Rate the song above you (youtube) --- Part 2+2

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I thought my speakers were blown in the beginning, lol. I was lovin the quick bongo/conga cuts in the beginning. Once that first synth pad let loose and the squeals and vocal samples started, I knew I was in for a treat. From there, it felt like it kept building in intensity. Overall, That track had a very psy feel w/out succumbing to a lot of trance music's formulaic shortcomings.

Primordial Ooze - "Centered"
That was a real ear-tickler. I loved the crystalline synth arpeggios w/ delay and the hushed, affected vocal samples were like aural hallucinations. I would've like the bassline a little more forward in the mix b/c it sounded like there was some cool filter or waveshape modulation going on there. I don't really care for trance music a ton but can't deny the catchiness of that tune. I was really attracted to the outro.

SFX - "Allah Akbar"
I could rock out to this in any club, just not listening to it at home :p Even tho not my style I enjoyed. 6.5/10
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