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Sexual Preferences vs "Transphobia"

Isn't being fat a really roundabout way to get a kick, compared to drugs? Same for many things. I think drug abuse is underrated.

I've never really understood 'comfort eating' - buts that's probably because I smoke tobacco. My Mrs Comfort eats and hates herself for putting weight on - so she eats more.

But whereas she will reach for another bag of crisps for comfort, I'll roll another fag. Both very bad for your health.

But I don't moan about smoking... :\
Personally I've always had a question that I haven't had answered. I asked this question once on Reddit but never received an answer for whatever reason. I'm reluctant to ask it because it's rather personal and way outside my experience area.

It's sort of the reverse of this thread:

What are the sexual preferences of trans people? What are the dating strategies of a trans person?

Does a MTF trans woman go for cis men? Does a FTM trans man go for cis women? Or is it more open ended and ultimately about who is willing to give unconditional love?

I expect this to be a very sensitive question that may be difficult or uncomfortable to answer, and I mean no offense.

There was recently a story on Reddit about a FTM + MTF trans couple that ended up having a baby, and the father carried it to term. I thought that was rather cool/interesting.

IME, trans ppl are just ppl like us. Some are straight some are bi and some are gay. They’re just like us.
I personally would be hesitant to fuck a t-lady as I do not like fake silicone breast implants and I want to have sex with a lady with natural breasts and a natural vagina, not a physical and biological surgically altered man with a penis or a fake vagina made out of their lower intestine.
This to me as a bi guy depends. I also don't like silicone breasts, whether on a regular or a trans woman, but depending on how lucky someone is in the genetic lottery and how well the body responds to oestrogen, many trans women actually grow natural breasts. Also there's several surgical techniques that don't use intestinal tissue, and with a skilled surgeon you can get results that are almost indistinguishable from natal genitals unless you shoved your face right up there with a magnifying glass.
I wouldn't have sex with a trans 'man' as they are physically and biologically a woman or female, do not have an actual penis or testicles that look like, smell like, or taste, or work like an actual biological man's cock and balls, and the cosmetic removal of their/her tits with the scars when it is not for cancer is a major turn off.
Again I would say for me it depends. Phalloplasty is far less advanced than vaginoplasty because recreating a penis is in many ways more complicated, and only a few surgeries I've seen approximate a natural look. On the other hand chest scars won't always be present. With smaller sizes the tissue can be removed through lifting the nipple without a need for a double incision (I'm an intersex male who developed small breasts at puberty and this is the procedure I had, you can't tell my chest from that of any other man). While some men who aren't trans do have those scars in cases of severe gyneacomastia.

Yes I prefer the function and look of a normal dick, but I also would fuck a man who's had to have a reconstruction due to losing his dick to cancer or some accident, if I thought he was hot in general. So I'd also fuck a trans man with a phallo. (there's one fashion model for instance, he's smoking and I'd do him in a heartbeat Xd).

I'd like to ask how would you feel about sleeping with a 'standard model' man or woman who has surgically constructed genitals? For instance there's a rare birth defect where people can be born literally without them, called penile or vaginal agenesis. Would you be put off by that if the woman was otherwise super-hot? Would you also call her vagina 'fake' ? I find that term quite insulting because a genital construction or re-construction is still made from real flesh and blood and in many cases will have erotic sensation.

Personally I'd have no problem being with a GENUINE transsexual person (forget all the gender bender trenders), because those actually give off the 'vibes' of the sex they've transitioned to; so long as they've had the full procedure done because I'm not attracted to mix 'n match bodies.

PS also just for general info, several years of HRT actually changes the body in some quite fundamental ways. It changes fat distribution, skin texture, body odour and muscle mass. It even influences the way certain parts of your DNA are expressed so it's incorrect to say a fully transitioned individual is still identical to their birth sex. It's more like a medically induced state of intersex.

