Share Something Positive from Your Day vs. It's All Around You

^ That´s rare Mysterie. It´s a life changer. Life in color and joyful moments. Wish you totally live this moment and keep your heart warm! :)
All the best!

My positive thing today was seeing my dog getting better and taking his last antibiotic tablet.
He was sick due had a skin infection, forgot how they call it. But he´s okay now.
I suppose those who have cats and/or dogs will understand better how relieving this can be.
weell she doesn't know that i am yet, but next time i see her i want to ask her if she wants to hang soon.. i have a gd feeling that i wont have my heart shattered again
Went to a club to hear Storm Large. her voice is a force of nature and her raunchy humor is right up there with her voice. If you haven't heard her, you should.
Hi I'm new here but had court today and it went great. Need to learn this site and I'll be doin better!
I had a stressing but quite productive day.
Managed not to bring 'homework' and did not feel guilty at all.
They forgot to tell me until now that my 5th and 6th grade art classes are cancelled as they are on a field trip. They were apologizing for the late notice (3 hours before class) but I'm here celebrating an unexpected day off--woooohooooo!
^^ unexpected days off FTW :)

Today I took my father to a reunion meet for the 15 year olds that joined the army in 1957, he managed about 4 hours and everyone was so pleased to see him. His memory is very poor these days but they remembered him and chatting triggered a few old memories for him.

It was great to hear stories of what they got up to back then and peoples fond memories of him and the things they got up to, they were quite a collection of rapscallions :D
Me and bf have 4 viewings today for a place. We want to know what's out there in the market so that before we buy a place in months time we know what to expect etc.
Slept 9 hours, non stop. Feeling great. Wish I could have more of that..
I managed not to lose it with anyone today. Feeling more positivve in general compared to a few days ago. Had to push myself and it was tough but went a biiiig walk/jog with my dog for 4hrs in the woods which made me feel great afterwards. I am still sad but am able to deal with these sad feelings even although I'm on a low dose of my AD's atm as there is something going on with my insides which being made worse by meds. Hopefully referral wont b too long to sort the issue with my gut.... feeling much more.optimistic than a few days ago that's for sure and happy that today I felt the best I have for a while as been stuck in a rut blinds closed etc but I think thats me broke the spell.

I cleaned my studio out and primed a big piece of paper and took an idea that I had about a year ago. I haven't wanted to paint since my son died and even when I have felt an inkling I haven't been able to get motivated enough to pick up a brush. So I'm pretty stoked that it felt good to just go for it. It's even stranger that it came on the heels of a terrible day of crying yesterday. I had a fire to sit and meditate on my son as I always do on the anniversary of his death. It was a really hard day and a hard night. So it was strange to wake up this morning and get to work after four years.
yay herbie! im so happy for you :D

iv found and downloaded some podcasts of old ram dass talks which are really resonating with me atm, and i found some podcasts on chogyam trungpa that are by some of his old students as well, so i feel somewhat at peace now i have something to nourish my soul for a while.

also my dog met another dog at the park today, and they got on suuper well, it made me so happy to see her really playing and enjoying herself completely, they were running after eachother really fast, and play fighting/boxing aswell, it was really sweet to see. and it was funny because the girl who was the owner of the other dog asked me what the name of my dog, so i said 'bella', and that was her name ! and her dogs name was 'lilla', so we had a nice little talk and it wasn't very anxiety provoking as it usually would be. no real expectations or concerns..
What an inspiration. I need to start painting again. Would love to see it when it's done Herby! :)

Mysterie. No kidding. I grew up with Ram Dass (my mom had his book on our coffee table, still have it (1st one)), and my guru/teacher is his friend who's original guru was Neem Karoli Baba in Northern India years ago.

I am reading some of Nisargadatta Maharaj now myself… :)
interesting smoky

i listen to a podcast called mindrolling, and one of the presenter is a friend of ram dass and his guru was neem karoli baba aswell
really interesting scene, ram dass' voice reminds me of alan watts with a sprinkle of t.mckenna
that makes sense actually. iirc neem baba was in his book 'be here now' i could be wrong but many sought him out for truth, and/or self realization

i love alan watts, was just listening to him yesterday. i can see the relation you point to for sure in the voice.