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Recommend a Documentary v. David Attenborough!

The Paedophile Hunter

This one-off observational documentary follows controversial online vigilante Stinson Hunter and his associates, who pose as underage children on social networking sites in order to identify and draw out men they assert have paedophilic predilections. Self-styled 'undercover journalist' Hunter and his team engage men in conversation online on 18+ sites, while pretending to be children, then lure them into meeting. The unsuspecting men arrive at the predetermined address to be confronted by Hunter. He and his team show the 'mark' the evidence of their online, text and phone conversations and film the ensuing interrogation.

Hunter informs the men he will hand this file to the police and he will be posting the confrontation and evidence online. Multiple Bafta Award-winning director Dan Reed (Terror in Mumbai, Legally High) captures the 'catches' from Hunter's initial introductions online through to the final confrontations. In this extraordinary documentary, Reed explores the shocking scale of the problem of online grooming and the complex relationship between the vigilantes, the police and people who use social network sites to groom underage children. He also looks into Hunter's troubled past and his motivation for catching sexual predators, challenging him on his actions, which can have devastating consequences for the men when he posts videos of them online.

Currently 4.09/5
(54 votes)
Released: October 01, 2014
Genres: Documentary

This was pretty full on. It's very sad how many (mostly) older men are attracted to the idea of meeting an under age person for sex. I wonder why they do, I can't imagine, have they got some mental issue? The police do not seem to be able to keep up at all, so in some ways it's great that there are people doing this, but it can have some very real and long lasting consequences for the perp, but they all seem guilty as hell, even tho they try and say some bullshit to try and justify it, you can check some of the videos of the stings on facebook as well -

https://www.facebook.com/stinsonhunterofficial (in the video section).

What's in my baggie?

--- Contributors ---
• "Adam Auctor" (Bunk Police, Founder)
• Hamilton Morris (VICE, Science Editor)
• Sean Dunagan (DEA, Former Senior Research Specialist)
• Patrick Murphy (University of San Francisco, Professor)
• Krystle Cole (NeuroSoup.com, Founder)
• Diane Goldstein (Redondo P.D., Retired Lieutenant Commander)
• Missi Wooldridge (DanceSafe, Executive Director)
• Alexander Spit (Songwriter, Producer)

--- Background ---
According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, over 250 new drugs have been discovered since 2009.

There are so many different psychoactive drugs floating around that people don’t even realize the complex nature of the current situation.

To document our findings, we filmed substance test kit results at music festivals, as well as interviews with harm reduction organizations, law enforcement officials, and distributors of these illicit substances.

We quickly discovered that most of the time people were surprised to find that their bag of drugs was not what they paid for.

i had been wanting to see this since it was mentioned in DiTM. it was refreshing to see that more people are becoming aware and interested in knowing exactly what substances they are ingesting, as opposed to simply taking their dealers word as bond. it was a little disappointing to see that after being confirmed that a substance was infact adulterated, people openly admitted to reselling it to someone less knowledgeable. then again, its the nature of the game; i guess. it pays to test your drugs.

A reagent test will not tell you exactly what is in your pill/powder/crystal but it will give you an indication. For full analysis you would need to get the stuff tested with GC/MS machine.

It was a good watch tho, and it's great to get the HR advice out there to test your shit.
one minor gripe with the documentary. was i alone in thinking the term "bath salts" was thrown around too liberally?

i was grateful that hamilton morris really touched base on rc analogs and their definitions as opposed to simply stating "its yellow! its bath salts".

on bl most of us are much more educated on what drugs are out there than the general populace, most people probably haven't heard of methlyone, cathinones or rc stims, empathogens. so i guess thats why they use the term 'bath salts' just to indicate the research chemicals that can be in 'molly' when its bunk
I watched - HairKutt (2005) recently and thought it was pretty cool.

"Man, I'm hurtin'! I'm bleeding inside," moans Bryant "HairKutt" Johnson, as he writhes in agony on his bed, going cold turkey from a 15-year heroin addiction. There's no pusher standing by to give him a fix, no doctors or nurses to help him, no clinic to check into. He's cared for, instead, by three of his closest friends - and their video camera - in a remote cabin, 500 miles away from his home in the streets of inner-city St. Louis. These men have traveled to the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee on a noble, yet dangerous mission: to help Johnson kick his habit the hard way. This shocking REEL LIFE documentary follows them on their heart-wrenching journey. Tough love reaches new depths as HairKutt attempts to escape the cabin while delirious, and then deteriorates into a life-threatening stage of withdrawal.

I'm sure a lot of you guys have already seen this, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. From award winning film-maker Kirby Dick, 2006's censorship doco, "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" explores the hypocrisy of censorship in cinema. Like most American documentaries, it's biased and unbalanced. But, it's clever enough to warrant a viewing. It's not a great documentary, and I don't entirely agree with the politics it puts forward, but it thoroughly entertained me nonetheless.

