• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

SO Photography Contest Discussion!!

/gets out dusty trusty anagram generator; rearranges theme

"Sunsets and Sunrises"

already done. next

I think a "wild animal" theme might be neat...theres a lot of different animals throughout the world. It could also be taken literally or in other imaginative ways.
DG said:
I think a "wild animal" theme might be neat...theres a lot of different animals throughout the world. It could also be taken literally or in other imaginative ways.
"Wildlife" was listed in the list of future themes posted in the Time Poll thread, but "Wild Animals" could work out even better, DG. We'll have to toss that one around. Thanks. :)
halloween doesn't exist over here, so i'll simply have to abstain a round, just like many others had to durnig the lighthouse and other rounds. no matter.

edit: or maybe i could fudge one. hmmmmm
Look, I couldnt be bothered arguing about it anymore, especially as I dont seem to have any written support from anyone else.

But I will finish by suggesting that were the positions reversed then I susepct very strongly that there would be some upset people and rightly so............but the fact is that if things were reversed me personally would not be allowing it because I dont think its right and suggests self centeredness.

And for the record I would not agree with a beach only theme. Apart from the fact that I live nowhere near a beach, its the same deal exactly. I would however encourage a sand theme in its place.

I have noticed that the rules are stuck to very explicitly and rightly so...........but it means its gunna be very difficult for Aussies to take part in halloween photo comp because contrary to what wikipedia may say, it is a very rare occurrence here and indeed the practice is frowned upon where I lived due to the dangers involved and rightly so.

Anyways, carry on regardless.
Well what's a similar spooky fest over there, guys? I simply don't want to generalise it into a "Scary stuff" like title. If you have a similar spooky fest there, we should be able to incorporate it.
there is none

anyway, shouldn't this all be split into the photography contest discussion thread?
i think that if we had a 'kangaroo' or 'aborigine' theme (pardon my crude australia-themed examples but they're the first things which came to mind) it would challenge those not in australia to interpret the theme in a novel or more abstract way.

even if australia doesn't celebrate halloween, you could still use it as inspiration for a photo.

L2R said:
there is none

anyway, shouldn't this all be split into the photography contest discussion thread?

I actually had the move ready to go for the past hour or so and was just playing the waiting game for whatever reason.
alasdairm said:
i think that if we had a 'kangaroo' or 'aborigine' theme (pardon my crude australia-themed examples but they're the first things which came to mind) it would challenge those not in australia to interpret the theme in a novel or more abstract way.

even if australia doesn't celebrate halloween, you could still use it as inspiration for a photo.


You make a good point. And a fair one, but I would like it to be understood that I would equally be against a kangaroo or Australian indigenous persons theme to. I just believe the themes should be global which is in line with my everyone is equal and a fair go for all policy.

Regards splitting this off......thanks.
MazDan said:
You make a good point. And a fair one, but I would like it to be understood that I would equally be against a kangaroo or Australian indigenous persons theme to. I just believe the themes should be global which is in line with my everyone is equal and a fair go for all policy.

Regards splitting this off......thanks.

If you think the themes should be global then why are you against an indigenous persons theme? Australia isn't the only country to have indigenous people living there .. I actually think that would be a really interesting theme, and it would be great to see some pics from different countries. Edit - apologies MazDan, I didn't read your post to say Australian indigenous, only indigenous.

I don't have a problem with the theme issues being too narrow or whatever - for one thing, nobody is asking us to go out and take a photo at the time the theme is introduced, I take a lot of photos and often look back at photos I've taken previously for ideas.

It's also a sign of a good photographer if you're creative enough to interpret a theme in your own way.

Just my thoughts.
ByronStar said:
Edit - apologies MazDan, I didn't read your post to say Australian indigenous, only indigenous.

lol, prior to reading this bit i was about to jump down your throat cos I was very careful how i wrote it..........lol

Cheers and thanks for re reading.
MazDan said:
I just believe the themes should be global which is in line with my everyone is equal and a fair go for all policy.
we all live on the same planet. any theme is global.

that's a heartwarming platitude, alasdair, but even if we all lived in the same country i would fully expect there to be themes that some people wouldn't be able to contribute much to.

this isn't a kindergarten where we need to worry about all the poor wittle kiddies feelings, we're supposed to be grownups that can handle a bit of disappointment now and again. :\
felix said:
that's a heartwarming platitude, alasdair, but even if we all lived in the same country i would fully expect there to be themes that some people wouldn't be able to contribute much to.
only if you limit your thinking...


seriously, i'm not saying this because i fear for people's feelings. quite the opposite.

i'd like to formally request the addition of "graffiti" to the list of upcoming themes in the bluelight second opinion photography contest. where do i pick up the forms and relevant documents to request the forms in relation to obtaining the necessary means to consider such a request in the near future?
^^^ You need to form a queue to join in order to get the forms for that.
Express lane for L.

Next theme: Civilisation [November 11 - November 17]
followed by Fire [November 18 - November 24]
followed by Rust [November 25 - December 01]
followed by Graffiti [December 02 - December 08]