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Rate the substances you have used!

Dilaudid (4mg) - 9
Oxycodone (30-70mg) - 7
Hydrocodone (35-45mg) - 6
Morphine (40-80mg) - 6
Tramadol (300mg) - 4
Codeine (150mg) - 3

Ritalin (60mg) - 7
Adderall (40mg) - 6

Klonopin - 8
Xanax - 7
Ativan - 6.5
Valium - 5

THC - 5
Alcohol - 4
DXM - 5
tramadol - 9
codeine - 5
methadon - 8
valium - 4
xanax - 5
tetrazepam - 7
mephedrone - first time - 8, second time + - 4
mdpv - 9
speed - 7
m1- 5
cocaine - 5
ritalin - 8
amphetamin (medical use) - 10
dxm - 5
ketamin - 4
MDMA- 10!
shrooms- 9
DXM- 9
xanax- 8
demerol- 8
weed- 7
hydrocodone- 6
cocaine- 5
alcohol- 3
acid- 2 (bad trip)
benadryl- 1 (another bad trip)
flexeril- 0 itsabsolutely worthless.
*updating and changing out of bordome

lorazapam- 7
suboxone- (hard to say, capable of being a 10, but right now, a 7)
Tylenol 3- 3
flexeril-2 (for what it is)
concerta- 3 (but I took it orally, if I were to do it now, I'd bang, so I can't say this is a fair rating)
methadone- 6
LSD-5 (obviously havn't done enough)
Oxycontin I.V-6 (I enjoyed this high a lot, but with this ROA I think I actually kind of stiffed myself on it. the high is over too soon, and there is no real rush to make it worth shorting yourself for.)
Oxymorphone-9 (by far the best prescription opioid that I have tried thus far. I'm shocked that this is legal. The rush blows me off my seat and sends me into nods. WAY stronger than oxy)
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My ratings are of fun/euphoria (1st value) or significant utility (2nd value), with 10 being the best out of all the drugs I've done. So, when I list codeine or Dexedrine very high, that's likely because I've never had oxy or smoked d-meth. Utility can be chilling out for an interview, taking stock on one's life, reducing nausea, or whatever.

MJ (mids) - 7, 4
MJ (good shit) - 8, 3.5

Beer - 6, 3
Liquor - 6.2, 3
Klonopin - 4.5, 6

Hydrocodone - 9, 6
Codeine - 10, 6
Tramadol - 5, 4
Propoxyphene - 0, ???

Combined Amph. Salts - 5, 8
D-amph. (Vyvanse) - 6.5, 7
D-amph. (Dex IR) - 8.5, 5.5
Methylphenidate (Concerta) - 5, 6.5
Caffeine Drinks - 2, 3
Cigarettes - 3, 1

DXM - 7, 3
Salvia - 3, 2

LSD - 8.5, 6
2C-I - 7.8, 5

Promethazine - 3, 6
tobacco- 5
weed- 7
coke- 4
mdma/mda- 7
xanax- 3
klonopin- 2
lsd- 6
mushrooms- 10
codene- 4
darvocet- 5
hydrocodone- 8
oxycontin- 8
dilaudid- 10
salvia- 4
alcohol- 4
adderall- 5
ritalin (concerta)- 2
nutmeg- 2
cocaine 0
crack 3
xtc 9
speed 2
xanax 9
valium 8
rohypnol 6
clonazepam 8
phenazepam cant remember!
lsd 10
shrooms 7
heroin 10
heroin withdrawal -10
weed/hash 0
salvia 1
Alcohol - 3 (Not really my cup of tea drug wise but fun with others from time to time)

Caffeine - 1 (Uncomfortable sweaty jittery stimulation.. energy drinks are nice though :))

Cannabis - 8 (Nothing beats a nice fat bong rip of the high grade, especially when tripping)

Salvia - 6 (Frighteningly Intense but incredible stuff)

BZP, TFMPP + MCPP - 0 (Good god almighty is this stuff awful, uncomfortable stimulation and the worst comedown I have ever faced, 3 days of chills and depression from all 3, officially scared me off pills)

MDMA - 10! (What more can be said... ECSTASY IS THE SHIZ!)

Diazepam - 7 (My favourite benzo, relaxing and euphoric, works wonders for anxiety)

Codeine - 5 (A nice little treat, very euphoric on the odd occasion but usually too mild)

JWH-018 - 6 (Much more potent than THC imo, this stuff can put you in some shapes and cause massive anxiety)

JWH-073 - 4 (More cannabis-esque but too fiendish and just not as nice)

Amphetamine - 9 (Good old nuerotoxic fun, sex is just incredible on speed)

4-AcO-DMT - 10! (Beautiful beautiful compound, so comfortable and euphoric)

Mushroom's - 9 (Mushrooms will always have a place in my heart but I feel 4-AcO-DMT will be replacing them)

Methylone - 7 (Nice and euphoric MDMA-like buzz, however it only lasts about 2 hours and the crash is pretty rough)

Mephedrone - 8 (I like the stuff despite the dangers, more euphoric than methylone but has a nasty comedown when binging)

Butylone - 3 (Not the best, mild euphoria and stimulation)

Flephedrone - 5 (Great fun to snort, nice body high and relaxation, pretty groovy)

GBL - 7 (Nice and euphoric, can provide some horrible nausea on occasions tho)

Dextromethorphan - 8 (Only tried it once but from that single experience I would say that I prefer it over ketamine)

Ketamine - 7 (Still a newbie to k-ville, havn't holed yet, none the less enjoyable)

Nitrous Oxide - 7 (WAHM WAHM WAHM... if you know what I mean ;))

