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Smackie Thread

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U can do it Ketaman! get some decent clean time up, and then the good times roll. I wouldn't drop 3-4 tabs in the bush though if ur going to be in withdrawals (obviously), but I seriously recommend trying a detox, then a rehab (even if you only stay a month), once all that gear gets out of your system you have a good chance of controlling yourself more.

Then get on some sweet sweet psychedelic power...
Definitely interested in that Doof TripppAR, IM me the details pleeeaaasse :)

Ive done rehab 3 times in my life im not sure if its the best thing right now, plus im on suboxone so most places wont let me in anyway. Im starting up at TAFE again which will help a lot as will a job and license. I may also be running into a fair amount of money soon and all my family is worried that im going to spend it on gear which is a bit disappointing but its rightfully so, so yeh im going to make it work, nothing comes easy. I havent used in a few days but the cravings are creeping up on me, my brain is saying just a $50 but my heart knows it can wait. Fuck its such a temptation though.

I honestly dont know how some people on prescription opiates stay looking healthy. Yes I IV heroin but I dont live a junky lifestyle, I eat healthy, I surf, go fishing, socialise daily with mates that dont use heroin and I still start looking like shit after using semi-regularly for a few weeks.

SpiritFolk dont think I could take acid in withdrawals, I get them bad enough I would want to shoot myself with the magnifying effects of LSD, at least thats what I imagine it'd be like. As I said though im on Suboxone so rarely do I ever have to endure any kind of withdrawal but when I do its DEATH!
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Hey Ketman, hope u doing good ? yeh your def right bout maybe not takin acid in the middle withdrawals. I was just saying that getting of suboxone in the end was definite improvement to my life, but don't get me wrong I understand how useful it can be in getting ur life back on track and out of that junky lifestyle and used it as the last opiate maintenance for a the last couple years. In the end though not being tied down to an opiate daily was the answer and although terrrible to kick, I can see how it was holding my potential as human being in all areas of life... but it was fantastic to put some order back into my life after H/methadone.
^^Yeh things are better man thx

Just kinda bumping this thread

Woke up sick as fuck this morning I only had 3/4 of an 8mg suboxone yesterday so 2mg less than my usual dose and this seems to be happening regularly, even if I have a normal 8mg dose I still sometimes wake up very uncomfortable and starting to withdraw the very next day, I dont understand why its not holding me for long as it should. Having a point or 2 of H on the days that I dont have suboxone(2-3 times a fortnight) wouldnt be raising my tolerance would it?
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Ketaman, I feel you, ive been in similar situation before. Im 100% clean now from everything and ive done nearly every drug under the sun. I can help you just hit me up if you feel like it, can give u tips and help u overcome that nasty addiction or even if you just want to talk to someone. Taking more isnt an option. Your just jumping from one addiction to another which isnt good. U can win this battle!
I feel you ketaman, I've been there too and no one seems to understand how fucked up and awful withdrawals are, not just the physical side but the emotional side, people don't understand how much it affects and fucks you up, the guilt and worry and fear and shame etc really really hurt. Man I did cold turkey from heroin whilst working out in the mines, 1.3 km below surface doing heavy labour in stupidly hot conditions knowing I had a 10 grand debt, all my money from the shit work I'd done in the stint before had gone into it so i was broke and I was away from my girlfriend who I'd not told and was doing behind her back but missed her so much and was stuck with a bunch of racist, sexist, ignorant, sickening people and man it hurt. But I got through it, just, went on methadone which was perfect at the time but ultimately starting me ruining my life again, switched to suboxone which - I guess a few people here have done the 'done - sub swap, wooo it makes h withdrawals seem like a minor headache huh, jesus - and am now on a stable dose on suboxone which unlike smack, methadone, oxy whatever doesnt seem to make you high at all when you're stable, it makes no difference to me anyway (I'm on 20 mg, so above average dosage wise I guess) and I now I'm out of the nasty game of h addiction, happy and getting myself back together. Suboxe saved my arse, it's no miracle drug but the positives for me far outweigh the negatives, if you're not already on a program and can I would highly highly highly recommend it if you feel like and don want your life to go down the shitter. Maybe start on methadone so you still get a high and feel pretty good (unless you have a fast metabolism like me and start withdrawing after 15 hours on 35mg) and get the high your craving without fucking your life up to get high then drop your dose slowly to around 30 and switch to sub and then get out of the daily routine of getting high and get your life back together. It really worked for me, it won't for everyone for sure but I was really fucken addicted to smack and now 6 months later I hardly think of it. The problem is people have to know so if you have a close family or girlfriend they will have to know your going on maintainence but them finding a used needle with traces of your blood in it are far worse, it's just the bullet you have to bite. Sorry if I sound at all condescending, I honestly dont mean to be at all I just want people to know and I don't have anyone to talk to about this other than my therapist and I just want to help someone whos in a horrible position that I've been in and understand. I got into h in what seems to be a very similar way to you so maybe it'll work for you. If you want to run through any of the pitfalls, pros, cons and I guess tricks of going on ost therapy then pm me and I'll try help. Also I'm sorry for the surprisingly many of you who have dealt with OD's, I've never had that happen to me and I cant even imagine how horrible and fucked it must be.

