• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Sperm Banks

yeah, hence the "for most people" part. i definitely do not want to under-appreciate the difficulty some couples have (another couple close to us have essentially given up), but her situation is not like yours, dear. it is just the vasectomy.

my post is merely an assurance to her, that if she can be impregnated with sperm bank material now, it is very likely to be the same in 5 or even 10 years. there is no rush, especially when she and her partners are having so many other critical issues, issues which are likely to put a baby in harm's way.


You be a wise man <3
Fertility and parenthood are such personal issues. I know people who have been successful in having vasectomy reversals; others that haven't. I know people who have successfully used medical reproductive techniques such as IVF. I know people who have adopted or fostered children they love. Again, it is a personal decision that should be left to the individuals.

I believe that happy families must first have a sound financial foundation. No matter how much you wish for a child, if you are not financially stable enough to have a child, you should wait until you are. My parents had me at 25 (mother) and 29 (father). They had been married for four years before and waited until there was enough money in the bank to support me. I suggest, without judgment or flippancy, that you wait for your life to stabilize prior to attempting to conceive. As for sperm banks, each has its own standard. If you really wanted to, you could take your chance with a random who hasn't had a vasectomy, but to me that would be about on par with hitchhiking.

I urge you to get your education, get or stay off drugs, and be in a position to give a child a stable life before attempting to conceive by whatever manner.
you guys realize all you need is a testicular biopsy to get his sperm and fertilze the egg fairly uninvassive cheaper than a reversal and has a better guarantee.
I wanna know how this turned out. After reading the quality of the OP's posts and that thread about the OP that was posted. I don't think I would let her be in charge of watering a houseplant, let alone raising a child.