Share Something Positive About You Day vs. Good Things Happen Everyday

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What kind of mead are you guys talking about? Mead in its various forms is quite popular here in Scandinavia :)
My kids are for sure about the most difficult and definitely the best thing I've done with my life to date.. I was only 24 when my first came along. I've often wondered if it would have been better if I'd waited until the point of my life I'm at now, because I'm a totally different person to the madman I was back then. Somehow I've ended up with two polite, kind, intelligent sons though, another example of how lucky I've been in life.

What's positive about today? Mead! Delivered to my door courtesy of the awesome Amazon Prime. Yeah, mead! Love that stuff.. It's my present to myself for throwing my yearly massive bbq / pissup for all my friends and whatnot tomorrow. Fun shall be had. Meat shall be charred. Mead shall be drunk. :)

It's so true about waiting to have children makes you a better parent. I have a daughter who is almost 25 as well. I thought I was a loving mother to her, but now I compare the two, I know how truly terrible I was.

I have never tried mead. I saw a documentary on natural beekeeping where the guy made mead out of honey. Is that normally the base for mead, I suppose it's some sweet flavor kinda like cider. I've never gotten to try it but I love sweet tangy tasting stuff. Anyway off topic Lol.

Muzda I've read a lot of your posts and story. You sound like you've had an amazing career and life. So many people on here like toothpaste and CH and you who have such awesome life stories.

What's good about today, it's raining biblical-like here so no killer heat Lol! Seriously, I've got to brave flash flooding to pick up my daughter.
Alls I can say is that mead tastes AMAZING! It's an all or nothing, love it or hate it kind of thing IMHO. With the right spices it can truly be wonderful. One of the very few alcoholic beverages I enjoy. It has a really cool history too. But yes, enough of mead for now.
Alls I can say is that mead tastes AMAZING! It's an all or nothing, love it or hate it kind of thing IMHO. With the right spices it can truly be wonderful. One of the very few alcoholic beverages I enjoy. It has a really cool history too. But yes, enough of mead for now.

Me too, my bro from another mo.. I like the effects of alcohol (up to a point), but most of it tastes absolutely awful. As you say, mead is one of the few alcoholic drinks that actually tastes delicious. And that lovely silky texture on your tongue, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I think I might have a sneaky glass now.

MR - what different kinds of mead do you have where you are? Over in the UK, they add various spices and other flavours, but they're all basically fermented honey. The bottle I've got for tomorrow is labelled 'honey wine with a spicy overtone'. It tastes a bit different to what I usually get, but it's still delicious!

The best I've ever had came from a cider farm in the West Country. That stuff was unbelievable, they'd mixed it with a little cider and lemon. I was sad when that bottle was gone, it was the most delicious drink I've ever had.
Muzda, traditional Finnish mead is quite different than mead in UK as it is made from citrus fruits (lemon most often) and instead of honey we use farin sugar. There are often raisins added into it but not in every part of our country. Most often it is only ~1% strong but in some areas it is traditionally made stronger. It is usually produced for May Day celebrations but on some areas it is available during whole summer.

The mead in UK sounds for me like a traditional Viking mead which has been around much much longer than our mead which originates from 1700.
It's Friday :D

Had a long week of class 8-5, followed by 5-7 hours of reading and homework. Have not gotten much sleep this week, am looking forward to recovering and catching up this weekend.

Not complaining about the class - it's part of the certification program for Peer Support Specialist and usually the classes cost around $500 and they let join at no cost which I greatly appreciate. This is the first step in my journey into a career change. Very excited but, very anxious, very optimistic about the future.

Hope everyone had a good day as well!
I cooked a great dinner, really really like cooking its a new hobby.

Most of them do. Lucia and Nero are the big talkers, Virg is pretty good with her words too and it's so cute when she talks because lovebirds have this meek, softly sweet little talking voices most the time. Storm says a few words, normally when she wants something, treats, love, what what have you. Cassie has two phrases and those are "Thank you" and "Nope, sorry!" As for Yamato, he has a few words but his real talent is mimicking sounds. He loves to sound like my or my fiance's phone ringtone and, when we go to answer the phone the little green punk literally laughs at us! Mango, he knows how to call me and my fiance into the room by yelling "Mom!" or "Dad!" depending on who he wants but he doesn't have a lotta words to him yet. Just takes time, a LOT of time and encouragement, for some parrots to learn to really talk human and, for some, it just ain't their thing, so who knows if Mango will learn to speak better or not.

I love when birds get excited talking and their eyes dilate!
Birds are awesome =D
Another "deludgonal" day here. Lol. Gonna order a new phone this weekend, so excited!!

I found out my daughter had the highest score of her whole class in her kindergarten evaluation test today. Our family friend is her teacher and she wasn't "supposed" to tell me but she couldn't hold back. I'm just super proud.

All in all a very good day!
Landed a massive contract at work, reached 134 hours clean, made amends with a good friend... The list goes on. I'm still questioning if it was real or not. Being sober and getting all the feels all the time is...... Pretty amazing.
Landed a massive contract at work, reached 134 hours clean, made amends with a good friend... The list goes on. I'm still questioning if it was real or not. Being sober and getting all the feels all the time is...... Pretty amazing.

Ride that into the sunset and don't think twice ;)

I went to an AMAZING workshop with Dr. Rapgay from MARC/UCLA this morning. What an amazing dude, I it was even better than his workshop about vipassana integrated trauma therapy - this year it was all about vipassana to treat anxiety, which is more my issue (social phobia), so it was super, super practical.

Funny thing, I was working helping out at the event, so I ended up talking to a lot of the paying customers/participants in the workshop. People keep thinking I'm a professional psychotherapist, apparently I just give off that vibe. I don't know what to make of it, but I guess I can deal.
^ glad you enjoyed the event.

I worked on homework all day and got some stuff done. Still not caught up but progress has been made :)
Threw a big bbq for all my friends here yesterday. Was so good for the soul, as a single parent working full time I don't get to see my friends nearly as much as I would like to. Plus I love bbq cooking, I made my trademark jerk chicken which always goes down well.

A few glasses of mead aside, it was the most sober I've been at a social gathering in many years. It was great to feel great without it being chemically enhanced somehow. :)
mmmmm, jerk chicken!:) That sounds fun and delicious. I found that thinking I had to be high in some way to have fun in a social situation really was the "Emporer's new clothes" (do people still read fairy tales LOL?). In other words it was something that I believed so completely that had no basis in reality. When I stopped, I stopped everything and it was very freeing. Social anxiety is very real in your head but has no reality in and of itself.

I'm also glad you got some satisfying adult time in , Muzda. parenting is so all-consuming but the truth is that we do it better when our needs are being met.
Yeah - I know the emporers new clothes, good analogy! I'm lucky enough never to have suffered social anxiety specifically. Although benzos did give me nasty GAD after a couple of years, so I can quite see how horrible it must be. And you're right about the parenting thing. I love my kids, they are my world, but it's great to get some proper adult social time for a change. I guess I do get that at work too, but that's not the same as letting your hair down proper with the best of your mates.
Have met our Ladies football team. :) <3
Talented, beautiful, fun & clever group of girls.
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