Ok well changing topic smack is back in a big way, when I started using about 2 years ago (newbie I know) it was sometimes quite tough to track down any quality let alone anything at all. Ive been down the street last few weeks for work and holy shit it has blown up big time, I was fighting off dealers left right and centre and the amount of users I didn't recognise has grown considerably. And Jesus its gettin rough, there are some scary people down there now and it wasn't really like that even a year ago. Now that ice has got so expensive and less common and e is well and truly dead smack use has exploded to fill the hole in the 'I need to get really fucked up on hard drugs' scene. Also the street benzo scene is fucken dodgy and booming, people abusing a (well a pretty badly organised and controlled system) system that actually helps some people, unfortunately I got carried away and am now reducing on diaz and its made it way more difficult for people like me to get genuine help when they need it. Anyway that's my rant, time for dinner!

Ps I wrote this on the toilet, couldn't resist saying it.

Look after yourselves guys!
Acid during withdrawls? Damn that would be a shitty trip I imagine, then again it might work like that Ibogane drug and scare you away from ever using again.I wouldnt do it, acid that is.
^^Yeh things are better man thx

Just kinda bumping this thread

Woke up sick as fuck this morning I only had 3/4 of an 8mg suboxone yesterday so 2mg less than my usual dose and this seems to be happening regularly, even if I have a normal 8mg dose I still sometimes wake up very uncomfortable and starting to withdraw the very next day, I dont understand why its not holding me for long as it should. Having a point or 2 of H on the days that I dont have suboxone(2-3 times a fortnight) wouldnt be raising my tolerance would it?

It's a weird effect with buperenorphine that quite a few people have reported (I saw most reports on opiophile)

It seems like the more times you go back and forth, from full agonist to bupe, the harder it is to adjust back to the bupe and for it to work like it did in the beginning. I noticed that even when I did take enough bupe that it was definitely holding me, I'd get a bunch of effects like crazy tiredness, dysphoria and feeling generally uncomfortable.

When I first started on bupe it made me feel pretty great, even gave me a boost in energy and I could go to work easily. At some point probably 4 years after starting, and a spell of going back and forth with poppy tea, methadone, oxycodone and bupe...it got to the point where I wouldn't feel my usual 'normal' on bupe until like 2 weeks of sticking with it...felt like -shit- during that time, and learnt it really wasn't worth it. Some reports mentioned that bupe didn't work again for them after this, and they had to be switched to methadone.

Only thing is the times I've read about people reporting this effect is usually with longer lasting opiates. Some seem to think it's some kind of semi-precipitated withdrawals that just seems to last ages, but I've honestly got no idea. I had no issues for 4 years as I mentioned, and during that time I could switch pretty much whenever I wanted with no ill effects.

It might just be that you're tolerance has been bumped up some...if you're skipping 8mg 2-3 times a fortnight, it might just be that your blood levels are getting too low during that time, and they might take a few days or even more at 8mg every 24 hours to build back up again. Since bupe has a 37 hour half life I'd guess people taking it everyday would build up a much higher level in their blood than what they're taking each day. Just guessing with all of this stuff though...
Ok all of that makes sense Christ!. I was also taking 12mg somedays after I used heroin because I knew that there was usually more than 8mg in my blood system(well at least more than what id get out of an 8mg sublingual) so that might have been raising my tolerance, now I only ever take 8mg. I think I was kind of lying to myself when I said I was using 2-3 times a fortnight coz sometimes it was more than that, ive got it down to once, rarely twice a fortnight these days and I dont seem to be feeling uncomfortable in the mornings anymore. Thanks for all than man :)

Kelany17- Thanks for the kind words but without sounding like a dick its a fact that most people are on way too much bupe, if you take a look at an opiate conversion chart(an accurate one) you will see that the equivalent dose of bupe compared to whatever other opiate a patient was using beforehand is usually a lot less than theyre on. I went from 60mg methadone straight to 12mg bupe then stabilized at 8mg and didnt use any opiates until recently, ive been on bupe around 8 months so I know this is the right dose for me.

