• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

So you're coming out of your local bar drunk...

What's your vendor of choice, oh drunken one?

  • Hot dog.

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • Philly cheese steak sandwich.

    Votes: 22 45.8%
  • Delicious corn.

    Votes: 13 27.1%

  • Total voters
No, the people (your prospective customers) have spoken. You are better targeting open markets or festivals with corn than drunks out the front of a bar.
I don't think so.
You now need to consider how validly the poll and comments of bluelighters generalize to your population of prospective customers (Hawaiian, right?)
Not really, Hawaiians are so few. 90% of the Hawaiians were killed after the Hawaiian islands were ILLEGALLY taken oven. We have mainly a military/caucasian (tourist/bar life) and an asian + local asian (yeaah they're different) audience.
This line still cracks me up every time I read it.
You've never heard of a local farm being popular for their produce? Sad.
Not really, Hawaiians are so few. 90% of the Hawaiians were killed after the Hawaiian islands were ILLEGALLY taken oven. We have mainly a military/caucasian (tourist/bar life) and an asian + local asian (yeaah they're different) audience.

This doesn't really invalidate my general point about how this sample of bluelighters generalizes to your target population of customers, and it certainly doesn't invalidate my particular point about how a poll with wide representation of vegetarians may or may not generalize to your population of bar-goers.

who on earth would pay FIVE DOLLARS for a fucking ear of CORN?? that shit is like, a quarter at the store. f'real yo.

No way in hell id pick corn anyways, but ESPECIALLY not at that price. youd have to be charging like $2 for it to even be something consider-worthy.
haha the corn is 5 bucks!! Ahhh shit is hitting the fan.

They are trying to make a profit off the drunks that love corn. :sus:
Oh another really good drunk food in irl is a ham and cheese toasty. Id crush those, that nice thick cut ham and strong cheese. I like those...plus every pub has them
if the corn is prepared with mayonnaise, cotija, butter, and tajin i'll take the corn. otherwise, i almost always get hot dogs after a club if im in LA. In San Diego, I usually just skip out on all of them and just find a hole in the wall mexican restaurant for some carne asada fries.
when drunk carne asada fries are amazing, mexican hot dogs are almost as good


.....seriously they are the best creation man has ever come up with.
in my tiny little college town, the only street food around the bars are taco trucks, so i would have to pick lingue tacos. yum.

but for the sake of the poll, corn indeed. very minimal butter and salt.
As in beef tongue tacos?? Eh id pass. Most weird parts and organ meat i cant get down with. Foie gras in the tiniest amount is good. But when i see any vein or otherwise weird looking stuff im grossed. The corn does sound good tho.
Are they potatoes? Onion rings?

Either way, I want! My mouth is watering just by looking at them. I need to go to New Orleans -- My area doesn't have cool things like that :(
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I need to find some of these! I feel like I've been missing out lol.

Do they have an official name besides "delicious looking potatoes on a stick"? :D