Sleeping med help :(

sailor bugg

Jun 2, 2014
So here's the deal, I'm just going to make a short thread because I've been up for 4 days now and I'm in a space where functioning is starting to slip in and out of my grasp (just barely, it comes in waves).

So I have extreme insomnia. I've had this problem for the last year and a half almost. I have some ideas what may be causing it but they're varied (I have PTSD and frequently have nightmares, I am an ex heroin addict so it could be insomnia from PAWS, I was clean for 4 months after 3 years of iv use and then I used for 6 months smoking for 2 and then iving for 4 and now am 1 month clean and have been off methadone and subs for a month after being scripted 25mg methadone for 2 years followed by 2 months of 8 mg suboxone, I have ADD and take dexedrine, I've been on it for 7 years, 30mg/daily so the dex could be keeping me up, but I've gone off it for weeks at a time and no change in sleep) and sometimes it just seems like all of the reasons I can think of just lump up into one thing that I call my "I can't sleep thought" basically I'll get physically and mentally exhausted but in my mind I get this thought that I can't fall asleep and from there I won't be able to sleep. My mind is calm and body is heavy but it's like a switch in my brain fails to flip into the "sleep" mode position. It's like a 6th sense and when I feel it I know that there's going to be at least a few days of no sleep. Right now I'm at the point where every week I get one good night of sleep, one night of decent sleep but constant awakenings, usually from nightmares related to my PTSD and then 5 nights of being up with me on the whole feeling pretty damn normal for most of the first two days and then for the 3rd and 4th day I start feeling at first waves of strengthening mental and physical degradation, my cognitive functioning starts getting slowed down and my thoughts start becoming choppy. Physically I feel like every cell in my body is weighed down and it feel like I'm having a bad body load from something like too much MDMA. By the fifth day the physical and cognitive degradation is no longer coming in waves but stays and by the end of the day I'm so worn out and out of it I just pass out for like 12 hours and wake up feeling fairly normal. Then the cycle repeats.

So far for it I've been scripted attivan(2mg), xanax(2mg), clonazepam(2mg), temazepam (30mg), and finally chloral hydrate (1000 - 1500 mg) scripted along with 30mg temazepam. And none of that has any effect, aside from the temazepam and chloral hydrate combo which kinda makes me groggy but it makes me very moody and lowers my inhibitions so much that I act on my amped up emotions, which I don't like as it makes everyone around me not like me one bit as I easily flip out over nothing and it takes me a while to sleep so yea I'll pass on that.

I managed to acquire some 5mg midazolam ampules and iving 3mg followed by 2mg im makes me just sleepy enough to fall asleep easily. This is ridiculous my tolerance to benzos isn't that big because I don't even bother with what I'm scripted now (2mg clonazepam) because I know it won't help and i'll just build up a benzo tolerance that's not needed. I've also been on mitrazepine (30mg), trazadone (300mg), and almost all anti-psychotics meant for sleep. None of those really do much or if they do the side effects are not worth getting sleep over, they're extremely horrible.

I don't know what to do anymore this lack of sleep thing is finally wearing my body and mind out, I'm finding that each time the cycle starts over the negative effects get worse each week and now I'm starting to become like a loose cannon, I just flip shit at anyone who erks me. I can't even help it, it's like a knee jerk reaction, I'm just so stretched to my limit take if some one says or does something that rubs me the wrong way I just blow up and start screaming and yelling at them now. This is going to wreck all my relationships at the rate this is going. So far this only happens at home because when I hang out with my friends they all do d and usually will give me a few tokes just so I can not look like I'm death or flip shit, I only have a few really good friends so they understand and they don't want me to use d cuz they don't want me to end up getting addicted again cuz it helps with the mental and physical strain when I'm going on 4 days up, otherwise I don't do it if they are because I don't feel like shit.

The only thing I think that will work is gonna be like sodium amytl, seconal, nembutal or midazolam ampules. And all of those are going to be hard to get from my doctor just with my history as a drug abuser, especially heroin which is a downer like these. But like I have no want to abuse these at all, I used heroin to numb emotional pain from my PTSD but I've healed and accepted my PTSD and what not and I don't use any drugs anymore for emotional issues as I've kinda gotten past that point in my life. But my psych is kind of skeptical of that, so this could be a whole slippery slope issue. And I've OD'd a few times and with these drugs I know the margin of error is really low and an OD can just be a difference of a few pills, seeing as how my psych know about these situations and I know thats going to come up as an issue. Maybe if I suggest getting them dispensed once a day from my drug store so I don't have a large cache of them. I think that would be the best option, getting a barb once a day and just using that for sleep. Like I'm at the end of my rope, if he won't script me something new I know I'm going to get addicted to heroin because the mental and physical severity of this is just so bad I can't function with out it once it gets to the fourth day of being up, like I have trouble balancing, walking and just doing simple tasks.

