Roll Call - California

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San Diego, Ca

But I live in Benicia, CA (THE BAY AREA, basically Vallejo) during summers and winter break.

Hit me up if you want:

Aim: Psilo707
--Whittier CA (562)

[email protected]

AIM- Bryrebar

and 21, o yea and i go to Cal State Fullerton which is just like Princeton for those who didnt knw :)
Hey, I never realized there were so many norcalers I didn't already know. Say hi anytime, AIM: mariposalillie. :)
well im back in cali but no longer san jose
its fresno now someone please save me from boredom
djdaz2o2 is my aim im somewhat friendly so dont be scared
I reside somewhere in California.
currently residing in southern california
aim name: liqwidheartbetz
Irvine right here. [inappropriate comment edited]
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I am back in Cali
/me flips the birdie at florida :)
oh and Daz im sorry you are so bored...mebbe florida wants you back ;)
TINK said:
I am back in Cali
/me flips the birdie at florida :)
oh and Daz im sorry you are so bored...mebbe florida wants you back ;)

maybe my foot wants you back :p

i think that sounded better in my head
anyways im allowed to be bored i dont see you helping at all
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