Rate the song above you: non-electronic music

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5/10, I just couldn't really get into it. It wasn't bad, I just wasn't really feeling it. I thought some of the arrangements were pretty cool though.

5/10 like it listened to the whole thing . reminded me of a toned down modest mouse.
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6/10 I really liked the verses, plus the nostalgia factor seeing as this incarnation of Hole was going strong during the beginning of my junior high years (I think....?). The chorus really ousts Courtney as not the strongest singer, and it kind of sinks for me by the bridge.

I just listened to an entire album by this band tonight. I didn't like them prior to this, but a few songs won me over. Her is one - Metric - Void
oh my this is nice :D. it's been a months since i found band that i could really get into. why have i not heard of this band? anyways, the music was delightful and cheery. I wasn't too fond of the glitchy distortion in the beginning but the rest of the song was sublime. tasty goody indie music. its like a cheerier version of liliput. this will be on repeat for days.


Allo Darlin - Neil Armstrong
no song above me techincally but the allo darling il give a 9/10 really digging it now my hip hop submission
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CD failed by not rating the chip the rippa song, who ever the fuck that is

Shit nigga you blind?
Rate that shit, yo.

It was rated in the post above you

Disregard my post and the rap song I guess lol and we'll just have the next person who wants to post a song will just have to rate CD's first or I'll delete that shite
He edited his post after I made the post telling him to rate the above song.
You're a mod Bill, use your eyes! ;)
Well, I'm high and it's Friday, fuck you :]

Edit: And just so you tards see it, this link still needs to be rated


Can't be done. It scares me to death. How can a girl that young sound like that?!
Ok, ok, calm down. I'll give it a 10/10, because while it's not really my taste, anything else would be unfair.

Next One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFDaX2fb-CQ&feature=related
Zodiac - Diamond Shoes
They sound displeasing to me. If you don't like rap, I can give you another link, because you're so special to me <3
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