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Stimulants Stimulant meds side-effects: Amph vs MPH

Dextro .45

Apr 15, 2017
I just want to know what everyone has experienced with stimulant meds side effects regarding Amphetamines vs Methylphenidate.

I always hear that people prefer Amphetamines as they are “cleaner” and less of a “comedown”, and that Methylphenidate (Ritalin) has the worst comedown and side effects. I experience the exact opposite.

I find Ritalin VERY clean and have never had an unpleasant experience or comedown....ever. Methylphenidate only lasts 4 hours max and when it’s done, I’m completely at baseline, as if I never took a stimulant at all, no sketchy cracked out feeling what so ever

I am prescribed both Ritalin and Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) which metabolizes into d-amphetamine, and when I take Vyvanse I experience slight heart palpitations due to its greater norepinephrine release (although much cleaner than mixed salts/Adderall due to the presents of the Levo isomer)

Is there anyone who prefers Ritalin to amphetamines ???

I take Ritalin for short term pleasure and Vyvanse for all day alert functionality.

I just find Methylphenidate so freaking clean and pleasurable, Especially combined with a meal (which aids absorption) and an ethanol cocktail (which increases d-MPH by 40% ) and greatly potentiates its euphoric dopaminergic properties.
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Yeah, I experience way more side-effects from amphetamines.

Methylphenidate is much cleaner, with fewer side-effects and almost non-existent comedown compared to amphetamines. I often get pretty nasty comedowns from any significant dose of amphetamines. I can take as much as 60mg of dextromethylphenidate in a day with little comedown.

Methylphenidate is also more compulsive and shorter acting. I used to be scripted 40mg of d-MPH a day combined with a patch that contained 80mg of methylphenidate. I would snort the pills and chew on the patches. Eventually i started to get some stimulant psychosis, but i was also in benzo withdrawal at the time.
I don't know. It might depend on your experience, like which medications you've had. I'm only experienced with lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse), Adderall (IR & XR) and Focalin IR which is dexmethylphenidate; kind of like Vyvanse is metabolized into dextroamphetamine or Dexedrine which is dextroamphetamine, unlike Adderall which is both dextro and levo- amphetamines so it has different effects

Saying that, my experience with Focalin is that it has a heavier comedown than amphetamines and doesn't last more than 2 hours per dose. I much prefer Adderall to all of the above mentioned, except Dexedrine which I've never had but have tried to obtain a script for over the years and it seems next to impossible (like Desoxyn - methamphetamine) to get

I still think I'd prefer Adderall though, simply because the comedown doesn't affect me. I just go to sleep. But if I had a choice (dreaming here), I'd definitely pick Desoxyn out of them all simply because methamphetamine feels like I haven't taken anything. I have really bad ADD and on everything else I can still sleep unless I'm abusing it
Oh heck ya.... if I could try any drug of my choice, it would be pharmaceutical I.V. Methedrine 20mg ampoules :)

Oral Desoxyn would be the cleanest most gentlest experience ever. I’ve heard people who have legit scripts say it makes Adderall look like the tweakiest drug ever lol

d-desoxyephedrine hcl is the King of Kings
I was scripted desoxyn once. It was extremely expensive because my insurance refused to cover it, and while it was smooth, it was a bit too smooth, almost sedating. Its feels not noradrenergic enough at low doses. Id actually rather have d-amphetamine over low dose methamphetamine. Made me feel a bit spacey too and kind of depressed.
I don’t suffer comedown effects from either dexamfetamine or ritalin - except sometimes feeling very tired at the end of the day if I exceed my prescribed dose by too much (which I only do when recovering from meth).

However, I found that ritalin makes me a bit jittery and anxious so I much prefer dexamfetamine. Curiously, no straight amfetamines have ever made me feel anxious.
Everyone's pretty different in their subjective reactions OP ;)

Ritalin is a lovely clean sleep aid for me (assuming I keep the dose low), whereas amps will more often than not tend to stimulate me. None of them give me a comedown in the sense as described by others really. And nothing gives me any sort of 'euphoria' at all.
I love ritalin for it's euphoric effects. To this day it seems to be in my opinion the most euphoric pharmaceutical stimulant--but I haven't tried many. However, ritalin's comedown was rather unbearable. An hour of ultimate misery I would say and then it tapers off. At the time I had very low tolerance to stims however so the comedown may have been worse than it would be for me now.

Adderall is just a less euphoric up and a less severe comedown in my opinion. It's not as recreational as ritalin I've found but it is still my favorite drug and I've tried poppy plant dope.. I definitely am addicted to it. 100%. Objectively.

Concerta is my most hated stimulant. Barely any euphoria/change in focus and the comedown and heart rate is just not worth it for me to ever take. It didn't even help me focus. :(
I don’t get any euphoria from dex or ritalin. Just focus and concentration. Sometimes stereotypy if i have a lot.
Be sure to take vitamin B complex & Zinc (with dinner & water) daily with stims... and Taurine & Magnesium before bed

very beneficial for dopamine /monoamine production, both Vitamin B complex & Zinc are a must for Stims.

and after dinner I take a Vega sport protein powder that contains every essential amino acid, including phenylalanine and tyrosine (essential building blocks for dopamine/norepinephrine) but requires vitamin B complex hours prior) and zinc works wonders for dopamine / stimulant effectiveness as well as testosterone production in males (zinc)

You’ll find your Methylphenidate or d-amphetamine has a more pleasant and noticeable effect
54mg of Concerta (extended realease) through the day is like VERY strong coffee, wakes me up no matter how much I slept. But no euphoria, no. I guess Concerta doesn't release enough of the drug. I tried once 125mg of Concerta in two hours, but felt around double "strong coffe" effect and still no euphoria. Though I haven't slept at all the night before.
Well there is Amphetamin and Methylphenidate. But they both are available as their d isomer.

The dextro isomer of Amphetamin is definitely better side effects wise as racemic Methylphenidate.

Regular Amphetamine is a class of it's own. The side effects are overpowered by the speeded high it produces. But the comedown is equally enlarged, expect no sleep.