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So confused about dosage, 600mg?


Sep 15, 2013
Hey chaps,

Firstly, I'm not coming on here boasting about how much I can take, I've done MDMA like 7 times in my life...

Anyway, the other night, I bought a gram for *no prices* and over the space of around 2 hours did 60% of the drug which = 600mg

Now I read that a good dosage is around 150mg /180mg but surely If I'm taking 600mg I should be basically you know...dead.

The pills in ibiza got me off my tits, now this stuff comes from a reputable dealer but it still doesn't give me as good a roll as the pills from Ibiza. Maybe it's just methylone, hard to buy a testing kit when I still live my family.

If you were to buy a gram in crystal form, how long would you expect it to last. FYI, lost the other 400mg :(

To be honest it has left me with a bad comedown but I was also drinking very heavily the night after and had 5 pints on the same night I rolled. Not clever I know.
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First of all, who ever comments this thread will say the same things about dosage,
600mg is way too much. And you can't know what's inside cuz you didn't test your product.
Normally 150mg should be fine (guessed from your usage).
Some ppl says alcohol does not ruin the roll, for me it def ruins my roll.
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600mg wouldn't kill you, it would just be very intense with a crash which is what it sounds like is going on. You shouldn't do it often but it won't have any serious implications after one time.

I've gone through way more than 600mg in a night after not doing MDMA for over a year and been fine other than a crash.

Try not to worry about it too much.

As for how long a gram would last me... If we're being honest... I'd go through the whole gram in a night. I have serious self control issues with pure MDMA. If its around, I'll eat it til its gone. I pay for it every time too. :\
"1g" does NOT equal 1 gram. A "gram" in the UK is usually more like .6-.8 at the most.

I could get about 3-4 HARDCORE rolls from a gram if it was of high quality. Really depends how I want to dose, though. Sometimes a 120mg dose is all I need and other times I'll go through 300mg+ easily.
Hey chaps,

Firstly, I'm not coming on here boasting about how much I can take, I've done MDMA like 7 times in my life...

Anyway, the other night, I bought a gram for *no prices* and over the space of around 2 hours did 60% of the drug which = 600mg

Now I read that a good dosage is around 150mg /180mg but surely If I'm taking 600mg I should be basically you know...dead.

The pills in ibiza got me off my tits, now this stuff comes from a reputable dealer but it still doesn't give me as good a roll as the pills from Ibiza. Maybe it's just methylone, hard to buy a testing kit when I still live my family.

If you were to buy a gram in crystal form, how long would you expect it to last. FYI, lost the other 400mg :(

To be honest it has left me with a bad comedown but I was also drinking very heavily the night after and had 5 pints on the same night I rolled. Not clever I know.

I bet you didn't weigh this gram. In England, a gram can easily weigh as little as 600mg (I've experienced it personally), but usually ranges from 700-800mg. The most I ever received was 760mg.

So, when you say you did about 60% of this batch, it was probably 60% of 700mg so approximately 420mg. While in England we are fortunate enough to have lots of good MDMA floating around, you should still buy a test kit to confirm that you are taking MDMA. Taking doses over 250mg is irresponsible and probably the reason you have a bad comedown. Try to limit yourself to 250mg max in an evening in the future to stay safe.

Do people not weigh it over there? Here you'd get shot for that

I'm sure the dealers will, but barely any users bother, hence why the dealers just give you .6-.8 all the time. The amount of times I've told them that I will weigh it, they guarantee that it's going to be a gram, and it's still always .6-.8. They just don't really give a shit. It's becoming widely accepted that a gram is just .6-.8 which is tragic tbh.
No wonder why I'm so confused? How can a gram be not a gram :/

Another question for you guys (I'm quite new to this), how the fuck can you measure your dosage? If I buy it from the dealer off the street before going out it's not like I can bring measuring scales with me.

Genuine question, what do you measure it with? So obvious if I buy scales yet alone a testing kit.

I like pills because It's never going to be more than 150mg right? Crystals it's hard to measure and you have to bloody hide the rest before going in the club.
Another question for you guys (I'm quite new to this), how the fuck can you measure your dosage? If I buy it from the dealer off the street before going out it's not like I can bring measuring scales with me.

