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Research Chemical News - Five teenagers charged with murder


Jun 19, 2013
Five teenagers charged with murder in Woodbury drug overdose [NBOMe]

Article by: KEVIN GILES , Star Tribune
Updated: May 28, 2014 - 11:17 PM

Angered by Woodbury girl’s synthetic LSD death, prosecutor called case “a message” to drug suppliers.

Five teenagers who prosecutors say were part of a Washington County drug-dealing chain were charged with murder Wednesday in the overdose death of a Woodbury girl.

Tara Fitzgerald, 17, died Jan. 11, just hours after taking a synthetic LSD tablet provided to her and a girlfriend by one of the defendants.

Washington County Attorney Pete Orput vowed Wednesday that the charges, which stemmed from tracing the drugs “up the distribution chain,” were a warning to drug dealers everywhere.

“We think there’s a moral obligation to keep kids free of drugs,” said Orput, visibly angry at the ongoing exchanges of deadly controlled substances throughout the metro area. “We’re sending a message that suppliers will be held fully to account.”

Just hours after charges were filed, Tara Fitzgerald’s parents spoke of their grief and all that they lost that winter night when their daughter’s sleepover with a friend turned into a tragedy.

Tom Fitzgerald said he and his wife, Mai Hoang Fitzgerald, are reminded daily of their loss when they go to the family mailbox to find more college recruitment letters addressed to their daughter, who was an honor student.

“The tragedy’s always there, but it’s accentuated every day,” Tom Fitzgerald said, struggling to understand how Tara, a happy overachiever, could have taken synthetic LSD. “The loss is so completely devastating that I don’t know how we’ll get over this.”


“We think there’s a moral obligation to keep kids free of drugs,” said Orput

Get real.. this idealistic thinking combines with the fact you don't have a chance in hell in preventing drug use, to produce a violent black market, where children take more dangerous chemicals, because the safer ones have already been banned on the grounds of false propaganda you made up and now belive. Now you throw these people in jail for murder and end up ruining five more lives on top of the one you failed to save and in reality share the blame from your utterly backfired policies.

You look like idiots and should be ashamed and embarrassed.
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Yeah it's sad for the deceased and her family and friends but charging some dealers with murder isn't going to help, as NSA it will just ruin more lives, people will still use and sell blotters (why do they call them tablets?)

I dont know how a murder charge can hold up in court on appeal tho, since the girl who died probably willingly took the drug and the people who sold it to her didnt mean for her to die or any harm to come of it.
I dont know how a murder charge can hold up in court on appeal tho, since the girl who died probably willingly took the drug and the people who sold it to her didnt mean for her to die or any harm to come of it.

(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.
(b) Whoever, without intent to cause death, proximately causes the death of a human being by, directly or indirectly, unlawfully selling, giving away, bartering, delivering, exchanging, distributing, or administering a controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $40,000, or both.


They made that law specifically for ODs. See it applied to 2C-E here:

The phrase "synthetic LSD" is angering up my blood :X

If you let ignorance anger you than your life probably won't be very pleasurable. Common sense isn't quite so common. Although they hopefully meant "mimic LSD" or something along those lines you can always trust the media to be misinformed. When I read an article about the nbome series I pretty much expect to see "synthetic LSD" at this point, the ignorance truly is that endemic.

High Times has a short article on this and even they referred to it as "a form of synthetic LSD."


This television news piece from May 15th on another -NBOMe death earlier this month was actually halfway decent for mainstream media. I was always surprised "N-Bomb" didn't catch on earlier or more widely. I guess the suburban white kids don't want their friends to think they are partying with any African Americans.
and local nightly news..

The pinnacles of intelligence and reliability in the drug world and beyond 8)

I'm not comparing High Times to a scholarly journal on altered states of consciousness, just saying that you would think the writers at a magazine devoted to getting high would know a little something about drugs. I mean, I think I've known that LSD itself is synthetic since D.A.R.E. class in like fifth grade.
Not cutting you.. we just see this same bullshit written time after time in the media. it just makes what ever else they say loose allot of credibility i think.

I guess the suburban white kids don't want their friends to think they are partying with any African Americans.

Is NBOMe big with the brothers?
I don't approve of the fact they sold her something she died from, however this girl was 17 and she has to have some personal accountability as well, and she did sadly pay with her life. That is the risk anyone takes in such a game.

Ironic that the FDA and big pharm release meds and "drugs" each year that kills tens of thousands of people as well. But those are "legal" deaths, so I guess it's justified.....**rolling eyes**

If the kids who sold it to her did not intend for her to die, and the pharm companies/FDA did not intend for patients to die, then truthfully whats the difference except for a man made written rule in the sand?
(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.
(b) Whoever, without intent to cause death, proximately causes the death of a human being by, directly or indirectly, unlawfully selling, giving away, bartering, delivering, exchanging, distributing, or administering a controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $40,000, or both.

