• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Share your artwork v. BL's got talent

Haha! Well at the moment within the confines of the university project, it's all Pete Doherty, but I would like to try this style of portraiture with different subjects afterwards.

I've got my eye on Assad. I want to see him with those soulless eyes, and a body transfigured into abstraction...
Last one:

"Art Brut" / Self Portraits

Please share your own illustrated expressions of yourself!

Here is my self-portrait, drawn May 2013.


*Art Brut / Outsider Art: The term outsider art was coined by art critic Roger Cardinal in 1972 as an English synonym for art brut (French: [aʁ bʁyt], "raw art" or "rough art"), a label created by French artist Jean Dubuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture; Dubuffet focused particularly on art by those on the outsides of the established art scene such as insane-asylum inmates and children.

While Dubuffet's term is quite specific, the English term "outsider art" is often applied more broadly, to include certain self-taught or naïve art makers who were never institutionalized. Typically, those labeled as outsider artists have little or no contact with the mainstream art world or art institutions. In many cases, their work is discovered only after their deaths. Often, outsider art illustrates extreme mental states, unconventional ideas, or elaborate fantasy worlds.

Outsider art has emerged as a successful art marketing category (an annual Outsider Art Fair has taken place in New York since 1993). The term is sometimes misapplied as a catch-all marketing label for art created by people outside the mainstream "art world," regardless of their circumstances or the content of their work.


Dropped in Homeless Threads. Was looking for an appropriate place in Arts & Entertainment, but couldn't find one. Maybe somewhere in the Lounge? We've got Words, we need Pictures.
the juxtaposition of the two images was reminiscent of a book cover i have with mao posing downward, although i failed to look harder at the black image.

its beautiful albion. you should really sell some of your works, id certainly love to have your art in my home.

I really ought to I know...Enough people have said they want to buy some.

I'll look into getting some prints set up :)

In the meantime, more art!!



have you exhibited your work publicly (beyond the web)? it really is outstanding.

Nothing outside of uni exhibitions.

I'm working with friends who organise events to get some of this displayed at both a pub and at the Students' Union bar...Small beginnings, but still something 8)