• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

SO Weather thread - what's it like at your place now?

north fla. 63, sunny, little breezy, perfect.
to y'all in the frozen tundra, spring is near. today is the first day i've heard/seen the geese headed north. i'm betting on an early spring and another blazing summer.
^I get my weather from noaa :) It's usually more accurate than other sites.

Right now we're under ANOTHER wind advisory with winds possibly getting to 60mph today.
I love the wind so as long as we keep power, I'm cool with it :)
It's fairly mild but the wind makes it feel much cooler.
that the rest of the world is in metric?

^Yeah, they just have not gotten around to changing over to the superior SAE system of measurements.(Just kidding, it's us that have not gotten around to changing, although I did learn all about the metric system starting really early in school in N.C. back in like the late 70's when I was in like 4th or 5th grade)

Anyway, a great, warm day here today, in the mid 50's(F)(superior SAE=D)
It's been quite cool here in Sydney this week, which is very much appreciated! I didn't even need to turn the fan on overnight last night.

Today it's 23C (73F) with a few showers.
31C here today in Melbourne, and warm for the rest of the week... then, when it should be sunny and nice, on Saturday it drops to 22 and showers. Never mind, we're having a baking day, then going to an imaginary superhero/supervillian costume party :D
I am so glad to see that none of our aussie family was hit by any of the natural disasters :)
I can't believe that so late in the winter we're looking at snow again.
Right now we are getting hammered by winds out of Canada- Its high tide and its pushed the waters to almost our back gate. (a few feet from it)
We're expected to get snow tomorrow (2-4 inches)- I'll believe it when I see it but I wouldn't be too upset about it :) I love snow, as long as it melts away within a few days.....
BUT we're supposed to stay with sustained winds at 20mph+ for the next three days- Right now you can hear it howling so I imagine I'm going to get pretty annoyed with it after a while.......
Will post photos if we actually get snow again.
It is 2C right now and yesterday at this time it was 20C.
Weird weather. Rain expected.
We are done with snow...I hope.
We're under a wind advisory :D
25-45 mph sustained winds with gusts to 60 mph!!
Yay for stormy days.
^^ Jealous!! :)

It's overcast and 22C (72F) today.
But it's due to be sunny and high-20's (low-80's) over the weekend.
It's 44°F at the moment, but it is 12:32 in the AM. Today, it's going to be 70°F and sunny, sunny, sunny. I'm loving it! This cold weather, among other things, has had me really depressed this winter.
Wow hun I'm glad you're okay <3

My heart is completely broken for Japan :( Absolutely horrific.
Just got hit by a tsunami from the earthquake that hit Japan (poor Japan, my prayers go out to them)

This is a great video of the surge in Kona http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91Wh0_yNJhc

Maui is relatively ok, could have been A LOT worse, but there is still a good amout of damage

I was worried about you. Glad you and your family are alright. <3

<3 to Japan <3

52F and cloudy with intermittent rain showers and light winds. Not bad compared with the snow from late February.