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Say something you can't say to their face

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Can't say it to the person's face because I don't know her anymore and we've moved to different places and there's no means of communication, even in this facebook age, ha!

"I'm over you."

"You were a baby living off your parents. I had to deal with things on my own and I'm still paying the consequences for that- so yeah, I was justifiably stressed when we were together."

"You never knew anything... You never had or could support any opinions of your own."

"When we were together, you just copied me. Lived in my life."

"How's life??? You thought you were going to be this super special famous person but you're just a boring idiot like everyone else including me. At the end of our relationship, you thought you were SO MUCH better than me. How's life? and this bullshit thing we call the "real world"?

"I'm glad I'm not with you anymore. I'm glad I'm not with anyone. Fuck the games and the bullshit."

...being in a relationship, you're just as alone as when you're not- to think otherwise is to believe in a temporary illusion that could be shattered at any moment beyond your control and for any stupid reason even something as small as someone getting "bored".
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You need your head examined if you think I would ever condemn myself to a relationship with you. You need your head examined in any case. Please direct your efforts toward someone with which you have something in common. You make it difficult to be your friend.
When I hold your hand, or we hold each other at night, I am so very overwhelmed with feelings of love for you. If you put me in a room with a hundred men blindfolded, I am sure that I could pick you out just by the feel of your hands.
i am now emotionally aroused by the quality of your intensity

endless sadness wont eat itself- hurry up and chew biatch
remember 2 februarys ago when u were busy chatting up every insecure waitress in your path via text and i saw the texts in your phone and acted like a 15yr old and called one to see how far it had went and she told me to ask my husband... no? oh thats cuz i never told u i found out about that and i didnt feel the need to find out how far anymore.. well that following weekend when i went on that mandatory ski trip with my company i fucked the hell out of my younger millionaire boss that had been chasing me for years and it was fucking great so thanks for the nudge pal your dinner is in the freezer... ps it was wicked cute a year late when we had the confessional talk and all u could bring to the table was that u had kissed one... step your skills up if you wanna play this game player cuz im kinda like the fucking coach at this point... pussy hahhahahha holy shit that felt good
to D: Even more than a year after last seeing you the thought of you and how you abused me emotionally through our sham of a friendship fills me with the sort of hate that I can only feel for you.

If you died I would probably feel relieved. If I had never met you I legitimately think I'd be a better person for it. My only solace is that I am not you, and I am not nearly so predatory. I still can barely do sleepovers. I can't get close to people because I'm afraid they'll do what you did to me. Of course, I'd never tell you that. I won't give you the satisfaction. I used to feel sorry for you. I read an old diary entry - the night I talked you down from suicide - so much EMOTION. I haven't felt that about another person since then - and we were just friends! I used to feel emotionally about all my friends. Now I can't. I think when I feel sorry for you again, it will be because I've finally gotten over the manipulative bullshit you put me through, and can once again see you for the truly sad shell of a person that you are.
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....it's almost impossible to find the 'right words' for someone who never did go out of their way to listen to a single thing I ever said.. and that's what hurts the most, having so fucking much I would like to say to your face but knowing that even if I could, even if you were right in front of me right this second... not a god damn word would matter even the tiniest bit. because you never truly cared for what I had to say. you only cared for finding ways to twist my words around to put the focus back on yourself...and not only would you obscure their meaning completely, you took delight in making me feel as though I didn't deserve to be heard, like I just about didn't even exist.

that's why my mind began to wander. that's why the ship began to sink. it is why I clung ferociously to my destructive habits, which were oh so comforting in their familiar feel. they were also an easy way for me to put my own impenetrable walls up to drown out your noise. but I was mistaken to have treated you, the way you were treating me. I just couldn't see it at the time, and by the time I realised I'd wrongly retaliated by bringing both of us down...the damage had already been done.

the most tragic ending imaginable, I think.
I was locked up and knew you were the neihbourhood slut.
You sucked and fucked so many dicks you didnt care how old or how many dieseases they had,
As long as you had a cock in your cunt,arse or mouth you loved the attention they gave you,
You loved the taste of cum they shot into/on you and swolleo'd everr drop rubbing your pussy,
Thats why i pissed in your mouth when you sucked me so hard ....bitch
Ha Ha your anal prolapse is funny now.
It's a shame it all went down hill after your dad died. And it's a shame that the way you have decided to cope with the grief is to sleep around more than is good for anyone, but can I blame you? I will let you grieve, and I will be there throughout. Maybe one day we'll be able to get things going again - if I can get over the amount of dick you've taken in the meantime. Love you always.
Ms.G you fucking impressed me this weekend than I can say to your face for fear of it seeming like empty flattery or hyperbolic sarcasm. But damn, you held it down and despite everything that came up which threatened to make this weekend suck balls, you just overcame it and made it one of the best times I've ever had. You are balling out of control recently.
You adore me and I adore you. I'll kick out the banker if you'll kick out the flight attendant. It was just dumbfuckery which didn't even result in more than a kiss.

You and I have so much more than that. We hold each other so gently. My only regret at present is that I am not laying against your shoulder. I am extremely proud of you. I wish you were right here, green eyes, I meant it when I said I love you in 2011's epic summer and I mean it even more now. You are a wonderful human being, a great executive, and I am proud of you.

Your eyes get so bright when you look into mine. You are precious. Buy me a fucking diamond already. That raise must go somewhere. I believe the children would approve of a sweet little brother or sister. So let's get married and get this crap over with. You'll gain a lovely wife, a house, a governess, a driver, a lover, a teacher, an executive, but most of all, a forever love.

I wish I did not have this level of shyness and that I could say this to you. I suppose the way my eyes will light up when I see you tomorrow will convey my emotions effectively. I simply adore you and I want for you to be my dream come true. <3
id kiss you that hard all over again.

i miss you.i miss our sex.

i can't wait to have you home <3


ps. not long nao.
It breaks my heart every time you treat me like a piece of dirt simply because I choose to smoke weed, even though it's much more effective than my horrible amphetamine based medications that have riddled me with horrible side effects through half of my entire life.

You tell me all the time how much I remind you of yourself at my age, the spitting image with pride in your eyes. And then you turn around and snarl, and judge and spit venom at me.

I've done everything you asked of me. I'm in my 15th year of school with no break (at your insistence) with consistently good grades and a bright future.

I don't think you have problems with me, I think you have problems with yourself. It truly breaks my heart.
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