That's fucked up. :(
A murder charge is bullshit. If it was being sold as LSD, maybe involuntary manslaughter charges would be appropriate, as he would have been knowingly endangering lives unless too stupid to know how dangerous a large overdose could be.

Synthetic LSD? All LSD is synthetic.

And NBOMe is not a drug - it is more a class of serotonergic psychedelics.
From reading on deaths, it seems 25I-NBOMe is the most dangerous one to see significant use. There is a pretty long list of confirmed deaths on Erowid, more than for any psychedelic I have seen on there.

I used 25C-NBOMe and it did not have bad side effects at a 4mg smoked level, raised my blood pressure briefly to the 150s/90s but it came down to normal within 10 minutes. Just over 6mg smoked at once raised my blood pressure to like 180/110 - too much to smoke at a time - but it quickly came down and was about normal within about 40 minutes. I could take a higher dose by splitting it 15 minutes apart and I've done up to 10mg in 3 smoked hits in under an hour - that was more intense than just about anything I have done, but there were few side effects. There has been 1 reported death with 25C-NBOMe - a 16 year old who likely snorted a huge dose even by my standards. I think I am a bit insensitive to it though as 1mg only produced a fairly mild-moderate trip.

I thought I had read somewhere a dose estimate of 80-200mg for the two teens, one of whom survived, but I can't find it now - maybe it was never there.
I don't know if the therapeutic index is higher or lower than something like 2C-C or 2C-I but it is probably the extreme potency causing a lot of overdoses. I'd like to try 25E-NBOMe after I read about it, if it sounds good.`

That's fucked up. :(
Agreed - though if the drug was misrepresented as LSD, that would be endangering lives knowingly - some people may take a whole 10-strip of LSD and if it was some research chemical, it should be a crime (just the misrepresentation, not drug dealing and use). People who misrepresent drugs (PMA sold as MDMA, fentanyl as heroin, I remember a case where animal de-wormer medication was sold as heroin, killing several people - that kind of reckless disregard for the life and safety of others would warrant at least involuntary manslaughter as a charge, in my opinion).
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Wow, that's harsh.

or to payment of a fine of not more than $40,000

Hopefully they get that part. Which is probably very unlikely..

Here in Aus not too long ago they charged a guy with supplying the same stuff (nbome) to a guy who jumped off his balcony and died, but in court the charges were dropped because the drug wasnt illegal at the time, it now is tho.

Charges dropped over death of Sydney teen who 'wanted to fly' after taking fake LSD

A Sydney man has been cleared of supplying a synthetic drug to a schoolmate who jumped to his death after taking it, because the drug was not illegal at the time.

Tzu-yang Fang was charged with supplying the drug to Henry Kwan who jumped from the third-floor balcony of his family's Killara home in June last year.

The 17-year-old had taken a form of the drug NBOM-e, which mimics the effects of LSD, and thought he could fly.

Henry's mother and sister were home when he jumped off the balcony, telling them he wanted to fly.

The court heard that forensic analysis had proved the drug supplied was not illegal at the time.

Magistrate Roger Brown agreed to the recommendation and the 18-year-old walked free a short time later.

Unfortunately we're talking about a minor. If the dead person was 18 the cops would not be looking for anyone else to blame.
Oh yeah. Someone needs to invent a really cheap and good tester that can tell you if a blotter is lsd or nbome or whatever else they put on them. There is some reagent but I heard it's not too great and it doesn't seem very popular like the other 'ecstasy' test kits.
I'm sorry for the girl.

I don't approve of the fact they sold her something she died from

You don't "approve"? You're under the illusion that someone gives a shit about what you think of their personal drug consumption, and that you have some kind of right to pass judgment? Fuck off cunt

Of course no one meant for her to die, they just wanted to have a good time. It's sad and legalization + proper harm reduction and the spread of information could prevent this in the future. As compared to ruining the lives of 5 people which won't do anything to reduce drug use anywhere. Unfortunately that's not the way it works.
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One thing I notice is when the media print something incorrect about pot that pot heads get riled up and dozens of them send Emails to the media. Users of psychedelics on the other hand seem afraid the NSA are going to come after them or something. If you don't like the media calling it synthetic LSD then tell them that. Coming here to complain to the 5 percent of the internet that actually knows the difference is pointless. We are losing the war of information on this subject. Pretty quickly too.
(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.
(b) Whoever, without intent to cause death, proximately causes the death of a human being by, directly or indirectly, unlawfully selling, giving away, bartering, delivering, exchanging, distributing, or administering a controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $40,000, or both.

Up here it's just called drug induced homicide. Couple of my old friends got charged for a heroin OD and if I remember correctly they got 10yrs and 14yrs. They were home in 4 and 6 years. If you play the game, you'll do the time. Seriously doubt the kids in the article will ever sell lame ass LSD imitation doses again.
That's bullshit, nobody should ever be charged with murder unless it was directly caused by the perpetrator.