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sex, love and relationships in the media. v. 1.0

I guess it's not the right word maybe. Because I wasn't referring to marriage really. More to do with the fact that generally male sexuality desires more than one partner at a time, which I think some people refer to as 'polygamous', as opposed to the more monogamous tendencies of females.

I dunno if this is unique to human males.

One could make a strong evolutionary argument that human females also have a biological incentive to more than one sexual partner.
Well I have heard that they're not monogamous in the way that we usually think, ie having a more hypergamous streak, so if left to their devices would be constantly going through what they would at the the time consider to be the most suitable partner.
...Huh...I'm not quite sure what to say to that...except that no one is ever getting near my eyeballs, ever Oo
if my girlfriend suddenly asked me to start licking her eyeballs Id be worried about here state of mind.I will only allow one area of my body licked in reference to the word balls ;)
Hahaha. Exactly :D

I mean I have enough trouble sticking fingers in my eyes to get my contacts in every morning, but someone else's tongue...*shudders*
I wear glasses at work to avoid other people's saliva from getting into my eyes. A filthy soup of bacteria and god knows what else directly onto your eyeball is a recipe for infection and blindness.
worse than blowing a load into someone's eye! think of all the germs lol. The most I'd ever submit my eye to is a spray of vicks when rolling balls.. now that can be fun :)
lolfuck, I've done this.

I had no idea that it was a thing though, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.
Stupid article made my browser crash. Couldda done without the pic too! Who thunk this up? Just crazy man. Well to each their own:)
Stupid article made my browser crash. Coulda done without the pic too! Who thunk this up? Just crazy man. Well to each their own:)

god-dam Daily mail. so many pictures on its homepage that it makes your browser go slow as fuck. although it has its benefits. if your into buying magazines,the kind you will find in your doctors office, then the daily mail is for you because 5o percent of its material is about celebrity's
yes, its true: australia is experiencing a "man drought"


IF YOU’VE been feeling a little lonelier than usual and wondering if all the men have disappeared, the good news is, it’s not all in your head — the bad news is, you are right. The men HAVE disappeared.
Six out of Australia’s eight states and territories are currently experiencing a man drought, according to McCrindle Research — and there are almost 100,000 more women than men.
“The man drought is a demographic reality,” says Mark McCrindle, a social researcher and demographer who analysed the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ data on the ratio of men to women across Australia’s regions.
“Australia has 100,000 more females than males even though there are more male babies born than females, and there are more males than females until around age 35,” he said.
One of the reasons we have a man drought is because men are increasingly heading overseas to work.
“The man drought is most evident during the working years — people in their mid 30s to mid 60s — and is a sign of the global workforce flow and the propensity of Australian men to take advantage of overseas work opportunities,” he says.
When you hit your mid 70s, the man drought becomes far more evident “as the longevity of women exceeds that of men. By the mid 80s, there are 50 per cent more females than males.”

Hardest hit states include Tasmania, where every single town is experiencing a man drought, and Victoria.
If you live in Victoria, you are unfortunately in the epicentre of the man drought. The state has 98 males to every 100 females, which might not sound like a huge difference, but means that across the state there are 58,399 more women than men.
“With the second lowest fertility rate in Australia, there are fewer births in Victoria (which is the source of more males compared to females) and an older median age (a driver of more females to males)” explains Mr McCrindle.
“Victoria has no male dominated sectors such as mining or defence, and as a state that has been the provider of much of the mining labour in WA, it leads Australia in the man drought stakes.”
So if Victoria has supplied Western Australia with men for the mines, does that mean good ol’ WA is abounding in men? The short answer is: Yes.

“The reliance of states like WA and the NT on mining and the dominance of males to females in this sector (85 per cent to 15 per cent) is the reason that there are far more men than women here,” McCrindle says. In fact, in the NT, there are almost 111 males to every 100 females. In WA, there are 102 males for every 100 females.
“In addition, the dominance of Defence bases in the top end, and the younger average median age of these areas (the older the people, the more likely the man drought) drives these demographics” says McCrindle.
There are also pockets of men in other states across Australia. In NSW, head to Singleton, where there are 5 per cent more males than females — and their average age is 33.
Queensland’s Mt Isa has 12 per cent more males than females, while Spring Hill has 27 per cent more men than women.
Whyalla in South Australia is one of the few towns not experiencing a man drought, with 241 more men than women. There may be a man drought, but there are men out there.


for the child bearing types

we gays call you all breaders! the more broken homes with a paying daddy the better?
