Songs that best depict the horror and desperation of addiction/mental illness

I hate Trent Reznor.
Find some good aggrotech
Like Wumpscut or something before you degrade yourself with that narcissistic grout
How dare he cover Dead Souls. An insult

He's a god damn genius.

How can you even compare Joy Division to NIN anyway? One of the most "apples and oranges" things I've ever heard.

Aside from Kraftwerk, NIN is probably the most influential band in that whole "genre".

P.S. I like Joy Division but that particular song... NIN version is better IMO.
There's not a lot that he could have pulled off but that was a really good choice for a JD cover.
Howsa bout some good ol' Ozzy Ozbourne paranoid is a classic..

Try "just dropped in" by Kenny Rogers and the 1st edition, always reminds me of my situation!
I would like to nominate

Burn Fetish - by Eyedea and Abilities

the way he manages to capture the self destructive process always made the most sense to me personally.
How about Spiritualized Don't Just Do Something?

It'slike the ultimate statement of English middle-class ennui. I Could do something with my life but I'd rather sit around doing fuck-all and contemplating what a fuckup I AM. i relate to that.
Sorry I'm using my phone here but I'd definitely include Between The Bars by Elliott Smith and Table For One by Liz Phair