The director, Kirby Dick, hires a private investigator to uncover details about the anonymous men and women of the MPAA's censorship board. Towards the end of the film, he submits his first edit of "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" to the board for review. Guest interviews include: John Waters (discussing the censorship process as it applied to "A Dirty Shame"), Matt Stone (discussing "Team America") & Kevin Smith (who, unsurprisingly, comes across as an absolute douche bag).

I give it a (generous) 3/5 stars.
pedophile hunter, 3.5/5, it was entertaining in a sense to watch, but i think there is something perverse (ironic?) about being so overzealous about destroying potential pedophiles lives in that way, i think one of the guys committed suicide already, and the rest will have their lives destroyed. its like the guy has quit drugs and now is so bored he will do whatever to get attention and success even if its to the detriment of others.

hairkutt, 4/5, i wish i had friends like hairkutt, they showed some serious love trying to turn his life around the way they did (albeit a slightly misinformed manner). heroin withdrawal is a bit more brutal visually than i thought. it reminds me a bit of coming up on a high dose of nutmeg, whilst being in an extremely bad psychedelic trip. but its sad to see how bad the odds are stacked up against someone trying to kick. i kinda wished it had been able to be an ibogaine cabin week rather than cold turkey tbh. why is ibogaine illegal again? :p
Saw the paedophille hunter the other day, was deffo worth a watch

This is excellent
THE UNBELIEVERS (2013) - Official Movie Trailer (Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss)

'The Unbelievers' follows renowned scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss across the globe as they speak publicly about the importance of science and reason in the modern world - encouraging others to cast off antiquated religious and politically motivated approaches toward important current issues.
on bl most of us are much more educated on what drugs are out there than the general populace, most people probably haven't heard of methlyone, cathinones or rc stims, empathogens. so i guess thats why they use the term 'bath salts' just to indicate the research chemicals that can be in 'molly' when its bunk

while i agree with you mysterie; doesnt that somewhat defeat the purpose of harm reduction? what is the point of educating people, if you are spreading misinformation/propaganda (due to it being easier to understand)? blanket terms are what caused a flood of market issues/adulteration of substances in the first place.


ps. im adding hairkutt to this weekends watchlist. im yet to watch a documentary recommended by poledriver that i didnt enjoy.
I'm genuinely amazed by how many people like The Paedophile Hunter.

It's not a documentary, and it's contributing to the problem by burying it deeper in society. Anyone who believes this is actually going to contribute towards a solution is being naïve. Like the Drug War people. The documentary reveals nothing about any of their motivations. It doesn't expose the root of the problem. It doesn't show us inside the mind of the paedophile. The confrontations are poorly planned and badly executed. Stinson doesn't do his research in each case, instead relying on his "associates" to field all questions pertaining to the sting / entrapment / "investigation". In order to be fair in my assessment, I watched about ten episodes. They're all exactly the same. Stinson lying to the accused, offering them a false opportunity to redeem themselves before spitting in their face, while trying to provoke a negative reaction for ratings. I allow the word documentary to be stretched to breaking point, post Michael Moore. But this is the limit. How are these disconnected interrogations a "documentary"? (Let alone one worth recommendation or worth a high rating?)

pedophile hunter, 3.5/5, it was entertaining in a sense to watch, but i think there is something perverse (ironic?) about being so overzealous about destroying potential pedophiles lives in that way, i think one of the guys committed suicide already, and the rest will have their lives destroyed. its like the guy has quit drugs and now is so bored he will do whatever to get attention and success even if its to the detriment of others.

I appreciate the fact that you picked up on the hypocrisy and the questionable motives of the film-maker. But, I don't understand - especially, having done that - how you could possibly rate this 3.5/5? The camera work is shit. The questions Stinson asks are ill-informed (he often makes mistakes, case by case), he is clearly self-serving (repeating "my name is Stinson Hunter and I'm a famous journalist" in practically every "episode"), the camera/sound work is horrible (is their crew drunk or just incompetent?), and you acknowledge that the show has led to (at least) one suicide.

The people who's videos are still up on the site, according to the disclaimer at the end of each episode, have not been charged with any crime. Yet Stinson repeatedly tells lies to them, saying "You will go to jail. That's a fact. 100%." He keeps asking the same unanswerable question, "Why do you think it's appropriate to say things like that to a 11/12/13/14/15 year old boy/girl?" Even after most of them respond by saying it's not appropriate, he keeps asking them the question. It's not really a question. It's an attack. The entire show is passive-aggressive, bordering on aggressive. Stinson and his crew are bullies/thugs. Their behaviour (while arguably better than the behaviour of the people they're targeting) is utterly disgusting.

