Stupid question: What would happen if I gave my Gerbil e?

Right now there is one pissed off gerbil. Did you think of the mental strain on the gerbil due to thinking he was going to get a free hit of E, but thanks to all you damn animal rights activist making the decision for him, he was left with some cat nip that doesn't really effect his species. From what I hear they feel dizzy for a few minutes and get a real bad headache. You're just a bunch of fucking saints.
[This message has been edited by e_rep (edited 19 January 2000).]
if you gave your gerbil e, the fuzzy little freak would most likely bust out some mini glowsticks, put on a really tiny pair of really big pants, and start liquiding on his wheel.
before you know it, he'd be bumming menthol cigs off you all night and drink all your water.
I don't know, man. sounds like more trouble than it's worth.
And he had already taken his 5-HTP and put his PHAT Pants on..
This is cruel...
LMAO vertigo!
Where have you been girl? Haven't seen you around for a while. Back in fine form.
Oh, and peachy and I did have a discussion the other night. Everything's cool. Even if he doesn't know what breakbeat is LOL j/k
I second all the opposition to the idea.
However, on a serious note...if you did do that, I think it would just have a speedy effect on the animal, if it even survived. No "Whoa! I'm rollin' like a muthafucka!"
vertigo Where HAVE you been. I was asking bout cha in the chat room the other night. Everything alright? I miss your posts!!
Got any good stories for us??
peace and plur
miss apple! tarmac! wow, it *has* been a while, hasn't it? hmmm... what sort of excuse could I come up w/ that sounds exciting and interesting? abducted by aliens? assigned a new identity by a witness relocation program? moving six years' worth of belongings to a new residence?
hint: one of the above *is* true...

fuck these people give him a little bit, my buddys dog runs in circles constantly ever since we smoked him out.
God people Can't you take a joke? Let's see, if a topic has "stupid question" in the title, then maybe it isn't supposed to be taken seriously. Jeez...
I think this is hilarious....All you people gettin your Karma points in for sticking up for the poor gerbil. HAHAHAHAAAA

Oh yeah, I second DAVE's post, Peachy realised he was wrong, and even went as far as to say that it was a stupid idea...sheesh!
[This message has been edited by Thestepper69 (edited 20 January 2000).]
Even though it's already near the top, I'm putting it back cuz Vertigo kicks ass.
At least u made me laugh my ass off.
I guess it's cuz I can just picture this gerbil, like, totally geared out with wings and a shiney suit, and a little gerbil dustmask on comin up to me being, "ohhhhhhhhhhhhh godddddddddddddd.... Motab... come here.... gimme a hug.... will u blow me up?"
Im not sure but my dog once snorted like a gram of coke left on the coffee table.
He got a little hyper and I dont think he slept for a while.
Little fucker kinda ruined the little get together though.
This string made me crack the hell thanks to Peachy and those that had the good humour to realize that IT WAS A JOKE THREAD!!! I highly doubt she was about to let the furry creature drop a bean, perhaps she was just trying to make some people laugh. Oversensitive bastards.
Entropope, you are sick you know that? Advocating violence to further your goal of reducing animal cruelty? Thats like advocating ending racism by killing all the people in the world who are racists. At least EENER advocated his views in a responsible adult way, but you are a animal fascist.No plur for you.
To everyone else, thanks for making me laugh before the start of another messed up day at Uni. much love to you all.
soulwatcher, who still can picture the gerbil with a blowpop and a vicks inhaler complaining that he's coming down of his roll
First of all thanks to Peachy and the other humour filled folks who contributed to this thread that made me LMAO...And to those opposed to this thread, realize, please I beg of you, THAT IT WAS A JOKE!! Peachy was not about to waste a pill on a furry little rodent, nor is she cruel to animals. So everyone take a deep breath and relax and try and envision a gerbil dancing with glowsticks and begging for back massages....
As to EEner, props to you for advocating your message in a rational adult way. I think you missed the joke, but you made your point well.
Entropope, you are one sick little person. How can you preach against animal cruelty and then threaten a human with violence? Hypocrite. That is like attempting to end racism by killing all of those who are racists. Ill tell you what, come around to my house little boy and try to use violence on me. I guarentee it wont be as easy as threatening a woman with violence, you sick twisted twit. No plur for you,
As for the rest of you, much love and respect, thanks for making me laugh.
soulwatcher, who hates animal rights activists who preach violence against animals(aka humans)
Soulwatcher, thank you for your remarks, I appreciate what you said and by the way, I am female, my name is Renee and I am very pleased to meet you....
DOH!!! first of all I double posted for which I apologize and then I referred to EENER as a male.....
Sorry about that Renee...*doh*
pleased to meet you as well, my name is andrew.....

Roscoe, My cat Bee Lines it staight to the goomers when we are breaking 'em up. I'm sure he'd like E and then he'd like your Gerbil too.
Soulwatcher, you're sooooooooo special, I forgive you, have a wonderful day wherever you are, Renee
ENOUGH rEspEct to Soul Watcher,
you got it spot on;
the thread WAS ONLY A JOKE. I realised that some people got offended and I apologise for that.
people like entropope need some lessons in PLURNESS. Cheers for sticking up 4 me soul watcher.
P.S. I'm actually male but your not the first one to make the mistake.

<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-