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Sniffer dogs

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theres a dvd around that has an ex drug cop talking about how sniffer dogs work, its also on the internet somewhere and ill post it here if i find it again.

the main points he was making was that there is nothing that can hide the smell such as coffee or chili powder, an example he used was that humans can only smell a soup as one, but dogs can smell every ingredient that is in the soup.

the dogs also cannot smell through saddies, the smell after a period of time permiates through the plastic which the dog can then smell. so the sooner you put it in the saddie before you walk past a dog the better. more saddies also = more time before the smell escapes
satty bags, ziplock bags etc.. but that is not true... read my story at a sydney event a page or two back here, the lil doggy knew exactly what I had on me and I'd prepared the packaging DAYS before the rave.

That DVD is all old stuff, theres a big thread about it in drugs in the media somewhere... he made the dvd because he was brainwashed into thinking weed as as bad as heroin, meth, crack, coke etc... and he put away many users and dealers for a long time. Now he realises it's a "soft" drug that can be used by most people without much danger (vapourizing weed for one).. so he released all the so called secrets to cash in on it... but its pretty much all obvious shit anyway, about raids and hiding drugs etc.

In reguards to the new Valley piggers.. and the new Ms Piggy Hicks (or whatever your name is), go back to where you came from, this is not how city police officers act. You may get away with it in northern queensland and other country areas but not in a capital city..
Remember if you are searched, don't physically move or touch the officers but question them instantly and move back a bit. When they say they are searching you for suspicion of illegal items (drugs or weapons) ask for what reason. If they make up a story, like you fit the description of an attacker in a violent act this evening, then you will have to let them pat you down basically, checking for guns, or blades and other weapons. They can't remove any clothing without asking your permission, or touch near your private parts. They can't ask to see the contents of your bags, pockets or wallets without further suspicion. If they feel a weird bulky item, they can ask to see what it is while you or they stand back, but they cannot pick it out for themselves. So if you are holding something weird type of drug case that could say hold a weapon (like a glasses case) they may be able to ask to look inside of that if it is in your pockets.

If you were searched illegally just mention it in court and the case is thrown out, and that cop doesn't get his or her little bonus for that encounter. And they have wasted the states money anbd the magistrates time. You will most likely need a lawyer though. A duty lawyer will be happy to mention it. But it is always good to tell the officers at the time to write down you dissaproved of the search because you think it was not a legal search, and ask for their name, station and rank and type it into your phone or remember it. Pretending (or actually) calling a lawyer can get them to back off sometimes too.

Please anyone with recent Valley stories PM me and we'll work something out. You can remain anonymous, giving details except your name, or you can lodge an official complain yourself and I will help you do it.

Pick up your act coppas. You don't know who's watching you watch us. ;)
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Splatt said:
the lil doggy knew exactly what I had on me and I'd prepared the packaging DAYS before the rave.

sorry but thats kinda the point i was trying to make, that the longer you leave it in the package the more the smell will seep through, but you didnt get caught so whats it matter ;)

saddy = my local term i guess for a little ziplock bag that you put drugs in
Oh I understand now.. The dogs know hoiw to smell though.. i mean.. how does a dog smell threyu mutliupel air tight baggies, in a condom wrapped in glad wrap
++?? etc... and head straight to the source in a second of being near it... (taped to my cock)
after reading most of ya tips I reckon the common smells such as purfume, tigerbalm are the way to go.
Personally tho, if I'm carrying for friends I go the double bags (ALWAYS WASHING HANDS inbetween) and then I use the inside of a Kinda Suprise and put it ...... well you know,.... It's great being female.
Lol.... I'd be charging your mates extra for that effort of bringing them into an event. Most of the time cops arewnt going to bother searching your underwear if you stash it there, it's time consuming and if they are wrong, they could be in a bit of trouble. Dack your drugs and stay confident. Dont let the dog smell your fear. Make yourself believe you are there to enjoy the music and maybe have a drink. ;-) The dog handlers are trained very well to read a dogs insticts and reactions. They live with the dogs most of the time.
Two points that I'm sure have been covered before;

1) polyethylene is in the form of branched chains that allow small molecules such as terpene vapours (odours dogs are trained to detect) to pass through. Repeated wrapping may limit this but it won't prevent it over time.


Polyethylene magnified 15000 times

2) Dogs are incredibly good at focusing on one particular odour. Bombing with perfume, etc is hardly likely to deter a well trained dog, unless the odour of what its searching for is non-localised i.e. over everything.
Would HDPE make a difference? If so go buy some party bubble blowing vials from woolworths, wash them out, pull the bubble-blower from the lid, and dack and tape that. Go crazy on the seal and the whole thing using electric tape or something.
I have recently been warned about possible sniffer dog action at an event in the UK. Planning on taking the stash in a modified soft drinks can which I bought from a head shop, basically it's a glorified jam jar which looks and feels real. Now I have read several threads like this but a few things still confuse me. Firstly I assume smells can't pass through jam jars, am I correct or is glass semi-permiable? also how long does an odour remain on an item?
JumpinJackFlash said:
I have recently been warned about possible sniffer dog action at an event in the UK. Planning on taking the stash in a modified soft drinks can which I bought from a head shop, basically it's a glorified jam jar which looks and feels real. Now I have read several threads like this but a few things still confuse me. Firstly I assume smells can't pass through jam jars, am I correct or is glass semi-permiable? also how long does an odour remain on an item?

I guess if the container you where using had a very air tight seal and you packed the contents at the last moment (to reduce the ammoutn of time the odor has had to seep through), and then cleaned/washed the exterior of the container with somthing like methylated spirits, it might help.
^^We've had things like that here for years...

I've seen everything from coke cans to mortein flyspray canisters turned into stash bottles. inside is like a plastic wall filled with sand as a weight to make it feel full.. pretty neat really.
Also seen onme thqat was just plain stupid, a fke tennis ball can.
i walked into *** with some shit in a saddie in my pocket. walked right past the dogs and they did nothing.

[EDIT: No event names. hoptis]
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Sorta related but not really; do all airports have dogs working the luggage that is being loaded onto planes? Is it safer to carry 3-4 pills on me or in my luggage?
Obviously double bagged etc, and put in the middle of luggage.
In reference to the movie regarding the ex cop talking about how to avoid getting busted I have included a link to that movie on google video.

The quality isn't 100% but it is watcheable and contains plenty of information on how to outsmart cops.

It goes through a lesson in sniffer dogs, stashing stuff in your car, and how to handle traffic stops.

Never Get Busted:

No worries, I love documentaries and saw this one about a month ago, so thought it would come in handy for some people.
At an event on the weekend in Melbourne there were up to 4 sniffer dogs detecting drugs at the 15m wide enterance to the grounds. It was a gauntlet! I've never seen so many dogs in my life!

When I got there there was only one dog which I managed to avoid. I had mates who walked in 2hrs earlier than me that had stuff in their pockets and had the dogs walk right past them without any problems.. I guess you can just be lucky when it comes to the dogs.. or unlucky.
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