Mental Health Social Anxiety tips

No, I'm a man.

Ok then don't like me it's cool, I'm all about the love so we good bro, just give me about 10 feet.

(note: I had people shook in detox yelling about "stay 10, 15 feet away" mofuckers running to their rooms like cowards, PCPd up savage)
Masturbation is cool if you're not that into sex.

For social anxiety? Hell naw psychological poison

It seems a Pandora's box has been opened on this topic LOL

I'm not really interested in talking about it anymore...I'm all for people being themselves, though, if that works for you then I'm happy for you & that's great. :) That hasn't been my experience, though...if I feel the need to get some release I'll "indulge myself", lol, but at the same time I've never really felt that it's had a negative impact on my ability to relate to other people generally-speaking, or women in particular. Good lord, at this point if a woman merely touched me in an affectionate way I'd get rock hard, being a fisherman is like being in prison! (only in regards to not seeing women often, not in regards to gay sex.) ;)

And of course masturbation in-and-of-itself isn't an effective/practical anxiolytic for everyday anxiety, not unless you want to be shoving your hands down your pants at random intervals during the day 8)
Something that works for my social anxiety is having someone I know with me when I go out. It is like having a security blanket with you until you can go out on your own without feeling anxiety.
Earbuds are incredibly useful for public transportation, grocery stores, etc., although that could be seen as merely distracting yourself from public situations. I don't really care if it means I don't have to hear the idiot sitting by me on the bus yapping about who know's what on speakerphone. :\