And I also have a very active puppy to take care of and he's really full of energy and it's fine taking care of him for the first 4 days of the week but once it gets to that 4th day I'm just so out of it and I have so little energy I can't deal with him. I love him so much but I'm just worried he's gonna push my buttons to much and I'll just freak out at the little cutie pie. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever got so worked up at him that I took out my anger on him. Like people I don't care if I freak out at but not my puppy he can't help it and wouldn't understand. I'm really fucking scared that I'm just gonna scream at him when he gets all riled up and starts acting up at the wrong time.

I need help, any idea are welcome. Should I see a sleep specialist? I'd rather see my psych cause I've seen him regularly for 7 years and he know my medical history fully and all the previous meds and doses I've been on. And he's given me some pretty obscure meds before so I have a little hope. But he recently said he was gonna be more strict with my benzos because of my slip up with heroin after I became clean and then started dating my new ex gf who got me back into it. Everything is so complicated ugggh fuck and I don't have the energy to deal with all this. Maybe I'll just print off this post and say read this and then can you script me something new lol.

You need to go to a neurologist that specializes in sleep and have a polysomnograph done. If you cannot sleep with what you are on the night that you have one, you need to have this repeated, and be sedated with something that WILL put you to sleep. You have some serious sleep issues, that none of us can help you on. You need to go to a university if you absolutely need to. This is not something cheap, but it is something you need. You need a sleep study done, period.
Money is no issue for me. What ever it takes as long as it will work is fine, I'm at my wits end. But like if some heavy barbs will work or something I'd rather do that and then go to a specialist or university after I've gotten some sleep because I'm just so worn out I don't have the ability to do anything right now to set up appointments and meet with new docs and explain everything, I swear to god I'd rather just end my life first.

I'm a really picky sleeper if I have to have something hooked up to me I won't be able to sleep. I can't sleep with things attached to me, it will drive me nuts and I won't be able to sleep no matter how sleepy I get, to a point. It one of my erks, not being comfortable when I sleep.
Don't end your life. If you can get ahold of something to get you some sleep now, do so. Then get your referrals (and I warn you, sleep studies are VERY expensive), have a polysomnograph/multiple sleep latency test, deal with the electrodes on your head (you really can't tell, after a little bit, that they are'll just be pulling glue out of your hair for a little bit afterwards), wait for the results and see what's going on. This is the only advice we could give you.
you ever take trazadone? It works really good and ive taken it for about 12 years now. Its been around awhile so its not some new shit they pushed out there on us guinea pigs with wacky side effects. Its a antidepressant (SSRI i think) too so it will help with your mood but again its not some crazy shit either. Its not a narcotic and you dont really seem to build a tolerence to it. I go up and down on my dose all the time depending on my sleep. it really works.
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I'm not at the point of wanting to end my life yet. But if this goes on I'm just going to start doing down again so at least I can feel normal if I'm to tired (down never makes me get a nod really) and now that I'm clean and not on maintenance I have no tolerance a point would last so long……… I really want help because I can really see this happening. And I hate being able to see into the future and not doing anything to change it if it's not a good life pathway. It doesn't matter what it costs, it won't be me paying. I'm getting a point right now cause it's all I can get that's a depressant.

Fuck it feels like my skin has stuff under it and it's crawling and making me super irritable. I already flipped out at my mom and started screaming at her when she got cross and me for complaining about having to do something cause I feel so out of it. WELL FUCK EXCUSE ME WHY DON'T YOU STAY UP FOR FIVE NIGHTS A WEEK AND TRY AND FUNCTION WHEN IT FEELS LIKE YOU HAVE FORMICATION.
I've been on it, up to 600mg/night, it makes me really fucking sick to my stomach.
I've heard that secobarbital works really well. It's kind of a rarity and I think they only prescribe it in extreme cases, but your situation does sound pretty dire.
Yeah, I've got insomnia as well. That is why I ultimately could never quit opioids, be because I just don't sleep unless I knock myself out with massive doses of benzodiazepines, and that is not a quality sleep.

