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Shadiest spot you've done drugs... Vs solar eclipse

A lot of places. .
Key Bumps on the subway, smoked between subway cars. Lines of coke Bank Of America ATM somewhere near 8th ST
Hot Boxed in the Amtrak Train Shower, and took a shower even though I was not seated in that section of the train.
Sniffed lines of meth on the metal kitchen counter in airplane while servicing the airplane.
Walkin down the street to a club and getting picked up by strange guys who have me coke immediately upon getting in the vehicle then going bak to their apartment and trying to stretch my time and amount of coke I got until they asked for something in return from me and y friend then I said I it my period and that I immediately needed tampons and we left fucking shady....
snorting lines of mephedrone in the bathroom at a college telephone counseling job, I could hardly remember what I was doing I would get so anxious there. Used to smoke and do lines in cemetaries all the time. At that same job I would go to mcdonalds on break with mah crew and always rushing I could hardly pack a bowl by the time im in the drive thru already so Once I managed to rip my minibong right before pulling up to the final window, smoke literally spirals out of my car into the womans face. mad lols
Dropping pills behind police arresting people (for drugs offenses, whattaya know?!)
Snorted a line of K off a woodsaw on a roof of my friends flat, in all fairness I was fucked and could have rolled off and died but hey :)
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coke off the hood of a parked cop car. parked at the cop shop. not the smartest. but i got away with it.

a mate was up the x with a big bag pills off his head cops randomly stop him as he's walking the street. he pulls the bag out of his pocket gives it to the cops and tells them he just found the bag in a club and was on his way to the cop shop to hand in the pills. he got away with it - the pills
smoking heroin in toilets at work, shooting b at work, shooting b on the train, shooting b in public toilets, sniffing b in a park or alleyway, doing bumps of k in a taxi sitting next to the driver.

smoking weed everywhere. i used to be a bike courier and counted at least 40 places in W1 (west end, london) i'd smoked, used to do speed in clients toilets all the time.

i used to really like starbucks toilets for doing lines of b or speed as the top of the hand dryer or soap dispenser is flat metal 4x6 inches.
I smoked meth in the Vatican City. Also, in an alley that ended in a canal, in Venice, behind a pile of boxes. Also, in a vacant tent that was set up under the Eiffel tower at three in the morning. Also, in several parks in Italy. At the Colosseum, in Rome, too. And those are just the ones that aren't in the US, where I live. I had this reckless game going, where I tried to "tag" different spots. Sometimes I wonder why it took me as long as it did to get caught.
Doing coke, in the middle of one of the main streets in Tossa de Mar, with 3 other lads and 2 female coppers who were also joining in at about 6 in the morning
Smoked my bong in a church parking lot at like 2am in one of those housing areas were the cops always patrol and they residents call the cops over anything lol.
Did line after line after line after line of hydromorphone stuck in fourth of july fireworks traffic. Some bitch saw me and had her husband who was driving honk whenever I went down. So I very politely rolled down the window, flipped her off and told her 2 fuck herself then drove off while she was still trapped for probably a good nother hour (bad wreck).
Plugged in a mall parking lot (kinda gross but whatever lmfao)
Bong hits on my apartment front steps (in zi ghetto :p lol).
Others I can't remember lol oh well.
Fucking smoking weed as a kid in a house full of grown-ups.

I didn't do this, but I was in the car with three people who smoked weed at 4:00 pm on a Monday afternoon in the middle of town while driving. Sick.
Vaping meth off foil in a public bathroom at a park around 8pm with a friend on look out because there were kids on the playground. Felt like such a shit, haha.
Smoking weed on the ferry between Dover and Calais, smoking weed under a bridge next to an airport, smoking weed outside work, down ally's, down the highstreet, in parks, etc.

Doing lines of coke in the smoking area of a club.

Doing lines of k at my (old) job at the cinema.
Lines of Meth in a mall parking lot on a Friday night, so there was constantly people passing by :|
Smoked up at the student protests in london a couple of years back. Last year went to a number of university interviews on oxy,morphine, diconal the lot (as opiods just generally make me alot smoother) but made a few mistakes along the way like snorting those shitty blue etizolams that nicely dyed my nose for the duration of the interview. I rarely eat at KFC or macdonalds but having a milkshake after snorting heroin is one of my favorite things to do - too bad I snorted a little more than I could handle at the time and simply sat there for an hour nodding off in the booth.
I shot meth under this bridge downtown during this naked bike ride thing. I wasn't naked, but a bunch of naked bike riders saw me as I sat there and prepped, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable, and it took like five minutes for me to do my shot.
I brought a half bundle of dope into an airport with me in my sock one time but after getting through security I figured I was good to go so I took it out of my sock to put it in my pocket. Then when I was pulling my money out of my pocket to buy a drink at the terminal bar it fell out on the floor and landed next to a TSA agent's foot who was there buying lunch or something. I grabbed it real quick before he or anyone else noticed. Doesn't involve doing the drugs but it still sketched me out quite a bit.

Worst place I ever decided to do drugs was the time I failed to realize where I was when I decided to pull out a roach and start puffing on E st in Washington DC. I noticed it was a stupid spot when i realized I was about to walk past the J Edgar Hoover building. Luckily nothing happened but I can only imagine going down for that stupidity.

I've done shit in random parking lots or bathrooms, my friends and I used to do coke in the library at school, but I think the DC story was the worst.
I smoked a bowl outside of the computer lab in the academic quad at college. What made it shady was that it was in the middle of the day, and since my lighter was busted I followed someone that I saw with cigarettes outside, and I asked him if I could borrow his lighter at which time I used it to smoke weed. He actually busted out laughing, and said he would join in but was worried about getting drug tested for something.