be fine. Suboxone dotors freak out about benzos like it's Seconal or something. :\

Glad to hear you're on Suboxone though man!
IME-- When I was addicted to benzos and Suboxone at the same time and was tapering, I noticed how much the benzos actually do potentate the Suboxone. For example, I couldn't taper both drugs at the same time; if I decreased the dose of one, I'd not get the full effects from the other. I eventually had to decrease very small amounts of just one drug, and it felt like I dropped large amounts of each drug.

...So the combo is a powerful one. The respiratory depression may not seem like it would be as big of an issue because of bupe's comparatively safe side effects, but when you take into account the huge doses of bupe that are in Suboxone tablets and this significant potentiation by the benzodiazepines, I think it is still probably good to warn of the potential danger. Bupe is a fairly safe drug, but mixing high doses with benzos certainly has potential to be hazardous.
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Oxy and Sub Tolerance

First off I want to say Hi as this is my first post here. I've found so much great information and gained a lot of my knowledge about drugs from these forums.

I have a few questions which I searched for but couldn't find an answer to. So I was hoping some of you might be able to help

Let me start off by saying for the past year I've been on an daily oxycodone habit which started off at 40mg and has ended at 400-500mg (full dose taken in 1 sitting). My tolerance has skyrocketed and due to some things happening in my life I went and saw a doctor to get on suboxone. I've been taking 8mg of suboxone daily for the past 2 weeks. However, I can't get the idea of using one last time (i know, how cliche right) out of my mind. My concerns are tolerance.

Lets say I stay on the 8mg sub dose for 1 month and stop taking the sub for 3 days after the month. If I decide to take oxy should I take the 400-500mg I was taking before or will this be too much because my tolerance has dropped over the past month?

Basically, I want to use one last time (don't laugh) but not sure how to go about dosing it. Does suboxone share tolerance with oxycodone? Is my tolerance to oxy going down while on on the subs? If it is how much can I expect my tolerance to have dropped while not using and being on subs for 2 weeks? How about one month?

I know there are people on these forums who have been through this before so any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have personal experience with suboxone so I won't endanger you with a poor guess on what to dose but your tolerance probably has dropped some.

Keep in mind that the 'one last time' is just craving and rationalizing. Its almost certainly not going to stop once you use again, you'll probably just find another rationalization and fixate on that.

Addiction isn't just a simple, medical problem that can be cured with a pill. Best case scenario- you'll need time to get over the mental aspects but more likely, you need and would benefit from addressing these issues in other ways (counseling, rehab, support groups, etc).
I am tapering off benzos and Suboxone per doctor's instructions, and I'm finding it IMPOSSIBLE to do both. It's just too much! I'm coming off of Roxi's using the Suboxone, and tapering off of two drugs at the same time is killing me. I'm just letting the Sub doc taper me off my Xanax while I make up the rest (I take about 8 mgs a day of Xan) by getting it from another source. It's cheap, so... whatever... I just hope that when she thinks I'm off the Xanax, she doesn't give me a UA and find the Xanax. If she does, Imma just come clean to her and tell her I've been unable to stop both at the same time. Period, end of story. I have bad anxiety and I honestly cannot FUNCTION when I'm going through the shakes, my mind in a tailspin, and cold/hot flashes and I HAVE to be able to function on some normal level at work.

I'm thinking it may be okay, though. I've been with her for two months now and I've refused to drop even .5 mgs and she hasn't pushed me. However, she only gives me 4 mgs a day to take and I get the other 4 mgs I take elsewhere.

Well.. this post was senseless.... I forgot where I was going with it....
there have been many reports of fatalities due to using suboxone/subutex while on benzos. this is the main reason why many rehabs test for benzos before they dispense bupe. take it at your own risk.

I will, i'm gonna take 8mg Suboxone in the morning and 1mg clonozepam in the evening and see what happens.
Finally, got my Subutex last night. 1st time to see those generic ones by Teva, they are also less expensive than the Roxane ones. But!! The pharmacist gave me only 10 pills x 8mg, since my doctor had to mail them the prescription as i don't have it and he is in NY city! Apparently they give you a 5-day supply for emergency, until the doc mails the rest. This is a joke, i went along with it of course, making them feel that i DO take 2 x8mg pills a day, while those 10 pills will really last for 40 days minimum! (PLACE 1 TABLET UNDER TONGUE TWICE A DAY While on the Roxane: ONE TABLET ONE TIME DAILY-MAXIMUM OF 1 PER DAY
I cant believe this ignorance!
I think the lady at the pharmacy found it weird that i'm coming all the way from Canada just to pick up my Subutex, while Suboxone is everywhere here. Maybe she thought that i want it specifically to shoot it, since they all think that Suboxone is un-shootable!

So now the world-wide Subutex is available under: Reckitt Benckiser (UK), Roxane and Teva.
The more, the better, the cheaper :)
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I am tapering off benzos and Suboxone per doctor's instructions, and I'm finding it IMPOSSIBLE to do both. It's just too much! I'm coming off of Roxi's using the Suboxone, and tapering off of two drugs at the same time is killing me. I'm just letting the Sub doc taper me off my Xanax while I make up the rest (I take about 8 mgs a day of Xan) by getting it from another source. It's cheap, so... whatever... I just hope that when she thinks I'm off the Xanax, she doesn't give me a UA and find the Xanax. If she does, Imma just come clean to her and tell her I've been unable to stop both at the same time. Period, end of story. I have bad anxiety and I honestly cannot FUNCTION when I'm going through the shakes, my mind in a tailspin, and cold/hot flashes and I HAVE to be able to function on some normal level at work.