Mescaline - 10! (Only tried once but it was a beautiful experience, would repeat if it wasn't so expensive and dehydrated cactus didn't have to be consumed)

2C-E - 10! (Wicked stuff, had my one and only ++++ on 16mg, shame about the rough comeup, nausea and bodily tension)

2C-I - 9 (More 2C magic, not as powerful as 2C-E but still pretty fun, great for a fun day out with some friends)

2C-T-7 - 10! (Comfortable comeup, no nausea, nice bodyload and wicked visuals with an MDMA like euphoria... lovely :))

MDAI - 7 (A nice chilled out happy high which synergises nicely with weed)

O-Desmethyltramadol - 8 (The strongest opiate I have tried, cant get hold of it anymore [Thank God] Wickedly addictive and euphoric)

Amyl Nitrate - 2 (Meh nothing special here)

Dimethocaine - 1 (Gave it a 1 purely because I enjoyed the numbing effect snorting it provided, no other effects noticed, that was with a 200mg dose, what gives? dodgy batch?)

MDPV - 7 (Really nice stimulant for getting shit done or just brightening up your day, be careful you dont take too much or your gonna be one anxious mofo)

AMT - 7 (Odd stuff really, a bit too stimulating for my liking, I enjoy it much better when smoked)

Iprocin - 7 (Odd stuff once again, only tried it twice and still dont know what to make of it, saving what I have left for the iprocin/ketamine combo)

Miprocin - 4 (A 22mg dose of miprocin resulted in a panic attack as well as aches and pains in stomach and a rough bodyload, it is not something I will be taking again anytime soon)

Phenazepam - 3 (Handy for anxiety and comedowns but pretty lame otherwise)
Heroin (IV) - 11 :)
MDMA - 10
Ayahuasca - 10
Cocaine (IV) - 10
Oxycontin (orally) - 9
GBL - 9
Mushrooms - 8
Methamphetamine - 8 (would be higher on the list but for the crash..)
Amphetamine - 8
LSD - 8
DOB - 7
Weed - 7
Ketamine - 7
Crack - 6
2c-I - 6
Alcohol - 6
Benzos - 5
Nitrous - 5
DXM - 3
Vicodin - 3
PCP - 2
Salvia - 1 (eww!)
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MDMA - 10
Mushrooms - 10
LSD - 9
Coke - 8
Alcohol - 4
Weed - 2
Adderall - 7
Ritalin - 5
DXM - 4
Crack - 5 (only tried once tho, not really sure)
Vicodin - 8
Xanax - 5
Tobacco - 1
Nitrous - 6
Drug rating

I used to smoke pot daily in HS. After a while, all of my highs were full of paranoia, depression, and anxiety.

With that being said, I haven't been a daily smoker in 5-6 years, but I have smoked once in a while since then. Always with the same result, paranoia, depression, and anxiety.

That's exactly what happened to me with weed. Over the past 20 or so years I've helped smoke about 2 joints and just wanted to go to bed! :)

Someone asked you why if you liked opiates did you give pot a 0. I, personally, don't find that the high is anything alike either.

Alchohol 2
benzos 10
heroin 10 but I stay away
methodone 9
morphine 7
demerol 10
amphetamines 7 but can't find any good ones anymore
pot 0
ecstacy 0
lsd 2
mushrooms 5
opium 10
percocet 10mg 4...5mg 2 (high tolerance)
Poppy pod tea (when I get a source) Unrated

Somethings that I've done may be missing but best I can do!

Like Bill Clinton: I didn't inhale. And of course, don't do those kinds of things ANYMORE!!!!
Nitrous oxide-8
dexromorphan hydrobromide-5
carbon dioxide-4
amanita muscaria-3
Demerol - 10
Oxy - 10
vicodin 8 (via CWE 9)
xanax - 8 (also a very functional drug in lower doses)
restoril - 6 in high doses, (functional in 1 30 mg dose)
serax - 5 at 90mg (functional at 15 or 30 mg)
ambien - 5
good pot - 6 - higher with some vic
good hash - 7
coke - 9 (need benzos or all I want is MORE lol)
soma - varies - about a 7 when it works
flexeril - 3.5, 6 with pot (10 as a functional drug after workout injury, just not fun)
opium, smoking - 8
ritilin - 0 for fun, but a 10 as a functional drug to workout, do housework, study
X - 9
Heres my short list..1being the worst 10 being the best:
crystal meth-8
thats all I feel like listing for now
PEA after 1 week of deprenyl 10mg at right dose = methamphetamine rush like effect 10
PEA after 1 week of deprenyl 10mg at wrong dose = heart attack -10
Tobacco 10
Alcohol 6
Hydrocodone 8
Xanax 8
Cannabis 10
Lyrica 8
Soma 10
Ambien 5
Diphenhydramine 2
DXM 10
Cocaine 10
Codeine 3
Amphetamine 8
Methamphetamine - 10

Oxycodone: 6
Heroin: 8
Codeine: 2
Morphine: 5
Cocaine: 4
Crack: 9
Speed: 6
LSD: 7
Pscilocybin: 6
Cannabis: 1
Alcohol: 4
Ketamine: 7
DMT: 9 (scary but enjoyable, refreshing almost)
Mephedrone: 3
Nitrous Oxide: 4
Recreational value:1(worst)-10(best).
Propoxyphene-5(For the fact it was kind of fun when i was 12)
Morphine sulphate-9 (Tabs)
Hydrocodone-8 (tabs)
Amphetamine-10 (tabs/spanules)
Methylphenidate-5 (tabs/spanules)
Propylhexadrine-6 (nuff said)
Nitrous oxide-10
Meperidine-8 (capsules)

I dont think i left anything out lol
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