  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

scary video games?

Silent Hill 3 is the scariest game for some reason. Silent Hill 2 is the creepiest because of the plot. Both mind fucks that you will not be able to play alone in the dark with headphones for very long.

Silent hill 2 is the only really scary game that I can remember playing. It scared the shit out of me back in the day though haha
Original Alien vs Predator was scary (in a jumpy way) when it came out.. but it just doesn't have the same affect these days..
Dark Souls isn't scary per se, but some of the rougher fights are just brutal, I can imagine on shrooms or cid, possibly a 2c you'd shit bricks when a centipede demon tried to high five you. It's as if every thing in the world is pissed and you are on the menu. Nothing holds back, once you get to the real meat of the game, it's hard to put down.

It has a certain feel to it. I found it scary in ways. Like I was scared for my life because of all the work I had done to get to a certain point. Yes, very hard to put down. I played nearly 100 hours in less than two weeks... One time about 30 hours in less than two days. Beautiful game. One of the only games to make me say "incredible". The only, in memory. I might purchase it at some point, to continue leveling up and playing through the "New Game +" dealios... I enjoy the coop. But PVP is annoying, to me. I'm not good. I have no magic. I get owned by shockwave, backstab, etc. Anyways, the game is a different kind of scary. I died so much because I was scared to approach things. Shield up constantly at times. I think a lot of what makes that game hard is the fear you have of dying... because it happens so freaking much. Kind of a loop, I guess. Can be.

From Software can make some interesting games.

King's Field games, what this felt like to me after playing it for some time, that were on the Playstation consoles, made me jump quite a bit. The dark dungeons... creepy skeletons, traps the spring out from the wall and instantly kill you. The slowness of it. The music. Like you said, not "scary" per se... but for me the difficulty of it just makes you afraid... on the edge... tense.
Silent hill 2 is the only really scary game that I can remember playing. It scared the shit out of me back in the day though haha

I was about 15-16 when I played the first silent hill, it scared me, felt good when I finished it.

Never played 2 or 3, but keen on getting a copy of the HD compilation, looking for some nostalgia.