Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

I was productive in my job (with a little help, though)
I noticed that two snake plant leaves that broke off the plant and which I then put into a glass of water like eight months ago have grown roots!
I got a message from someone I thought would never answer (public service workers like to take their time)
I managed somehow to finish some work, still don't know how because I had sever allegry-induced brain fog.
Thanks to a mix of cold medicine, antihistamines and clona I had a 30-minute daydream time and now I feel relaxed and refreshed and allergy free and happy.
Finished some smaller projects I've been postponing for too long, making room on my to do list new ones.
Had a productive chat with the gardener (regarding one of the potential new projects)
I remembered to get tator tots when I went out shopping. Can't have a home without tator tots. The extreme tator tot shortage was finally dealt with. Oh shit, I better not burn them.
Gotta get em nice and perfectly golden brown crispy though. There's a very fine line.
Gotta get em nice and perfectly golden brown crispy though. There's a very fine line.
You are absolutely right, I flip them 10 -15 minutes into cooking to get them cooked well and then check often.
That line between perfectly golden brown and burnt, is not to be crossed.
It is weird, all those years of soggy public school tutor tots, but I still love them.
You are absolutely right, I flip them 10 -15 minutes into cooking to get them cooked well and then check often.
That line between perfectly golden brown and burnt, is not to be crossed.
It is weird, all those years of soggy public school tutor tots, but I still love them.
Nice. I just yell "Moooommmmm, get me some tater tots!!" And suddenly they appear in the basement
I swear it is like I have emotionally or psychologically repressed so many bad memories of public school food.
I cannot remember eating much, I remember getting into trouble at lunchtime more than I remember eating.
I guess I just repressed a lot of bad memories and luckily, all those awful slices of pizza, burgers, fries, tator tots, hot dogs ect, did not ruin my lousy diet as an adult.
I just like my food thoroughly cooked and not made with ingredients that are barely fit for human consumption.
About to eat an awesome dinner and finish making some flyers for a coworker of mine, her church is having a picnic for the homeless in a couple weeks, falls on my birthday. I'll be posting some flyers on community boards nearby this week, places like the methadone clinic, to try and help spread the word. Feels good to be doing positive stuff, even in a supporting role.

@deficiT how you been, bro?