Share something POSITIVE from your day!

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around allot of good people today.

EDIT: but one i like one above all else right now.. uggg that was fkn good.. thanks<3<3<3:):D=D
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Ooh nice Maya, so is it at a gym, or what?
Congrats kay <3
Yup I just found out tonight she is leaving for mexico in sept for good noooooo!!!! Now I gotta find another instructor bummer :(

It's payday today wohoo!!
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I entered someone else's living hell and I finally realized what I have to be thankful for, and why.
That sounds awesome Maya I may have to give it a try.

My mother will be here in 2 days she is staying for 4days and then my dad is coming (they can't come at the same time because of their dogs)! I am so excited! They have a timeshare and are staying at a beautiful resort near where I live (we're by Disney so we're going to the parks). Originally I was going to visit them during the day and hangout and then come home at night. My dad convinced me to have a "real" vacation and stay with them stress free at the resort. I will probably come home most days just to make sure my doggies are okay but for the most part I plan to enjoy my vacation with my wonderful family :). As a new me is forming I plan to take lots of pictures and have lots of fun!
"God damn I declare have you seen the light" .. yeah, i always see the light but sometime i convince myself that we all have to play buy someone else's rules.. If i had any delusions that this was the way.. I'm cured..
I got off work then painted my room for something to do. Feels good I don't do shit like that too often. I didn't used to anyways.
@Stardust--that sounds totally perfect with your family! I am so happy for you and you really deserve such a true vacation. <3

@Maya--I love zumba but I am so undisciplined that I never go consistently so I am always way in the back following the just-make-up-your-own-moves-and-keep-moving-form of zumba.=D

@nsa--I have no idea what you are talking about but I likes it--(the nobody else's rules part).<3

OK, something nice about my day. I am having a colony of yellow jacket wasps removed without resorting to pesticides. The guy comes with a vacuum and vacuums the entrance to the underground nest for about two hours. All the curious ones from inside get sucked up when they emerge and the ones that are out trying to sting me every time I walk down the garden path:! are getting sucked up when they return. When most of them are in the vacuum canister, he puts his bee suit on and pours soapy water down the hole and then covers it up. Then he goes out to the woods somewhere and opens the vacuum and lets them go.

Another positive thing is this: I am learning to use my little travel netbook or notebook or whatever the hell it is even though I only know how to use an Apple. I am going to try to put some pictures on it today and learn to do the photo editing program my son put on for me. Doubt anything can be as easy as iphoto but we'll see. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!
Ahaha! Yeah too bad our instructor is leaving soon :( Her moves are intense and sometimes I just make up my own lols
a friend stopped by to check on me which was a surprise and she even left some snacks....I am lucky to know such people.

and what else......I have rediscovered my love for full length anime films and am more than likely going to watch many later tonight. and I am going to make some cash tonight by moving some furniture....even though I am reluctant and very ornery about this last part I will feel better after it is done.
Also, it is raining and
it hasn't rained here in awhile and
it sounds very nice and
I like the rain. lol.
The golden rays of the sun is shining on me. Heck that's something positive right there! %)
^ :) Sun and Zumba... that's the life :)

I just found out that I'm approved for an apartment in my favorite district in Portland. No more suburban hell with now 5 YAPPY SMALL DOGS (as much as I love dogs, 5 is insane). The property ordinarily has an 18 month waiting list but I cut a deal with someone who already had a rent-controlled lease. It's just going to be me, another adult student and one dog is allowed with approval/prearrangement. We're paying about 40% of what people are paying now because my friend's had it for 8 years... to live on the waterfront in an 8 year old green certified mini-high rise.

I'm so glad that things seem - so far - to be turning around for me.
I bought my mom a gift card to her favorite spa

i'm finally at a point in my life when I recognize the selfless things she's does for me and understand that not rewarding her for it would be typical selfish old me
This morning at 0430 God gave me another day I don't deserve,but I am thankful. I sat on my deck out back and just watched the stars and the moon,stupid I know but it feels really good not being in that fog anymore and being able to see...
I'm offfffffff on vacation woot woot!!!

jelly jelly jelly!! but enjoy, you deserve it sweetie <3

This morning at 0430 God gave me another day I don't deserve,but I am thankful. I sat on my deck out back and just watched the stars and the moon,stupid I know but it feels really good not being in that fog anymore and being able to see...

You deserve it <3 And that is not stupid at all, I love being in nature, just quiet, and taking everything in around me.
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