Biological sex is made up of several factors, namely chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal, genital and phenotypical sex. Chromosomal sex can' t be altered, gonadal sex can' t be altered but can be annulled through removal, hormonal sex CAN be changed (to the point where a transsexual woman with an oestrogen-dominant body will eventually be prone to health conditions typical of her target sex rather than her birth sex, and vice versa for trans men), genital sex can be changed through SRS, phenotypical sex can be massively influenced and in those who transition at puberty be made indistinguishable. Sorry for maybe getting overly medical but it's a medical condition and I'm the son of a surgeon Xd
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OT I actually arranged a date with a trans woman not that long ago... I thought why not? Then she stood me up ha. I have never been with anyone trans but I am personally am attracted to femininity, and I have seen many attractive looking trans women. I just don't know, and wouldn't until I was in the moment.
Sexuality is a spectrum, innit?
lol you got stood up during the first time you ventured out to try something newish. Not laughing at you but with you. Just was kinda ironic.
I've never really understood 'comfort eating' - buts that's probably because I smoke tobacco.
Famous appetite suppressant. Why you think so many models smoke like chimneys Xd
But comfort eating is very easy to understand. We need food to survive so it's already a prime motivator, plus the earliest experience of comfort we have is when we're being fed as infants. You're getting nourishment while also having a sense of being protected and cared for.
My Mrs Comfort eats and hates herself for putting weight on - so she eats more.
Yep, you eat to feel better, put on weight as a result, feel worse about your appearance, eat more to make yourself feel better.... is kind of like when you drink in order to forget about the fact you're a miserable loser drunkard. I've done both
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Indeed. I'm a very anxious person and over time I've started to avoid things simply for the fear of POTENTIALLY experiencing anxiety. It's illogical and arbitrary, it really stunts progress.

I've always equated the "fat acceptance" movement to drug addiction. If everyone needs to accept your body for the eating habits you have, then judging people for being addicted to meth or heroin is clearly junkiephobia.

Being overweight is due to food addiction, impulsive behaviors, and lack of discipline. It almost perfectly mirrors drug addiction.

When I made a post on reddit about this I seemed to offend A LOT of people. It's a reality people don't like to think about.

Yes, some people have slower metabolism and body types... well, some people also have different neurologies making them prone to drug abuse.

Beauty is subjective, not objective.
Body positivity... I kinda understand where this is coming from, girls feeling like shit because they were no Cindy Crawford, men ( at least this man here) feeling like shit for not having a 25 cm cock a la Rocco Siffredi, etc...but one thing is not be obsessed by crazy standards forced upon us, another is seeing someone killing himself with food and singing ' I love you just the way you are'. Following this warped logic my increasingly concerned wife does not really love me, the various gangs dealing coke down here accept me the way I am, so they are the real deal! I ve finally discovered what true love is, a polyamorous relationship with Bala na Cara ( bullet in the face) Anti Bala and os Manos, they might burn people alive for fun and play football with the head of their enemies but no one is perfect, they don t judge me ( as long as I pay) I don t judge them...
I am very much gay but I could see myself being with a trans guy if the situation was right.

It would obviously be an adjustment. But imagining the absolute perfect person for me...Handsome, great personality, similar interests, passes as a man in every sense other than their genitals. Would I let that be the dealbreaker? I don't think so, but maybe I'm giving myself too much credit. I guess it would be hard to say without actually going through it.
One question.

Could you see yourself getting it on with a biological male who's received a phalloplasty because he lost his penis or was born without one, if he was otherwise attractive -?
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What are the sexual preferences of trans people? What are the dating strategies of a trans person?
Same as anybody else's. Most are straight, some are gay, some are bi. Being pre-op though might necessitate a range of uncomfortable compromises.
Does a MTF trans woman go for cis men? Does a FTM trans man go for cis women? Or is it more open ended and ultimately about who is willing to give unconditional love?
If they're straight then yes, obviously. But if your body still has all the wrong characteristics and depending how strong your libido is, you may force yourself into a 'gay' relationship (MtF) or a 'lesbian' one (FtM) as the only way you're gonna get some action. Or you might play the role of your natal sex in a nominally straight relationship. Others may resort to T4T (exclusively dating other trans people) or resigning themselves to chasers. There's a stupid amount of men who have a specific thing for a 'chick with a dick' , but would go off that person the second she has genital reconstructive surgery. There's other men who are for some reason into someone with a male-looking body but has a vagina.