I'm thinking it may be okay, though. I've been with her for two months now and I've refused to drop even .5 mgs and she hasn't pushed me. However, she only gives me 4 mgs a day to take and I get the other 4 mgs I take elsewhere.

Well.. this post was senseless.... I forgot where I was going with it....

You can just say "I had a panic attack; I went to the ER and they gave me Xanax."

Taper w/ Xanax on your own time frame; don't rush in coming off of them, but try to be conservative with them.

Good luck with getting off of Suboxone! Just remember; you CAN do it! :)

I cant believe this ignorance!
I think the lady at the pharmacy found it weird that i'm coming all the way from Canada just to pick up my Subutex, while Suboxone is everywhere here. Maybe she thought that i want it specifically to shoot it, since they all think that Suboxone is un-shootable!

Isn't that hilarious though? I love the irony that Suboxone can be IV'd and pharmacists and doctors are so happy to give it out to patients.

I contend that the government should cover the cost of people's drug recoveries. If they are fighting a war on drugs, then paying for people's rehab should be in their interest.

The facts are that the US government conspires to import massive amounts of drugs (cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and more!) - and then they penalize people for not getting clean, even when rehabilitation costs more than the drug addiction in the first place.

The reality is that the US government sets up their citizens to be drug addicts. This has created a racket of people against drug users, namely the legal system. There have been studies that have proven that DARE programs are completely ineffective, and I contend that they prime children to become drug addicts.
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What a shame! Drs. should be people we blindly trust on our health and life in general, which is sadly not the case at all!
In the pharma pamphlet i got with the Subu, it reads: Bupe are usually taken in the doc's office for 2 days, then switched to Bupe + Naloxone for maintenance. Really?! Is that the common thinking now?
I am tapering off benzos and Suboxone per doctor's instructions, and I'm finding it IMPOSSIBLE to do both. It's just too much! I'm coming off of Roxi's using the Suboxone, and tapering off of two drugs at the same time is killing me. I'm just letting the Sub doc taper me off my Xanax while I make up the rest (I take about 8 mgs a day of Xan) by getting it from another source. It's cheap, so... whatever... I just hope that when she thinks I'm off the Xanax, she doesn't give me a UA and find the Xanax. If she does, Imma just come clean to her and tell her I've been unable to stop both at the same time. Period, end of story. I have bad anxiety and I honestly cannot FUNCTION when I'm going through the shakes, my mind in a tailspin, and cold/hot flashes and I HAVE to be able to function on some normal level at work.

I'm thinking it may be okay, though. I've been with her for two months now and I've refused to drop even .5 mgs and she hasn't pushed me. However, she only gives me 4 mgs a day to take and I get the other 4 mgs I take elsewhere.

Well.. this post was senseless.... I forgot where I was going with it....

When you take both benzos and opiates at the same time, they potentate each other, and when you lower the dose of one drug slightly, if knocks down the level of effects you get from both drugs pretty considerably. I found that it is best to just taper one drug at a time, probably the opiate first so you still have the benzos covering up some of the symptoms of the opiate w/d (opiates don't really cover up benzo w/d...) The key is to go slow because it is just plain hard to taper off two drugs that make each other more powerful. Chip down to the degree your body can take it until you are off of one drug altogether, after which tapering the remaining drug will not be nearly as painful.

Whatever you do, don't try to taper big chunks of both drugs at the same time. You'll be cutting out way too much of your dose, and your body will not be happy!

Good luck, and be sure to ask any questions you may have!
First off you would be much better off to forget about the "one last time". Secondly, most likely you can get by with much less than 8mg subs. Try to drop 1 mg every few days till you get down to 1/2-2 mg. Then you should be fine to maintain there. As an added benefit, [if you're determined] you will get much better effects from the oxys coming over from low dose subs. Suggest you wait about 24 hrs after last subs dose and vice versa when going back to subs

After being on low dose subs for awhile... You shouldn'r need more than 60-100mg to get a buzz from the oxys.
What's the difference between methadone and suboxone if there is any, I'm currently on the sub, is methodone for more hardcore heroin opiate abussers? Which is easier to taper of from
What's the difference between methadone and suboxone if there is any, I'm currently on the sub, is methodone for more hardcore heroin opiate abussers? Which is easier to taper of from

Methadone is a full agonist, and has NMDA antagonist properties.

Buprenorphine is a partial agonist, and has a lot of other properties (other opiate receptors, and other non-opiate receptors).

Methadone doesn't really have a ceiling dose, and buprenorphine does.

In either case, if you taper properly, it shouldn't be too hard. Buprenorphine is an easier taper for me personally speaking.
Captain heroin you sound like you kno what your talking about, but if you can explain it to me in English for amore beginner sub user , nmda, agonist, ceilings etc? please and thank you
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