Share something POSITIVE from your day vs. it's all around you

It's another sunny day wow three days in a row thank you sun!!!
Went outside.

Did exercise.

Chose making a good meal over drinking coffee and staying up late.
just had a voice say to me maybe all these massive od's and shit i keep trying aint working for a reason that one doesn't want to die for some reason like it has a plan Playing With Dolls Lyrics By Slayer
i real could do with a job fucking drugs don't half take your life over 22 years just gone like that now what 37 end or take the reigns walk off the fucking rock bit high up the human scale evolution of drug addict
I told you before FFG, the checking out early think just isnt for you, death will find you when its good and ready.

You have alwasy struck me as someone who has things to offer, hang around and try and see what they are, we havent even met yet
go d knows whats in me at times that's the thing this is me now wait till morning be different person again had to order some etzi just for going out this week
just had a voice say to me maybe all these massive od's and shit i keep trying aint working for a reason that one doesn't want to die for some reason like it has a plan Playing With Dolls Lyrics By Slayer
i real could do with a job fucking drugs don't half take your life over 22 years just gone like that now what 37 end or take the reigns walk off the fucking rock bit high up the human scale evolution of drug addict

foolsgold, between serious car accidents, motorcycle accidents, ODs, blackouts, etc etc. I am still here and relatively unscaved. In fact, I shouldn't even have made it into this world! I'm not a religious man, but I have to say I must still be here for -some- reason, right? And I'd say the same certainly goes for you. Hang in there and don't do anything else silly!
thank you but till tomorrow is over with i wont know whats going to happen i could be home and in here or in a police cell
Positive: after an unexpectedly awesome day (where I decided to go hiking with a girl I just met instead of sleeping at home, which is almost what I decided to do), I now have a friend with benefits type of situation going on and my post-marriage 16-month dry spell is ended. :) Always a good thing.
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sat through challenging meditation session, challenging because the school i next door to has a gym and they blast shitty house music so i can hear the sub going BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, and i fucking hate bad house music that all sounds the same. so yeh i had lots of material to work with while sitting :p
My central heating renewal will be finished. Electrician is re-wiring now n it should be finally over. That's positive, I think :D

Walked a mile yesterday. It wiped me out, but I was able to do it. I think the w/d fatigue is FINALLY starting to lift, but slowly. I could barely walk across the room just two weeks ago. (Today is day 38 without opioids.)
Sexy overnight visitor... not a lot of sleep. Man, when I broke my dry spell I broke it hard. =D The other girl I'm interested in also texted me like 2 minutes before me and the other girl went upstairs last night... for about a month it had been me contacting her, making tentative plans and then getting bailed on last minute. She wanted to let me know she's sorry for being weird and she doesn't want me to think it's me because it's not, she's just been in a funk because of other people but she really wants to hang out with me some night soon. All these posibilities suddenly... it makes my head spin. :)

It might be perfect timing too because in reality I am more into the girl who's been in a funk... it was like magic when we met (I can only speak for myself but I am pretty sure she felt it too), it's actually the strongest I have ever instantly felt about anyone. This other girl is really cool and I like hanging out with her but she's leaving for a long time in a week and a half so I won't be seeing her for long.
^ lucky you. mine has lasted for year+ now...

Positives: good steaks, a bit less alcohol, back to work tomorrow, met my ex after ~1,5 years of silence and managed to have good time & settle things for good.

I also broke my mind by watching this but somehow it made me grin so hard that I think I began to love it: