*Review* Sat. Feb 28, Indianapolis, FULL FLAVOR 7, LORI the HIFI PRINCESS

hopefully i'll be there if i can bum a ride...i'm a nomad these days *damnit* :(
im going to a pacers game saturday night now so who knows whats gonna happen. if i do make it, watch out for me
an hour till it starts and still no ride.... the luck i have :-/

The names Xander
thumbs up

Another awesome time at FF!~~

I'm glad that, on the last saturday of every month, I get to experience what it feels like when your face fucking hurts from smiling so much. It's a cleansing feeling, and all thanks to my new crush Lori the Hi Fi Princess's chunky funky techno set! She ripped it up, and her down-tempo demo she handed out is extremely good!

Thanks again Greg, and nice meeting you last night. Good to see/meet everyone!

Until next time Indy,
I had a great time! Hang'n with old friends and having a few drinks after a long week of work. Was well needed. Then moving the drunkenness outside in front of the bar for awhile was fun too. I didn't get to bed till 4:30am. Lori's set was really great and she very much looked like she was having a good time. Great girl too. I'm glad I finally got to see her spin! Thanks Greg!
quarters on the needles is a big "boo" tho... but i had fun, as always at the FF events.
seriously. that downtempo cd lori handed out is the shizzlenizzit.

and anyone who missed seeing her tattoo is feeling sad right now (beautiful work all down her side...purrr).

another great time, and thanks to everyone who participated in me getting shitfaced.
i showed up around 1240, walked around for about 30 minutes, realized i didnt know a soul, and left for fusion. i walked around and looked for you gusy and eyeballed everyone in there at least 3 times ( i know this because i was already trashed ) but didnt see anyone :(
i think there should be a crackdown on these underage kids! how about checking ID at the door for starters ;)