Cassandagemini- Thanks for sharing your advice :) And yes your right, people who have never experienced withdrawals have no concept whatsoever of what its really like to be dopesick, its an awful, awful feeling as you know.

And Sus I will shoot you a pm buddy
Good to hear :)

Also, ketaman - delete some PM's! Your inbox be full :D
Either im getting very, very pure heroin, my tolerance has gone right down or im not getting as much bupe into me(8mg sublingual) as I thought coz since I started using H again a few months ago ive been able to get pretty high off just a point! Its crazy, I can even feel half a point, only just but it really says something. Im sure a non-tolerant person would OD off a point(saw a guy OD off hald a point of lesser quality gear, he was ok in the end) so be careful guys, purity is really unpredictable no matter where you are or who you get it from. Thankfully this guys stuff is usually pretty consistent, im never disappointed and every now and then(like today) I get a deal thats very satisfying, im still careful though, anything more han 1-2 points gets done very slwoly with ppl around. I seem to be keeping it pretty under control though this is the second time ive used this week and about 3-4th this fortnight so its over my limit but ive had an especially hard week and im quitting smoking pot(fucked up dreams last night but thats for another thread)

Im really impressed with this stuff though, its a white powder which I would have been hesitant to buy a few months ago because back then the only good heroin id seen was always in rock form but this is always powder and all of it dissolves....God ive done so much walking today and hurt myself out surfing this morning so it was really nice to have something to come home to. What can I say im in love with Harry :p
Seems like the smackie thread has died in the arse.... Is everyone having a break?

Has anyone noticed an increase in average purity or the bags your getting? I was shocked this morning at how high I got and how strong the rush was from only a point! Needless to say im a happy man today :D
Last few times I've got it the purity hasn't been great, probably just the sources I'm using though rather than any overall trend. Preferring to use oxy over heroin lately as it gives me more bang for my buck.
mg for mg in Sydney id say oxys are way more stronger. Tried numerous sources. I dont have a lot of friends that indulge in H so maybe thats one reason as it goes through so many hands but then again ive seen mates dosing a fair bit and not getting that high like with prescription opiates. At least you know the dose/purity and works out a lot cheaper. H is a hit or miss around my area.
Maybe we need a general Opiate thread? Seems like most of the AUDD crew are doing pharms these days.
Last few times I've got it the purity hasn't been great, probably just the sources I'm using though rather than any overall trend. Preferring to use oxy over heroin lately as it gives me more bang for my buck.

gear has been pretty ordinary. 2011 wasn't a bad year, the first half of 2012 though has been medicore.lately though I've been learning about how many of my sources run their businesses, mainly regarding how they weigh up the the deals. Basically, and this is from multiple sources, they all seem to have two bags of gear, Grade A and Grade B. When mixing up a deal they will do a ratio, i.e. 1:1 of the different grades. Obviously Grade B (my labels) is a cut product and fairly weak.

Of course with such a process its open to a dealer ripping off customers. We discovered with one sources the guy who was packaging up the deals was using the grade A stuff for himself and packaging the grade B. After complaining a lot the source called up his boss and they investigated the matter hence discovering that the gear was getting fucked over by this guy. Instantly the strength of the gear tripled. still pretty mediocre but at least we weren't going into withdrawals fours after our last dose.

that said though was forced to withdraw the other week. was not pretty.

just got our more regular and stable source back online which is good. and the stuff they've come up with is weird. Its rocks (not powder), and it has a strange taste but its fucking strong as, I haven't felt anything as strong since 2000. i had what looked to be about 5mg and it gave me a good buzz. Although my tolerance has dropped off even my friends have remarked how potent this latest batch is. Lot nausea from this gear though

another thing though, about two weeks ago in Sydney there was a massive police operation. A acquaintance/source got nabbed in the raids that happened. This poor lass was on a private program (when she wasn't on the gear). The cops refused to give her medication and she was imprisoned for four days whilst withdrawing (she had a hearing on day two but considering she was withdrawing she wasn't able to ask for bail and she couldn't find anyone who didn't have a criminal record).
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