So unless you're happy with being a fetish object pre-op, or ok with being seen as lesser/a fake/an impersonator post-op, good luck.
Biology sucks and so do people.
I'm tired of the hair-splitting over words that is currently the social trend. It's exhausting and I'm not going to cater to it much more.
I can't be doing with the hair-splitting either, believe it or not.
You know EXACTLY what I meant when I called it a fake penis... which is that they weren't born with it.
Yep and ALL I said in response was, would you have the same reaction to somebody having undergone a phalloplasty because he either lost his dick or never had one. OF COURSE a phalloplasty doesn't look or work like a normal penis, what I'm pointing out is the fact that a phalloplasty is the same damn thing no matter the reason you had one ; ie being born without a penis, losing your penis, being born with female genitals, the end result is a surgical construction.
Or are you going to claim that a 50 year old who has had loads of plastic surgery looks like a natural, young beauty? Nobody would ever say that.
Strawman argument here, because nobody halfway sane in fact ever DOES say that.
II applaud anyone whose mental health is so messed up that they need to go through these transformations to feel close to normal... it can't be easy.
Just to make one point clear, it's not a mental health issue. It's more correctly classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder. There are sex-based morphological differences in certain areas of the brain ; brain scans have consistently demonstrated transsexual patients to match more closely the typical pattern of their target sex rather than their birth sex. There's also the wide-spread phenomenon of experiencing phantom genitals before surgery, while being unable to recall the physical sensation of having different genitals after surgery. That's to say the brain is literally hard-wired for an opposite-sex anatomy. Most available research points to hormonal imbalances during gestation as a cause.
That doesn't mean I am going to have sex with them or try to edit my own carnal attractions for them. Straight people have tried to oppress my homosexuality my entire life... it doesn't work. I won't now be dictated to again about who I "should" be into.
Obviously. Sexual attraction is innate and nobody is 'owed' attraction.
You really need to google phalloplasty and look at some pictures before you make such pronouncements.
As a matter of fact I have. And I wasn't making any general 'pronouncements'

I'm not going to have a deep, repetitive conversation with you about how phalloplasties are identical looking/feeling to real dicks because they're not.
I NEVER FUCKING SAID THEY WERE IDENTICAL. What deliberate misinterpretation of my words are you getting this from.
Pretending that a phalloplasty is identical to a natal penis
Again, I NEVER bloody did that.
My sexual orientation does not function that way and nobody is entitled to make me feel guilty about that.
Mine doesn't either and I agree.
PS I'm not trans in case you're wondering.
Fetish is fine. Trans people are fine; within the boundaries of their lives, imo. It's disappointing that the current, political zeitgeist is saying different because of the idpol-wars.

I don't agree with the below; pathologising individuals, in living their lives; however, I agree that the dominant political propoganda wave, that serves greed, is valid.

It's pathetic when political/big finance/med-tech-'philanthropic' powers/investors, have used it as an instrument, to fill an ideological- gap in society - to increase their shareholding power, through investment in these industries that are interested in little than being financially, parasitic. At the expense of many, including those that they are meant to represent.

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Famous appetite suppressant. Why you think so many models smoke like chimneys Xd
But comfort eating is very easy to understand. We need food to survive so it's already a prime motivator, plus the earliest experience of comfort we have is when we're being fed as infants. You're getting nourishment while also having a sense of being protected and cared for.

Yep, you eat to feel better, put on weight as a result, feel worse about your appearance, eat more to make yourself feel better.... is kind of like when you drink in order to forget about the fact you're a miserable loser drunkard. I've done both
Hmm what if you eat less or eat smaller meals but are not anorexic, bullemic, etc.? I do this both as dieting and when in grief, sad, or just not that hungry as I ate a small well balanced meal before.