Have you tried seroquel? Not at high doses, I mean 25-100mg. It is a fucking amazing sleep pill. But alas, the one time I did quit opioids, years ago(and I wasn't as bad off then) I went 20 days without, my sleep never recovered to anything that even resembled normal. I could never sleep without heavy downers, and even then after 20 days I was having nocturnal(!) admissions, and my appetite never returned. I gave up, and went back to opioids.

I'm sorry, but even I don't have many suggestions for severe insomnia, related to PAWS.
Carisoprodol will also knock you out, but that really isn't healthy, and won't work forever. But if you take enough of any powerful sedative, you'll go to sleep. 20 somas, without tolerance, you'll at least get some sleep.

I hate to say this, as it goes against HR, however, mixing sedatives is BY FAR more effective than taking a single agent. I mean, unless you abuse them regularly, you'd be a fucking mutant if you stay awake from a combination of high doses of carisoprodol and alprazolam. Alcohol of course is a great co-sedative. But clearly that is dangerous and not all advisable, but at some point people will try anything to sleep, and it's what I did.
I never get a nod from opiates, if I do it has always ended up in me needing cpr and a hospital visit. Mixing benzos and opiates has ended me up in the er many times. So I think mixing opiates + anything is gonna kill me faster than me trying to kill myself from lack of sleep lol. Now that I've done a few tokes of a point I feel normal but not tired at all like I know I won't be able to sleep tonight even if I smoke the whole point at once. At least the dope I got is really good, for the amount I'm smoking and with the tolerance I have eerrrr don't have I'm getting a niiiiiice body load and nice fuzzy mental state. Yea IO can see me easily getting addicted again and I don't want that because it was so hard for me to get off heroin, methadone and then subs and even tho I've not been clean for super long I went from using many times daily along with maintenance to nothing and got through all the bad withdrawals without a problem. I think I'm gonna get my mom to tell her gp about what I'm going through because her gp is really well regarded and has been her gp forever and would probably give me some powerful sedative and then refer me to a specialist or a university sleep place. Okay I got a plan now! And until this comes together I'm gonna smoke as little dope as possible just so I can function and also not kill myself.
Well I finished my p and I think because I have no opiate tolerance now plus all of the lack of sleep I'm gonna be able to get some rest tonight….. finally. I don't feel as if I can't sleep I feel like I can so here we go, wish me luck lol. And if all else fails I have a half bottle of wine.
I never suggested mixing opioids with anything! You said you had quit. But yes, I can guarantee you'll get some sleep on opioids.

Sleep well, my friend
See a sleep specialist ASAP.

Be careful banging midazolam, you can OD and stop breathing just by pushing it too fast!

You can take a lot more than 30mg temezepam, IMO, especially if you're not taking any other substances. I don't know what the issue is with that shit but it's like fucking water to me. I hear the non-generic formulation works a lot better....
I'm not at the point of wanting to end my life yet. But if this goes on I'm just going to start doing down again so at least I can feel normal if I'm to tired (down never makes me get a nod really) and now that I'm clean and not on maintenance I have no tolerance a point would last so long……… I really want help because I can really see this happening. And I hate being able to see into the future and not doing anything to change it if it's not a good life pathway. It doesn't matter what it costs, it won't be me paying. I'm getting a point right now cause it's all I can get that's a depressant.

Fuck it feels like my skin has stuff under it and it's crawling and making me super irritable. I already flipped out at my mom and started screaming at her when she got cross and me for complaining about having to do something cause I feel so out of it. WELL FUCK EXCUSE ME WHY DON'T YOU STAY UP FOR FIVE NIGHTS A WEEK AND TRY AND FUNCTION WHEN IT FEELS LIKE YOU HAVE FORMICATION.

I believe some of the feelings you are having maybe be due to the medication you are using. No?
I do presume you and your doctors have tried correcting your problem with good sleep hygeine? I'm just presuming because to be on all those meds without having gone through that process would be madness, but I guess you are in the US and that's the way they do things over there. Just pump you full of drugs as a first line measure without actually trying to deal with the root cause.

Anyway, if you haven't then SLEEP HYGEINE!!!!!!

As someone else has mentioned quitiapine is extremely efffective as a sedative for most people, I'm using it as a sleep aid at 200mg at the moment. It will do a number on most people if you can get hold of it. Problem is your doctors have given you a nice big benzo addiction as well so you're going to have to deal with all that shit still if you can find a non-pharmaceutical way of dealing with your issues.

Have you had proper therapy for your PTSD? That might be another source of help if you haven't, or maybe worth revisiting if you have. That's a crazy combo of benzos they've got you on, multiple anxiolytics makes no sense for a start.