Share Something Positive About You Day vs. Good Things Happen Everyday

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I have finally finished my dental root(s) treatment. Yesterday it lasted more than two hours.
I am glad I have resisted the temptation for painkillers besides this pain is temporary.
^^^^Wow that restraint is impressive? I'm doing well. Gym, job hunt, online courses, eating well and reading every day. Healthy living! I also dropped down to .75mg sub a few days ago and haven't noticed any negative effects. Almost there?
Good for you man! Congrats! It seems you are doing well. :)

Had gone swimming today. It feels good.
sadly its rare for me to have positive experiences but today i had one. what might seem like a small gesture to some people is a rare act of kindness for me. i got myself stuck in the city and needed to come up with $2.10 in order to afford public transport to get home. After asking about fifty people, most of whom would not even look at me, I came across a young gentleman who offered to pay the whole bill. he only had twenties so he opted to buy himself a slice of pizza and decided to give me a fiver because he said I would need bus-fare on top of the T. after some debate i ended up accepting; though i only added $4.20 to my T-Card and gave him back the remaining change.

we talked a little and he is going off to school, out of country, and eventually plans on going to med school to get his MD. The conversation we had was more valuable than the funds i received. A very kind fellow, perfect gent in my book!

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My mother in law is very sick. She's in a hospital for the past weeks . And my wife is very sad and busy. We are all very tired.
I'm happy for her (especially this morning) because she started breathing without assistance, no machines anymore. No more resuscitation either.

I wouldn't want that for my life, but that made me so relieved for a while and I was confused. I know how this will end, but it's amazing how small "victories" like that still make your heart beat faster and unconsciously our hopes are renovated.
^^^Sorry to hear about your mother in law. Hope you and everyone else on Bluelight enjoys the holiday weekend (US holiday). I'm looking forward to the holiday weekend for the first time in years.
Thanks man! I don't think she's going to live for so much longer. She's just suffering.

Holidays are great.
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my mind is not as scrambled as it was the last time i tried to post in this thread!! 8)

ha, my post was written so badly that the only way i could fix it was by deleting and starting over. i wasn't about to do that so i decided to settle on edit 6 or 7?

Happy 4th!
Went swimming in river rappids today.. beautiful.

Georgus day today.. really all summer.

No mosquitos yet..
Happy to get back to the routine. Greatful for the days off work.
My daughter cried when I told her I was moving there last week of the year. She said there tears of joy daddy!!! What's better that that ?
Finishing my dental treatment the week. Today is the last one.
After that it's only about cleaning and paying! Really f*** expensive. :\
Dentists are mechanics man. Trust me, I worked with them 17 yrs. they tell yu shit is wrong when nothing is and the mark up from labs, forget about it. I could tell you stories you wouldn't believe about the dental world
I went to a couple of them who we know for ages. I was in a real pain closeau for a long time, and the roots were damaged.
I could see it in the X-rays. I did get a second opínion. I guess we can trust this one.

Now I'm okay, no more pain thank God, I believe the job was well done. He had a microscope and I could see in big screen how the situation was before and after.

Most of dentists will probably overcharge you but this one is like our family guy. My sister was his student. It had to be done. The use of opiates for so long made my gum retract due to dry mouth for so many years. I really have to take a good care of my teeth from now on.

The worst problem is the temptation of using prescribed painkillers which would be the case for these treatments. The availability of such prescriptions make me think too much. So far I'm okay due to the anesthetics. I'm afraid I'd relapse if I used Vicodin even if it was only for 24 I feel like the moment I take this shit I will want more. I shouldn't even be thinking about that. Anyways..One day at a time, right.
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I got all my tasks done at work today, had a good day & helped an older gentleman take his things to his car. It made him happy so in turn, made me happy.

I love it when I can help others
Dentists are mechanics man. Trust me, I worked with them 17 yrs. they tell yu shit is wrong when nothing is and the mark up from labs, forget about it. I could tell you stories you wouldn't believe about the dental world

Well I can't say your comment does meet today's reality. While I do trust that some part of the treatment was necessary there are always additional extra work that does really seem all that important. When I use the insurance the problems seem to go down to a different level of importance. Maybe this has to to with all the money they charge us.
I'm thankful to God for having a heathy, realtivlvly happpy 10 yrr old on her bday. Happy bday Clo!! Daddy loves you! Thank you God for keeping her safe all these years!!!
I know how this is important for you Closeau!

I always look and can't avoid comparing where I was at their ages and see how significant it is to have your children going through different paths. It's a blessing but somehow I'm part of this together with my wife.

I'm glad they chose better options and are seeing how rewarding that can be, although in life doing the right thing is not always rewarding. It's just what people do, I gues.
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Dentists are mechanics man. Trust me, I worked with them 17 yrs. they tell yu shit is wrong when nothing is and the mark up from labs, forget about it. I could tell you stories you wouldn't believe about the dental world

Very true.. I have an uncle that's a dentist and I always went to him... but then I had trouble making an appointment one year and went to another closer to me dentist.. that rip off artist told me i had nine cavities.. i had never had a cavity so my uncle took a look and i had none. True.
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