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stuck on smack need advice im in a bind and dont know what to do

What you mean for when the full withdrawals come? you think im gonna get real sick still? Ive used methadone before to grt off it and i had the sweats sometimes but it wasnt that bad
Im kinda screwed anyways i cant get anymore medications i have no money for gas or anything at this point im fucked so whatever i have is what i have. does drinking help¿
hey.. .. sooo how are you doing?? i think what NSA is saying is to "try" and hold off on your initial dosing of the methadone for as long as possible.(and while on the methadone to try and acquire additional meds that were mentioned- but if you can't then you can't) do you think you can work with the dosing schedule on the previous page?? it is set up for 4 wafers, i know you said you have 3.5 right now so you could still try to follow it.. . and please try to not drink i personally think it could make your anxiety and your body feel worse. especially as the effects ware off.

you are making great progress!
Yeah i started to do it like that with dosing i just started with a half last night and half this morning because i did some shit monday. so i didnt take the methadone. Im feeling ok at the moment but who knows what will hapoen from minute to minute i hate sitting here thinking about it and worryig that really sucks
Time just seems to stand still. i keep waiting and hoping for 4 DAYS TO PASS and me not use and its just standin still....does green help at all?
nice... sounds good!! you are doing great- totally try and stick to that schedule it should work out pretty well for you. if you dosed 20mg last night and 20mg this morning you are right on track, be patient and hold off till tonight to take the next dose in line of 15mg. you can do it!!

go get some air and take a little walk it will for sure help with your anxiousness. just keep making it through each one of those minutes they will start to tic by faster and faster. you really have come along way and are on track with getting to where you want to be. try to stay calm and give yourself some love for getting to this point- you deserve it!!


i do not think a little herb is a bad idea at all.. just don't go nuts. lol.
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Green can help a bit.. but drinking wont likely help at all and can make you feel allot worse.. just keep thinking of how nice it will be not to chase that drug all day every day. Your going to be free soon:).. try and work through the fear and anxiety by just accepting the fact that yeah, you are going to be sick for a little bit, but your going to get better really quick... just a little walk, a little push.. keep your thought positive.. always keep you eye on the prize.. and the prize is being well and free without that wretched drug. And in a few days you will be:) mm
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it is not going to even be close to as bad as all the shit you have had to deal with from chasing the dragon.. . try to keep that in prospective! it is not going to get real bad- it is going to get real good!! you are making it through this!! and will be past it before you know it... . your going to be great!
Often times withdrawal is a reflection of how bad we think its going to be..

Yeah. Soldmysouls here to claim his soul back.. he's in for the long haul.. and in a few days he will be free.. only takes a few days to wonder outa hell SMS.. your addictions getting worried because it knows your going to kill it.. you have been amazing at breaking through all the fear a doubt its been throwing at you:). Now all you gave to do is work through its death throes. FREEDOM AND YOUR LIFE AND SOUL BACK ARE JUST AROUND THE BEND:)
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Well im on 24 hours with no h at all but i dont know it might not be bad cuz i was using only a little tiny bit and was waitig til i was sick to do it and was taking a little methadone so i dont know i hope it dont get to bad
Anybody got any suggestions for the paws? thats why i always went back to the shit cuz i feel like shit for so long after
Ok so last night i didnt take another dose. i smoked a little weed had one beer and i went to sleep around 10 and woke up at 1am and i was getting sick had pretty bad rls and cold sweats i was so cold as i am really cold right now in the house i got a hoody on and im.still kinda cold but yeah i started to get pretty sick so i took a half (20 mg) methadone and a half (1 mg) klonipin cause i was getting pretty bad anxiety and once it finally kicked in i was able to go.back to sleep
I have suggestion for PAWS that helps me a lot. I use stuff from a health food store- L-Theanine and valerian for anxiety and St. John's wort for depression. Also for me, just actually finally doing it and gaining clean time, looking so much better and not having the suffocating weight of active using on my shoulders is huge in it self. But yeah, it's been 6 weeks and at times I'm holding on for dear life... Waiting for the craving to pass. Like riding out a bad hurricane. But it always passes. Always. Promise. And it always gets better. Your life improves. You find your soul and connection to the source again. You can either have opiates or you can have your soul, your spirituality, your true self., Your true potential. Your purpose. Your dharma. Call it what you will. But you can not have both. Positively not. Ever. There is love for you here. Your in the presence of those who have done it. Who be Never thought they could. You can. Hold on. Withdrawals pass just like everything does. Heroin, a week acute Mac. Paws, you may or may not struggle so bad with. 80% of it is your perception of it. Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change. ♥����������
So good to see you lucky.. nice work on si x weeks:)=D.. funny how powerful perception is rite?.. may be the most powerful thing around;) .. again so good to hear your doing great!!
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Thank you, Neversickanymore ! Your words of wisdom have been such an instrumental part of my recovery. When I get down, I come here and read your posts. Thank you for all the time and energy you put in around here! You're amazing. ♥
well everyone i can say that im finally clean but im on probation and went to.jail for 2 months :( wish it didnt take all that to get me clean but it did and im trying to stay positive about it. please help i want to try to get a script for gabapentin because it helps with aches and pains im 3 months cles
an now and also does anyone know a decent attorney in cook county illinois? lol
thank you all for all your help and support i started back going to a.a. and trying to.work a program. its hard to.come back into those rooms and tell everyone u fucked up
Hey SMS.. shit sorry you got clinked.. I wouldnt worry about telling everyone in those rooms you fucked up.. something tells me that everyone in those rooms fucked up or at least was fucked up.. addiction is a hard thing... you might enjoy a gander through this thread. I know when I finally learned what the hell addiction was all of my guilt and shame evaporated. We arent weak, we arent fuck ups, we are just addicts<3

The Brain and Addiction (under construction)

Also i would expand your program well beyond those rooms.. exercise, meditation, and changing ones thoughts are paramount to living a peaceful recovery IMO

Good to see you back SMS and throw that guilt and shame out the fucking window.. just drives use and makes us miserable.. your amazing;)