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Reasons to keep marijuana illegal

This thread is lame .... OP has limited learning capacity and to much free time.
I posted this to learn from others. I never smoked cannabis before but I'm interested in it. Give me your wisdom oh great one. Thanks for judging me btw. Isn't the purpose of a forum to hear other opinions on an issue? I posted an anti legalization viewpoint to see people's viewpoints on the issue. This was purely academic for me and I don't understand the clear offensive against me man? Please list the criticism then instead of just making a statement based on nothing. If anything I'd think 8ft-Sativa has "learning capacity and to much free time" to reply to random people and basically call them stupid lol
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I think cannabis should be made legal, but only on the basis of public education.

At the moment you have one side who won't see anything bad said about cannabis. It's a miracle drug, there isn't any harm and it doesn't affect peoples lives.

Then you have the other side who see cannabis as an evil drug which ruins lives, causes mental health problems and all the rest.

In my opinion, it's a mix of the two sides and this can only really be presented to the public through proper education. Cannabis for some causes no problems what so ever, they can smoke all day everyday and never see any negative benefits. There are people who become dependant, their whole lives starting to revolve around getting high. An also those with previous mental health problems like anxiety etc or are predisposed to experience psychotic symptoms exacerbate them.

Some of these are down to the strains and the ratio of CBD/THC, especially when it comes to anxiety and these are things the public need educating about. Keeping it illegal just further pushes any education to the public underground, which just increases the negative impact cannabis can have.

Just from reading the cannabis forum on BL, it's a no brainer to how varying strains of cannabis affect people differently. Which is why I feel cannabis should only be made legal on the basis of public education. Too many times have I seen cannabis cause dependence in one person, were another will say well I've been fine, what's the problem. You either have the ignorant or the scared, we need a new group of the educated.

I personally smoked for years and years, never experiencing any problems except maybe a lack of motivation now and again. Recently I started experiencing panic attacks/anxiety after taking a 3 month break. Mainly because I started smoking again with sativa dominant strains which with racing thoughts and an overall head high, just exacerbated any anxiety I was feeling. I've personally never been a fan of sativas for that exact reason. I prefer the calming, body stone indicas give me which relieve anxiety.
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VOTE NO whenever you see marijuana legalization of any form on the ballot. I know everyone here will do the right thing!

1. Think of our kids.

I don't have any kids, and I don't give a damn about yours, MrNarc.

2. It's a gateway drug.

I walk through gates every day, bruh, still haven't tried heroin.

3. It kills brain cells.

Brain cells die all the time, guy.

4. It's an illegal drug.


5. Violent crimes are associated with it.

Violent crimes are also associated with minorities. Shall we criminalize them as well?

6. Marijuana edibles can be used as a "date rape drug"

Any psychoactive substance can be abused. It's up to the user to exercise moderation, control and responsibility, not the government.

7. Will intoxicate people on the roads.


8. It's bad for the health of people/public health.

Personal opinion.

9. If it's legalized you will see a HUGE drastic increase of public health problems.

Personal opinion.
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Will your kid be fine once they get a criminal record? Think about everything negative that comes with a criminal record man.

Why should I think about it? There will be plenty of time for my kids to think about their mistake while trying to avoid a reach around from Bubba in the holding cell.
The only valid reason is business but it's a better business when legal, so no there's no logical reason, just continuing with the war on drugs.
Why should I think about it? There will be plenty of time for my kids to think about their mistake while trying to avoid a reach around from Bubba in the holding cell.

lol you are such a good parent. How about every time your kids do something wrong you just invite "budda" over to give them some backdoor punishment lmao
I find it hilarious you took it seriously. lmao

The whole trolling thing .... I just find it really pointless on many different levels.

I mean is this how you spend your free time and did you actually find this really hilarious?

Honest question.
The whole trolling thing .... I just find it really pointless on many different levels.

I mean is this how you spend your free time and did you actually find this really hilarious?

Honest question.

Honest answer: sometimes.