My 1st bisexual ex BF he would get terribly depressed and sort of hole up at home and eat small meals, junk food, or avoid eating. My 2nd bisexual ex BF when he was in a depressive state he would completely stop eating, and when manic or in psychosis he would stay awake for days cooking or baking, buying everyone food, ordering in take away food, etc. He was not a binge eater or what is called a compulsive overeater or the opposite of an anorexic.
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Hmm what if you eat less or eat smaller meals but are not anorexic, bullemic, etc.? I do this both as dieting and when in grief, sad, or just not that hungry as I ate a small well balanced meal before.

My 1st bisexual ex BF he would get terribly depressed and sort of hole up at home and eat small meals, junk food, or avoid eating. My 2nd bisexual ex BF when he was in a depressive state he would completely stop eating, and when manic or in psychosis he would stay awake for days cooking or baking, buying everyone food, ordering in take away food, etc. He was not a binge eater or what is called a compulsive overeater or the opposite of an anorexic.
When I'm going through a depressive episode I either lose my appetite completely and just drink alcohol all day long instead of eating, OR while still not having the appetite for a proper meal will constantly graze. Half a sandwich or a packet of crisps here, a handful of biscuits or a bowl of cereal there; literally eating SOMETHING every single hour because it's vaguely comforting. Both aren't exactly great for my waistline.

PS you've also now made me paranoid by mentioning the bisexuality factor. I'm now starting to wonder whether we're uniquely neurotic.
Only mentally ill people will think that a man who doesnt want to have sex with a person who was born male, but changed gender, is a transphobe.

The whole political "extra" correctness to me is just, oof. Modern trend of virtue signaling "I CARE!!!"
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It's your thing
Do what you're gonna do
I can't tell you who to 'sock it' to"

Isley Bothers It's your thing lyrics circa 1969 ...

Yet, today it seems they can ...
Snafu in the Void said:
I think it's a stereotype that straight guys like lesbo shit

personally it does nothing for me

I don't like lesbian porn, either. The vagina is an internal organ. Vaginas feel better, but cocks are much better on screen IMO.

Particularly with oral sex. It's hard to see much (vagina wise) when there's somebody's head in the way.

I'd much rather watch solo women than lesbians.

Guys that like lesbian stuff tend to be more repressed from my experience and (this is an assumption) they have issues with seeing dicks on screen... because they don't want to jerk off while looking at a penis.
When I'm going through a depressive episode I either lose my appetite completely and just drink alcohol all day long instead of eating, OR while still not having the appetite for a proper meal will constantly graze. Half a sandwich or a packet of crisps here, a handful of biscuits or a bowl of cereal there; literally eating SOMETHING every single hour because it's vaguely comforting. Both aren't exactly great for my waistline.

PS you've also now made me paranoid by mentioning the bisexuality factor. I'm now starting to wonder whether we're uniquely neurotic.
Don't worry, I doubt someone's sexuality has much to do with their eating habits, eating disorders, etc.

I have done grazing as well as portioning but it is how I would eat at home and with other relatives. Not everyone eats the same type of food or meals. Now that fasting is in vogue I had a friend who while pregnant would, sometimes fast for 18-24 hours and her children are healthy, but her husband is weird and super controling and abusive in some ways. Even before they ever had any children he would put her on strict diets that she had to come home from work and cook while he had stayed home all day going out to pubs, smoking weed, and not working. I know she's an adult and it is her life and choice, but she has a,history of being with men who are abusive or treat her horribly, and stays with them. :-/
Anyway, I m convinced that this "if you don t sleep with a trans you are transphobic" BS is definitely the delirant product of a tiny but very vocal fanatical minority, many of which are not even trans but are "more papist than the Pope". I m sure that the majority of trans people are concerned by more pressing and real issues, like finding jobs outside the sex and porn industry, avoid transphobic violence, having real sentimental relationship rather than being objectified as a sexual fetish by a bunch of people looking for transgression, for something different or for taking a cock in the ass by someone that "has tits make up and stuff hence I m not really gay-bisexual, I m just curious !"
For instance as far as I know in this discussion there are only gay or bisexual or straight cis men with the exception of a brief appearance of a MtF trans. It would be interesting to hear what the trans members of BL (FtM or MtF) have to say about this (non ) issue. Transexual BLuelighters, manifest yourself!