Rate the song above you (youtube) --- Part Deux Deux! (lol)

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Sounds great in Headphones, you really get to appreciate the panning effects. Not really my style, too slow, but I could see how this would be good if I was in a K-Hole or something. Doesn't seem to have much progression though, same beat throughout the first 2/3 of the song. 5/10

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPdtZ2toJEA Skazi's remix of "I Wish" by Infected Mushroom
fuck yea, i love this. i haven't heard it before but it reminds me of the dnb that got me into the genre back in the day. really feelin that chopped up think break and method man sample. 9/10

Jazzanova - I Can See (Doc Daneeka Dub-Bump Mix)


The whole 2disc compilation is fucking gold dude, check it out. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_n...field-keywords=jungle+sky+rock+&+roll&x=0&y=0

Another track off it: (I'll upload more to youtube)
Yellow Note - Sunshine
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