Trolling can be fun. Not many people like you for it but I know firsthand it can be entertaining. It's more something that happens when you lack other things to do, though, not something that you actively try to accomplish throughout the day.
I expected more members of this board to see the satire before posting. Look at #4 and think for a couple seconds. I'm very baked but I still knew it from the start. And OP, it did make my day. I wish you the best in your smoke filled adventures some day.

All right.

Because we already got beer and tobacco while hocky on TV + sex is still free!

I say keep it illegal. If pot becomes legal millions of Americans will forget all about the injustices of the drug war. Hell I'd vote to make cigarettes and alcohol illegal too. Then everyone would be buying drugs on the black market and the environment would lend itself to experimentation. Want some cocaine to go with that 12 yr. old bourbon? Sure why not my good man I'm going to jail if they find the booze anyway.
I expected more members of this board to see the satire before posting. Look at #4 and think for a couple seconds. I'm very baked but I still knew it from the start. And OP, it did make my day. I wish you the best in your smoke filled adventures some day.

MrNarc's played this game before.

I don't mind it, really. Often I'm just as bored as he probably is.

I say keep it illegal. If pot becomes legal millions of Americans will forget all about the injustices of the drug war.

That's basically like saying "Let's keep fighting this war so that we can remember those that fought this war."

I see how you could come to that outlook... I just think it's jaded, and that's fucking strange to see me saying about somebody aside from myself, lol.


Oh! That could be an excuse to vent once in a while i suppose...

Fine, cool with me!

Today i'll argue cannabis must remain on chedule #1 simply because i know from personal experience that vaping often gives me involving hardons and i'm over 50+ (!) so... Imagine what would happen in a public place like McDonalds, with plenty of innocent children around (!!), each time a young adult junkie comes out of the men's room!!! The lack of words just prevents me from expressing all of the dismay i'm currently experiencing as i type!...

It's so UNFAIR to treat our beloved offspring in this undignified manner!

To be honnest i'm genuinely thinking Colorado may actually happen to endanger social peace for decades across the States and even beyond. Perhaps even the very survival of our way of life!!


Americans, Mexicans and Cannucks must UNITE to fight this evil danger awaiting on every school parking lot!

Please voice your fears when the next elections arrive, lobby in your local communities by harrasing political leaders so they enforce our laxist/contemplative laws to their full extent and tighten their grip much further by making it mandatory to tattoo every single drug sponge invading this sacred land that was given to us by divine intervention, because WE are worthy of him and not them!!


So my heart bleads and hence i say lets team up together like we once did, to fight communists by sending a man on the moon, for example! A continental intervention has become quite necessary, if not needed urgently, so it's going to require lots of public support and yet i'm confident there's still sufficient decency left on this land to address such threat definitively. Actually, i believe that short of killing those animals we must sterilize them:

Briefly put we have to be strong and have recourse to tough love in the utmost interest of everyone including those poor senseless addicts who turned themselves into wasted meat anyway. If at least they could serve their country by dying in wars conducted on the other continents!... But no, no such nuisible individual is even capable of human decency. Hence i'm urging the reader to demand justice and fairness, that wouldn't be a luxury in this society turned bad because of them!!

By chance a new project may arise in a close future that allows us to gain this war on 2 fronts: 1) destroy the plant's genome planet-wide by spraying GMO pollen everywhere; 2) develop a universal vacine during the 2nd phase which should be aimed at targeting a stoner brain's THC receptors so we finally starve them of any cannabis effects using the very poison they seem to cherrish almost like a religion. So pathetic...

AH! Now i really need to stop being bothered about such filth again, but at least i feel a tiny bit less weight on my shoulders thinking now in Canada cultivation of any cannabic garden is motive for mandatory imprisonment. Progress is made, slowly but steadily. So lets praise the Canadian conservatives leaders for allowing us to live honnest lives on Holy Harper land! May we all enjoy a same blessing.


Hoping that shall suffice for the time being... =D
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Ego I second you on the constant hard on...... It got one million times worse after a single forced 5 mg haldol injection that near killed me. Just being under sun light gives me a damn hard on. Aroused by life!
Egzo'.... That's some seriously smelly bullshit you're holdin' onto up there. I can't tell if you're sincere or not. :(