Share Something Positive About You Day vs. Good Things Happen Everyday

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Went back to work this week and have been busy with some community responsibilities. It's great to be a trusted contributing member of society again. Though I've been so busy I have been staying up until two or three in the morning and am looking forward to sleeping in on Sunday...I'm exhausted!

I know the feeling. Hope you get better!
I had a late night swim in the salt water pool by my place. I'm not sore (yesterday was my first time back in awhile and muscle memory exceeded reality!) Tonight I swam longer and faster and feel great!
Beautiful sunny day. Going out for lunch with a couple of friends. Watching TV. Typical Sunday.
Went to graduation of my son's Junior high last night.
i got a fortune cookie that said something about finding treasures in unlikely places... from a brief conversation gained priceless knowledge, i'll say that was the treasure found this morning.
Used miles to get my mom a ticket down here for Christmas. I love spending time with my mom. We talk politics, we talk emotions, we cook and bake together and we play cards together (8-round Rummy game-- we have so much fun acting super competitive with each other). It is one of the reasons that I am loving being older--my mom and I are closer than ever. I can't imagine having such an uncomplicated relationship with her when I was young. I haven't needed her approval in so many years that I have forgotten how much that used to define the relationship. Sure, it sucks to grow old in a lot of ways, but there are so many gifts as well. This is my favorite one.:)
That's fantastic! I wish I'd have such a close relation with my mother.
We both really want that but time have distanced us.
^ fortunately with time she is also only a text away;)

I was ill last four days.. feeling much better now.. finally held down food.. grilled cheese and tuscan tomatoe soup from The Breakfast King in Denver... cant wait to take my kiddo for the grilled cheese:)

popped outta this sickness right well and cleaned the house of my days of filth.. back in action mf=D
Yes, few texts away. :)

Good that you are are feeling better and back to action! :)

Have had very productive days at work without the usual stress.
Hope that this lasts. It 'only' took us about 6-7 years. :\
I had great interactions with friends this morning and now I'm pushing through a desire to just be lazy. I'm not giving in to it.
^ It's all up to you.

Have had a great meeting this morning with our former team work.
Feeling good about tomorrow. And it's Friday! :)
Very good working atmosphere these past weeks. My vacation was finally approved! :)
^Such a relief to have a good atmosphere at work. Its crazy how toxic workplaces can become sometimes when it is obvious (or should be!) to everyone how much better they feel about going to work when they actually enjoy talking to the people they work with.
Very good working atmosphere these past weeks. My vacation was finally approved! :)

How lucky you are to work in a good atmosphere. I used to have a hard time waking up from my bed just because I didn't want to go there and spent my day in such a toxic inviroment the company I was working at was.
^ This is quite recent actually! I'm hoping that this lasts a bit longer, at least until the end of the year. Nevertheless, I hate waking up in the morning.
^Such a relief to have a good atmosphere at work. Its crazy how toxic workplaces can become sometimes when it is obvious (or should be!) to everyone how much better they feel about going to work when they actually enjoy talking to the people they work with.

^Some people just seem to enjoy seeing other people miserable. I don't get it at all.
^ Not me.

I believe the comment from herbavore was related to one post where I mentioned about my recent days with a great atmosphere at my job. And right after firmly agreeing with how crazy and toxic our work can become sometimes when it's obvious to everyone how much better we feel about going to work when we actually enjoy talking to people we work with. That was a wise comment by herbavore.

Anyways. I'm glad this weekend is coming and I can't wait to recharge my batteries. This week has been quite hectic but productive.
I feeling quite relaxed about having contributed with my share and developed a great teamwork after aiming this goal for such a long time.
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First post on here ,first day clean after methadone taper ,not feelin too bad,4hours kip,takin the kids to school later be nice to look the family square in the eyes!
Congratulations!! What a great day for you. :D
I have gone through this same battle over and over again and I know how you feel.
This can be the victory of your life and I am very happy to see you earning this right to get your life back. Kudos for you!
If you have gotten this far I'm sure you can handle the days yet to come. They are gonna be beautiful, but you will also be dealing with a lot of emotions.
Share them all, look for support groups like you have just done it and keep moving forward. You can do this!!
If you have any questions, we have a great team right here. Don't be shy and keep us posted!
You just made my day. Welcome aboard!! :) <3
Take care,
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