Thats exactly what a dealer thinks, is he going to go home, weigh it and then come back out? No. Is he going to eyeball the gram and try and tell me its .2 off? No.

How are people acting like its only happens in the UK lol what? It happens anywhere, everywhere that sells drugs. If you buy of your normal dealer who you know, pre planned then your probably going to get a gram. Just because you asked for a gram it does not mean you got a gram.

You might have got .7, the MDMA been about 60% pure so have consumed probally half what you think you have.

You would need to consume a few grams to die from toxicity, how did you feel?
Protip: don't buy your drugs from shady people on the street.

Buy it the week before you plan on going out, test it and weigh out the doses beforehand. It's called prior planning... it seems to work pretty well.
I felt good, had my mouth in a girls for about 4 hours of the night. I'd rather have just danced tbh. Only thing i didn't really have was quite the same sense of euphoria, I just felt happy and confident :/

How do you guys test the weight? Is there an easier way to do it than buying a huge set of scales...?

Thanks so much for the feedback guys. Having done this much on Friday I REALLY shouldn't be taking it again on the 20th at the Tiesto gig but you know...it's the Tiesto gig!
I felt good, had my mouth in a girls for about 4 hours of the night. I'd rather have just danced tbh. Only thing i didn't really have was quite the same sense of euphoria, I just felt happy and confident :/

How do you guys test the weight? Is there an easier way to do it than buying a huge set of scales...?

Thanks so much for the feedback guys. Having done this much on Friday I REALLY shouldn't be taking it again on the 20th at the Tiesto gig but you know...it's the Tiesto gig!

Scales arent huge, and you can pick up some small ones for about a tenner. When was the first time you did MDMA? Also whend you come back from ibiza? Tolerance is a bitch you know
"huge set"? You can get a scale accurate to 3mg that's probably as big as your wallet for less than the price of a pill or two. Google the AMS gemini-20, ta-da.

Just get a damn scale, there really is no other sensible option. You can't even use something like volumetric dosing because you still need to know the weight before hand to be able to do anything accurately.
I felt good, had my mouth in a girls for about 4 hours of the night. I'd rather have just danced tbh. Only thing i didn't really have was quite the same sense of euphoria, I just felt happy and confident :/

How do you guys test the weight? Is there an easier way to do it than buying a huge set of scales...?

Thanks so much for the feedback guys. Having done this much on Friday I REALLY shouldn't be taking it again on the 20th at the Tiesto gig but you know...it's the Tiesto gig!

I brought myself a cheap little set of scales which weighs to the mg. Just google it. What I usually do is buy the gram well in advance of when I plan to take it, test it when I get home, then weigh up doses on the scale to make into bombs on the day of the event. Then just drop them when you want to.
First time I did MDMA was August 11th. I took 4 pills in Ibiza over 3 nights and have done it twice in the UK since returning.

Too much I know but i promise after BLAH BLAH BLAH I won't do it until next summer

The whole scales thing...how the fudge do I explain that to my mother ha. I'm 24...live at home.

Check out this scale *No specific products*
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It's called prior planning... it seems to work pretty well.

The best antifuckaround system since Y2K.

Dunno how the fuck this is all tolerated in the UK, get some angry Aussies when you try this shit, gets fucking hectic at times you have to remind some people about the bigger picture.
1 gram... thats 5x 200mg doses, so 5 decent rolls, i dont like to redose anymore, but when i did, then 1g is probably 2 pretty good nights
1 gram for me about 6-7 full retard events. But I take huge breaks (2-3 times a year) and never redose. Drop around 150 and good for the night.
Ants, just start buying some nutritional supplement in bulk, and explain the scale that way. What I did when I was living at home many moons ago. BTW a great way to save money on supplements when you buy in bulk and cap your self.

The buzzy roll you got in Ibiza would probably be down to the speed in the pills. I have also visited Ibiza and tested the waters with them.

When you say two hours? Do you mean you took it over a period of two hours? Or the roll lasted two hours. I'm sure you know the difference