How is this (publically shaming people and, therefore, burying the problem deeper in society) contributing towards a solution? I watched the first episode with my girlfriend, who responded to this question by saying: "Well, they won't do it anymore." But, even if that was true (with all statistical/observational evidence pointing to the contrary), it's kind of like sweeping refuse under a rug. I guess, maybe, it makes people sleep better knowing that there are "examples being made of". But, really, how does this affect the future of sexual crimes? Will paedophiles see this sort of thing and suddenly become indifferent to / uninterested in their prey?

This problem has existed throughout history and, in order to solve problems of this deeply-rooted nature, we need to understand them. (As impossible as that might appear to be.) Personally, I felt sorry for the men that were confronted in this poorly-shot reality TV abomination. The Paedophile Hunter is not only a bad documentary, on a purely cinematic level: it's also unenlightened and counter-productive. The only possible impact that this sort of thing will have is reducing the transparency of paedophilia in this technological society. These people being on the surface, gives us an opportunity to learn something about why they do what they do.

Stinson is not interested in learning anything.

He is an immoral, talentless profiteer.

The Paedophile Hunter = 0/5
I'm genuinely amazed by how many people like The Paedophile Hunter.

It's not a documentary, and it's contributing to the problem by burying it deeper in society. Anyone who believes this is actually going to contribute towards a solution is being naïve. Like the Drug War people. The documentary reveals nothing about any of their motivations. It doesn't expose the root of the problem. It doesn't show us inside the mind of the paedophile. The confrontations are poorly planned and badly executed. Stinson doesn't do his research in each case, instead relying on his "associates" to field all questions pertaining to the sting / entrapment / "investigation". In order to be fair in my assessment, I watched about ten episodes. They're all exactly the same. Stinson lying to the accused, offering them a false opportunity to redeem themselves before spitting in their face, while trying to provoke a negative reaction for ratings. I allow the word documentary to be stretched to breaking point, post Michael Moore. But this is the limit. How are these disconnected interrogations a "documentary"? (Let alone one worth recommendation or worth a high rating?)

I appreciate the fact that you picked up on the hypocrisy and the questionable motives of the film-maker. But, I don't understand - especially, having done that - how you could possibly rate this 3.5/5? The camera work is shit. The questions Stinson asks are ill-informed (he often makes mistakes, case by case), he is clearly self-serving (repeating "my name is Stinson Hunter and I'm a famous journalist" in practically every "episode"), the camera/sound work is horrible (is their crew drunk or just incompetent?), and you acknowledge that the show has led to (at least) one suicide.

The people who's videos are still up on the site, according to the disclaimer at the end of each episode, have not been charged with any crime. Yet Stinson repeatedly tells lies to them, saying "You will go to jail. That's a fact. 100%." He keeps asking the same unanswerable question, "Why do you think it's appropriate to say things like that to a 11/12/13/14/15 year old boy/girl?" Even after most of them respond by saying it's not appropriate, he keeps asking them the question. It's not really a question. It's an attack. The entire show is passive-aggressive, bordering on aggressive. Stinson and his crew are bullies/thugs. Their behaviour (while arguably better than the behaviour of the people they're targeting) is utterly disgusting.

How is this (publically shaming people and, therefore, burying the problem deeper in society) contributing towards a solution? I watched the first episode with my girlfriend, who responded to this question by saying: "Well, they won't do it anymore." But, even if that was true (with all statistical/observational evidence pointing to the contrary), it's kind of like sweeping refuse under a rug. I guess, maybe, it makes people sleep better knowing that there are "examples being made of". But, really, how does this affect the future of sexual crimes? Will paedophiles see this sort of thing and suddenly become indifferent to / uninterested in their prey?

This problem has existed throughout history and, in order to solve problems of this deeply-rooted nature, we need to understand them. (As impossible as that might appear to be.) Personally, I felt sorry for the men that were confronted in this poorly-shot reality TV abomination. The Paedophile Hunter is not only a bad documentary, on a purely cinematic level: it's also unenlightened and counter-productive. The only possible impact that this sort of thing will have is reducing the transparency of paedophilia in this technological society. These people being on the surface, gives us an opportunity to learn something about why they do what they do.

Stinson is not interested in learning anything.

He is an immoral, talentless profiteer.

The Paedophile Hunter = 0/5

I dont agree with much you have said, and I think it's good to get awareness out there to more people/parents/g'ment that this is happening so much and it needs addressing.

I found it interesting and I liked the way it was done. I have near zero sympathy for those guys who were caught, they knew what they were doing.

3.5/5 sounds fair to me.
What don't you agree with? You said you liked the way it was done? Can you be more specific? The production values were horrible and the episodes were mind-numbingly repetitive. Nothing was revealed. (As for sympathy: I try to have sympathy for everyone, including Adolf Hitler.)
i guess i just found it entertaining, which is what it is. but at the same time it made me feel sick and disturbed by both parties involved in each encounter. tbh 2.5 or 3 would be a better score. cinematography is a very UK way of filming/editing.
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